D. Brockhoff,
T. Friedrich,
N. Hebbinghaus,
C. Klein,
F. Neumann,
and E. Zitzler.
Do Additional Objectives Make a Problem Harder?.
In D. Thierens and others, editors,
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2007),
New York, NY, USA,
pages 765--772,
ACM Press.
] [bibtex-entry]
D. Brockhoff and E. Zitzler.
Dimensionality Reduction in Multiobjective Optimization: The Minimum Objective Subset Problem.
In K. H. Waldmann and U. M. Stocker, editors,
Operations Research Proceedings 2006,
pages 423--429,
] [bibtex-entry]
D. Brockhoff and E. Zitzler.
Improving Hypervolume-based Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms by Using Objective Reduction Methods.
In Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2007),
Note: To appear.
Martin Josef Geiger.
Proposition of the Interactive Pareto Iterated Local Search Procedure -- Elements and Initial Experiments.
In The Fourth International Conference on Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization: Late Breaking Papers,
Matsushima, Japan,
pages 19--23,
März 2007.
Martin Josef Geiger.
The Interactive Pareto Iterated Local Search (iPILS) Metaheuristic and its Application to the Biobjective Portfolio Optimization Problem.
In Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Multicriteria Decision Making (MCDM 2007),
Hilton Hawaiian Village, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA,
pages 193--199,
April 2007.
Note: ISBN 1-4244-0698-6.
Martin Josef Geiger,
Wolf Wenger,
and Walter Habenicht.
Interactive Utility Maximization in Multi-Objective Vehicle Routing Problems: A ``Decision Maker in the Loop''-Approach.
In Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Multicriteria Decision Making (MCDM 2007),
Hilton Hawaiian Village, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA,
pages 178--184,
April 2007.
Note: ISBN 1-4244-0698-6.
Martin Josef Geiger.
Bin Packing Under Multiple Objectives –- a Heuristic Approximation Approach.
In The Fourth International Conference on Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization: Late Breaking Papers,
Matsushima, Japan,
pages 53--56,
März 2007.
P. Perny,
O. Spanjaard,
and L.-X. Storme.
State Space Search for Risk-averse Agents.
In Twentieth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence,
pages 2353--2358,
E. Zitzler,
D. Brockhoff,
and L. Thiele.
The Hypervolume Indicator Revisited: On the Design of Pareto-compliant Indicators Via Weighted Integration.
In S. Obayashi and others, editors,
Conference on Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization (EMO 2007),
volume 4403 of LNCS,
pages 862--876,
] [bibtex-entry]
M. Basseur and E. Zitzler.
A Preliminary Study On Handling Uncertainty in Multiobjective Optimization.
In F. Rothlauf,
J. Branke,
S. Cagnoni,
and others, editors,
European Workshop on Evolultionary Algorithms in Stochastic and Noisy Environments (EvoSTOC 2006),
pages 727--739,
Marie-Jo Bellosta,
Sylvie Kornman,
and Daniel Vanderpooten.
Un cadre général pour les enchères multicritères.
In Proceedings RFIA,
] [bibtex-entry]
Marie-Jo Bellosta,
Sylvie Kornman,
and Daniel Vanderpooten.
An agent-based mechanism for autonomous multiple criteria auctions.
In Proceedings IAT 2006 (IEEE/WIC/ACM International conference on Intelligent Agent technology),
pages 587-594,
] [bibtex-entry]
D. Brockhoff and E. Zitzler.
Are All Objectives Necessary? On Dimensionality Reduction in Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization.
In T. P. Runarsson and others, editors,
Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN IX),
volume 4193 of LNCS,
Berlin, Germany,
pages 533--542,
] [bibtex-entry]
M. Calonder,
S. Bleuler,
and E. Zitzler.
Module Identification from Heterogeneous Biological Data Using Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms.
In Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN IX),
number 4193 of LNCS,
pages 573--582,
] [bibtex-entry]
S. Chakhar and V. Mousseau.
DMA: An algebra for multicriteria spatial modeling.
In B. Jiang and D.Z. Sui, editors,
Proceedings the ICA workshop on geospatial analysis and modeling, Vienna, Austria,
pages 155-185,
July 2006.
] [
] [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]
Salem Chakhar and Vincent Mousseau.
Generation of spatial alternatives based on a planar subdivision of the study area.
In Proceedings of the 2006 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Signal-Image Technology and Internet-Based Systems, Hammamet, Tunisie,
pages 78-87,
] [
] [bibtex-entry]
Katherine Daniell,
Nils Ferrand,
and Alexis Tsoukiàs.
Investigating participatory modelling processes for group decision aiding in water planning and management.
In Proceedings Group Decision and Negotiation International Conference,
pages 207-210,
Mohamed Farah,
Inès saad,
Camille Rosenthal-Sabroux,
and Daniel Vanderpooten.
A multicriteria framework for locating and retrieving crucial knowledge.
In IFIP International Conference on Creativity and Innovation in Decision Making and Decision Support,
pages 757-772,
] [bibtex-entry]
Mohamed Farah and Daniel Vanderpooten.
A multiple criteria approach for Information Retrieval.
In Proceedings International Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval (SPIRE 2006), LNCS 4209,
pages 242-254,
] [bibtex-entry]
L. Galand.
Recherche d'un chemin de meilleur compromis dans un graphe multicritère.
In 7ème Congrés de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision,
pages 121--136,
L. Galand.
Interactive search for compromise solutions in multicriteria graph problems.
In 9th IFAC Symposium on Automated Systems Based on Human Skill And Knowledge , 22-25 mai, Nancy, Elsevier,
L. Galand and P. Perny.
Search for Compromise Solutions in Multiobjective State Space Graphs.
In In 17th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence,
pages 93--97,
Martin Josef Geiger and Wolf Wenger.
A framework for the interactive resolution of multi-objective vehicle routing problems.
In Proceedings of the 7th EU/ME Workshop: Adaptive, Self-Adaptive, and Multi-Level Metaheuristics,
Málaga, Spanien,
16.--17. November 2006.
Martin Josef Geiger.
Foundations of the Pareto Iterated Local Search Metaheuristic.
In Proceedings of the 18. International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making MCDM 2006,
Chania, Crete, Greece,
June 19--23 2006.
A. Jiménez,
A. Mateos,
and S. Ríos-Insua.
Using a Combination of Weighting Methods in Multiattribute Decision-Making.
In H-D. Haasis,
H. Kopfer,
and J. Schönberger, editors,
Operations Research Proceedings 2005,
pages 767-772,
A. Mateos,
A. Jiménez,
and S. Ríos-Insua.
Imprecise Knowledge Management in Decision Making Problems.
In P. Isaías,
M. McPherson,
and F. Banister, editors,
Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference e-Society 2006,
pages 329-333,
A. Mateos,
S. Ríos-Insua,
and A. Jiménez.
Tratamiento de la Información Imprecisa en Toma de Decisiones Multiobjetivo.
In M.M. Cunha and A. Rocha, editors,
Actas da 1a Conferência Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologías de Informação,
pages 107-122,
L. Monte,
L. Håkanson,
D. Hofman,
J. Brittain,
E. Gallego,
A. Jimenez,
and G. Angeli.
MOIRA-PLUS: a Decision Support System for the Management of Complex Fresh Water Ecosystems Contaminated By Radionuclides and Heavy Metals.
In A. Voinov,
A. Jakeman,
and A. Rizzoli, editors,
Proceedings of the iEMSs Third Biennial Meeting: Summit on Environmental Modelling and Software,
M. Oztürk and A. Tsoukiàs.
Preference representation with 3-points intervals.
In Proceedings of ECAI-2006, Riva del Garda, Italy,
pages 417-421,
Note: August 28-September 1 2006.
Meltem Oztürk and Alexis Tsoukiàs.
Aggregating Preferences with Positive and Negative Reasons.
In Proceedings Multidisciplinary Workshop on Advances in Preference Handling in conjunction with ECAI 2006,
] [bibtex-entry]
Meltem Oztürk and Alexis Tsoukiàs.
Preference representation with 3-points intervals.
In proceedings of ECAI-2006, August 28-September 1,
pages 417-421,
] [bibtex-entry]
P. Perny and A. Rolland.
Reference-denpendent Qualtitative Models for Decision Making under Uncertainty.
In European Conference on Artificial Intelligence,
pages 422--426,
A. Rolland.
On bi-capacity-based concordance rules in multicriteria decision making.
In Bouchon-Meunier,
and Yager, editors,
In Modern Information Processing - From theory to applications,
pages 231--245,
A. Rolland.
Points de Référence en décision multicritère.
In ROADEF , Février 2006, Lille, France,
R. E. Steuer,
Y. Qi,
and M. Hirschberger.
Developments in Multi-Attribute Portfolio Selection.
In T. Trzaskalik, editor,
Multiple Criteria Decision Making '05,
pages 251-262,
Karol Adamiecki University of Economics in Katowice.
Marie-Jo Bellosta,
Sylvie Kornman,
and Daniel Vanderpooten.
A framework for multiple criteria English reverse auctions.
In Proceedings IAT 2005 (IEEE/WIC/ACM International conference on Intelligent Agent technology),
pages 633-639,
] [bibtex-entry]
Denis Bouyssou and Thierry Marchant.
An axiomatic approach to ELECTRE TRI.
In Jean-Pierre Barthélemy and Philippe Lenca, editors,
Advances in MultiCriteria Decision Aid,
pages 9-20,
ENST Bretagne.
] [bibtex-entry]
S. Chakhar,
V. Mousseau,
C. Pusceddu,
and B. Roy.
Decision map for spatial decision making and urban planning.
In Proceedings Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management Conference (CUPUM'05),
] [
] [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]
Krzysztof Dembczynski,
Salvatore Greco,
and Roman Slowinski.
Second-Order Rough Approximations in Multi-criteria Classification with Imprecise Evaluations and Assignments..
In RSFDGrC (1),
pages 54-63,
] [bibtex-entry]
Zhi-Ping Fan and Xia Chen.
Consensus Measures and Adjusting Inconsistency of Linguistic Preference Relations in Group Decision Making..
In FSKD (1),
pages 130-139,
] [bibtex-entry]
Mohamed Farah and Daniel Vanderpooten.
A multicriteria paradigm of relevance for the Web Information Retrieval problem.
In Proceedings IEEE Sciences of Electronic, Technologies of Information and Telecommunications (SETIT 2005),
] [bibtex-entry]
L. Galand.
Interactive search for compromise solutions in multicriteria spanning trees and paths problems.
In 61th Meeting of the European Working Group Multiple Criteria Decision Aiding, Luxembourg,
Martin Josef Geiger.
MOOPPS: An Optimization System for Multi Objective Production Scheduling.
In Proceedings of the Metaheuristics International Conference MIC 2005,
Wien, Österreich,
pages 403--408,
22.--26. August 2005.
Salvatore Greco,
Benedetto Matarazzo,
and Roman Slowinski.
Generalizing Rough Set Theory Through Dominance-Based Rough Set Approach..
In RSFDGrC (2),
pages 1-11,
] [bibtex-entry]
M. Oztürk and A. Tsoukiàs.
Preference on intervals: a general framework.
In Proceedings of the IJCAI-05 Multidisciplinary Workshop on Advances in Preference Handling, Edinburg, Scotland in conjunction with IJCAI-05,
Note: July 31- August 1 2005.
M. Oztürk and A. Tsoukiàs.
Preferences On Intervals: a general framework.
In Proceedings of the IJCAI-05 Multidisciplinary Workshop on Advances in Preference Handling, Edinburgh, Scotland in conjunction with IJCAI-05,
pages 156-161,
Roman Slowinski,
Salvatore Greco,
and Vincent Mousseau.
Multi-criteria ranking of a finite set of alternatives using ordinal regression and additive utility functions - a new UTA-GMS method..
In Practical Approaches to Multi-Objective Optimization,
] [bibtex-entry]
J. Spronk,
R. E. Steuer,
and C. Zopounidis.
Multicriteria Decision Analysis/Aid in Finance.
In J. Figuiera,
S. Greco,
and M. Ehrgott, editors,
Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis: State of the Art Surveys,
pages 799-857,
Springer Science.
Zeshui Xu.
An Approach Based on Similarity Measure to Multiple Attribute Decision Making with Trapezoid Fuzzy Linguistic Variables..
In FSKD (1),
pages 110-117,
] [bibtex-entry]
Zeshui Xu.
A Method Based on IA Operator for Multiple Attribute Group Decision Making with Uncertain Linguistic Information..
In FSKD (1),
pages 684-693,
] [bibtex-entry]
M.J. Bellosta,
I. Brigui,
S. Kornman,
S. Pinson,
and D. Vanderpooten.
Un mécanisme de négociation multicritère pour le commerce électronique.
In Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle, RFIA 2004,
pages 1009--1016,
Note: 28-30 Janvier, Toulouse.
Marie-Jo Bellosta,
Imène Brigui,
Sylvie Kornman,
and Daniel Vanderpooten.
A multicriteria model for electronic auctions.
In Proceedings 19th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing - SAC 2004,
pages 759-765,
] [bibtex-entry]
M.J. Bellosta,
I. Brigui,
S. Kornman,
and D. Vanderpooten.
A multicriteria model for electronic auctions.
In ACM Symposium on Applied Computations, SAC 2004,
pages 759--765,
Note: March 14-17, Nicosia, Cyprus, Accepted.
Imène Brigui,
Marie-Jo Bellosta,
Sylvie Kornman,
Suzanne Pinson,
and Daniel Vanderpooten.
Un mécanisme de négociation multicritère pour le commerce électronique.
In Proceedings 14ème Congrès Francophone AFRIF-AFIA de Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle,
pages 1009-1017,
] [bibtex-entry]
L.C. Dias and A. Tsoukiàs.
On the constructive and other approaches in Decision Aiding.
In C.A Hengeller Antunes,
J. Figueira,
and J. Clìmaco, editors,
Proceedings of the 56th meeting of the EURO MCDA working group,
pages 13-28,
CCDRC, Coimbra.
E. Gallego,
A. Jiménez,
A. Mateos,
T. Sazykina,
and S. Ríos-Insua.
Application of multiattribute analysis (MAA) to search for optimum remedial strategies for contaminated lakes with the MOIRA.
In Proceedings of the 11th International Congress of International Radiation Protection Association,
pages 269,
May 2004.
Martin Josef Geiger.
Randomised Variable Neighbourhood Search for Multi Objective Optimisation.
In Proceedings of the 4th EU/ME Workshop: Design and Evaluation of Advanced Hybrid Meta-Heuristics,
Nottingham, United Kingdom,
4.--5. November 2004.
Michel Grabisch.
The Choquet integral as a linear interpolator.
In UPMU 2004, Perugia, Italy,
pages 373-378,
O. Hudry.
Computation of median orders: complexity results.
In Workshop on Computer Science and Decision Theory,
pages 179-214,
Note: Annales du LAMSADE n° 3.
A. Jiménez,
LC. Rodríguez,
A. Mateos,
and S. Ríos-Insua.
A DSS for contracting of cleaning services in an european public underground transportation company.
In C. Henggeler Antunes and L. C. Dias, editors,
Proceedings of the 15th Mini-EURO Conference on Managing Uncertainty in Decision Support Models,
pages 36,
September 2004.
Christophe Labreuche and Michel Grabisch.
Partially Symetric Bi-Capacities in MCDM.
In SCIS Conference, Tsukuba, Japan,
A.V. Lotov,
A.A. Kistanov,
and A.D. Zaitsev.
Visualization-based Data Mining Tool and its Web application.
In Y. Shi,
W. Xu,
and Z. Chen, editors,
Data Mining and Knowledge Management. Chinese Academy of Sciences Symposium CASDMKD 2004, Beijing, China, July 12-14, 2004 series=Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence,
volume 3327,
pages 1-10,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
A. Mateos,
A. Jiménez,
and S. Ríos-Insua.
An interactive e-negotiation based on decision analysis.
In P. Isaías,
P. Kommers,
and M. McPherson, editors,
Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference: e-Society 2004,
pages 825-828,
July 2004.
IADIS Press.
M. Oztürk and A. Tsoukiàs.
Positive and Negative Reasons in Interval Comparisons: Valued PQI Interval Orders.
In Proceedings of IPMU 2004,
pages 983-989,
M. Oztürk and A. Tsoukiàs.
Modelling continuous positive and negative reasons in decision aiding.
In Proceedings of NMR 2004,
pages 321-326,
M. Oztürk and A. Tsoukiàs.
Modelling positive and negative reasons in decision aiding.
In Proceedings of Mini EURO Conference, Septembre 22-24 2004, July 4-9 2004,
Sanja Petrovic and Martin Josef Geiger.
A Fuzzy Scheduling Problem with Dynamic Job Priorities and an Extension to Multiple Criteria.
In Rob Meredith,
Graeme Shanks,
David Arnold,
and Sven Carlsson, editors,
Decision Support in an Uncertain and Complex World: Proceedings of the 2004 IFIP International Conference on Decision Support Systems (DSS2004),
Prato, Toskana, Italien,
pages 637--646,
1.--3. Juli 2004.
Note: ISBN 0-7326-2269-7.
S. Ríos-Insua,
A. Mateos,
A. Jiménez,
and LC. Rodríguez.
A multi-objective decision support system for optimization in engineering design.
In J. Marín and V. Koncar, editors,
ISC'2004 Proceedings, The International Industrial Simulation Conference,
pages 512-516,
June 2004.
A. Rolland.
On Bi-capacity-based Concordance Rules in Multicriteria Decision Making.
In International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems Perugia, Italie,
pages 209--216,
A. Rolland.
Une approche axiomatique des procédures d'agrégation de préférences avec points de référence.
In In Francoro , aout 2004, Fribourg, Suisse,
E. Zitzler and S. Künzli.
Indicator-Based Selection in Multiobjective Search.
In Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN VIII),
pages 832--842,
E. Zitzler,
M. Laumanns,
and S. Bleuler.
A Tutorial on Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization.
In X. Gandibleux and others, editors,
Metaheuristics for Multiobjective Optimisation,
Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems,
M.A. Aloulou,
M.Y. Kovalyov,
and M.C. Portmann.
Worst case performance evaluation of flexible solutions in single machine scheduling.
In Proceedings of Computing Engineering in Systems Applications -- CESA'2003,
pages in CD-ROM,
M.A. Aloulou and M.C. Portmann.
An efficient proactive-reactive scheduling approach to hedge against shop floor disturbances.
In Proceedings of MISTA'2003,
volume 1,
pages 337--362,
August 2003.
Note: To appear in the special issue of MISTA edited by Kluwer.
C. Bazgan,
S. Tuza,
and D. Vanderpooten.
On the existence and determination of satisfactory partitions in a graph.
In International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation, ISAAC 2003,
pages 444--453,
Note: LNCS 2906, December 15-17, Kyoto, Japan.
S. Bleuler,
M. Laumanns,
L. Thiele,
and E. Zitzler.
PISA --- A Platform and Programming Language Independent Interface for Search Algorithms.
In C. M. Fonseca,
P. J. Fleming,
E. Zitzler,
K. Deb,
and L. Thiele, editors,
Conference on Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization (EMO 2003),
volume 2632 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
pages 494--508,
] [bibtex-entry]
Kim Cao-Van and Bernard De Baets.
Consistent Representation of Rankings.
In Theory and Applications of Relational Structures as Knowledge Instruments,
pages 107-123,
] [bibtex-entry]
M. Ehrgott and X. Gandibleux.
Multiple Objective Combinatorial Optimization -- A Tutorial.
In T. Tanino,
T. Tanaka,
and M. Inuiguchi, editors,
Multi-Objective Programming and Goal-Programming,
pages 3-18,
Springer Verlag, Berlin.
S.C. Erbas.
Utilizing Evolutionary Algorithms for Multiobjective Problems in Traffic Engineering.
In W. Ben-Amur and A. Petrowski, editors,
Proceedings of the International Networks Optimisation Conference INOC 2003, Evry, October 2003,
pages 207-212,
Institut National des Telecommunications, Evry, France.
S.C. Erbas and C. Erbas.
A Multiobjective Off-line Routing Model for MPLS Networks.
In J. Charzinski,
R. Lehnert,
and P. Tran-Gia, editors,
Proceedings of the 18th International Teletraffic Congress -- ITC 18, Berlin,
pages 471-480,
Elsevier, Amsterdam.
S. Greco,
B. Matarazzo,
and R. Slowinski.
The axiomatic basis of Sugeno integral and associative aggregation operator.
In 4th International Workshop on Preferences and Decisions,
Trento, Italy,
pages 33-38,
September 2003.
E. Grigoroudis and Y. Siskos.
MUSA: A decision support system for evaluating and analysing customer satisfaction.
In K. Margaritis and I. Pitas, editors,
Proceedings of the 9th Panhellenic Conference in Informatics, Thessaloniki, Greece,
pages 113--127,
B.J. Hunt and M.M. Wiecek.
Cones to aid decision making in multicriteria programming.
In T. Tanino,
T. Tanaka,
and M. Inuiguchi, editors,
Multi-Objective Programming and Goal Programming,
pages 153-158,
Springer Verlag, Berlin.
A. Jiménez,
S. Ríos-Insua,
and A. Mateos.
Monte-Carlo simulation techniques in a multi-attribute decision support system.
In M. H. Hamza, editor,
Proceedings of the 12th IASTED International Conference on Applied Simulation and Modelling,
pages 85-90,
September 2003.
ACTA Press.
R.R. Joseph,
P. Chan,
M. Hiroux,
and G. Weil.
Preference constraints: new global soft constraints dedicated to preference binary relations.
In A.M. Frisch, editor,
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Modelling and Reformulating Constraint Satisfaction Problems: Towards Systematisation and Automatisation,
Kinsale, Ireland,
pages 104-109,
] [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]
A.C. Kakas and P. Moraï tis.
Argumentation based decision making for autonomous agents.
In Proceedings of AAMAS03,
pages 883-890,
ACM Press, New York.
Ch. Labreuche and M. Grabisch.
Bi-cooperative games and their importance and interaction indices.
In R. Bisdorff, editor,
14th Mini-EURO Conference on Human Centered Processes (HCP'2003),
pages 287-291,
May 2003.
F. Le Huédé,
M. Grabisch,
C. Labreuche,
and P. Savéant.
Multicriteria search in constraint programming.
In Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Integration of AI and OR techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimisation Problems, Montreal, Canada,
F. Le Huédé,
M. Grabisch,
C. Labreuche,
and P. Savéant.
Guidage d'une recherche multicritère en programmation par contraintes.
In Actes des 5e journées de l'association française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision, Avignon, France,
N.F. Matsatsinis and P. Delias.
AgentAllocator: An Agent-Based Multi-Criteria Decision Support System for Task Allocation.
In V. Marik,
D. McFarlane,
and P. Valckenaers, editors,
Holonic and Multi-Agent Systems for Manufacturing,
volume 2744 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
pages 225-235,
Springer Verlag.
Kaisa Miettinen.
Graphical Illustration of Pareto Optimal Solutions.
In T. Tanino,
T. Tanaka,
and M. Inuiguchi, editors,
Multi-Objective Programming and Goal Programming: Theory and Applications,
Berlin, Heidelberg,
pages 197--202,
P. Miranda and M. Grabisch.
p-symmetric bi-capacities.
In International Summer School on Aggregation Operators and their Applications,
Alcala, Spain,
pages 123-129,
July 2003.
G. Munda and M. Nardo.
Mathematical modelling of composite indicators for ranking countries.
In Proceedings of the First OECD/JRC Workshop on Composite Indicators of Country Performance, JRC, Ispra,
] [bibtex-entry]
M. Papadrakakis,
N.D. Lagaros,
and V. Sevastyanov.
A New Visualization Method of Multidimensional Numerical Models for Structural Optimization.
In K.J. Bathe, editor,
Proceedings of Second MIT Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics,
Elsevier, Amsterdam.
P. Perny and O. Spanjaard.
An Axiomatic Approach to Robustness in Search Problems with Multiple Scenarios.
In Proceedings of the 19th conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence,
Acapulco, Mexico,
pages 469-476,
A. Rolland.
Apport d'un point de référence pour l'agrégation de préférence.
In In actes de Ecole d'Automne de Recherche Opérationnelle,
J. P. Santos,
J. F. Oliveira,
M. A. Carravilla,
and C. Costa.
A Decision Support System for the Assessment of Higher Education Degrees in Portugal.
In European Sociaty for Engineering Education, SEFI2003 -- Global Engineer: Education and Training for Mobility,
Porto, Portugal,
September 2003.
M.A. Aloulou.
On the reactive scheduling design using flexible predictive schedules.
In Proceedings of IEEE SMC'2002,
pages in CD-ROM,
October 2002.
M.A. Aloulou,
A. Vignier,
and M.C. Portmann.
Construction d'ordonnancements flexibles pour le problème à une machine.
In Proceedings of ROADEF'2002,
pages 29-30,
February 2002.
M.A. Aloulou,
A. Vignier,
and M.C. Portmann.
Predictive-reactive scheduling for single machine problem.
In Proceedings of PMS'2001,
pages 39--42,
April 2002.
L. Amgoud,
N. Maudet,
and S. Parsons.
An Argumentation based semantics for agent communication languages.
In F. Van Harmelen, editor,
Proceedings of the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI-2002),
pages 38-42,
IOS Press, Amsterdam.
J.A. Ascough,
H.D. Rector,
D.L. Hoag,
G.S. McMaster,
B.C. Vandenberg,
M.J. Shaffer,
M.A. Weltz,
and L.R. Ahjua.
Multicriteria spatial decision support systems: overview, applications, and future research directions.
In iEMS 2002 Integrated Assessment and Decision Support,
Lugano Switzerland,
pages 175-180,
C.A. Bana e Costa.
Issues in facilitating bid evaluation in public call for tenders.
In F. Khosrowshahi, editor,
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Decision Making in Urban and Civil Engineering,
pages 703-709,
Note: CD-ROM edition.
V. Belton and J. Pictet.
Talking about the practice of MCDA.
In D. Bouyssou,
E. Jacquet-Lagrèze,
P. Perny,
R. Slowinski,
D. Vanderpooten,
and Ph. Vincke, editors,
Aiding decisions with multiple criteria. Essays in Honor of Bernard Roy,
pages 71-88,
S. Benferhat,
D. Dubois,
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P. Moraitis and A. Tsoukiàs.
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Preemptive Reference Point Method.
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Goal programming and heuristic search.
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NIMBUS -- Interactive Method for Nondifferentiable Multiobjective Optimization Problems.
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Group decision making and hierarchical modelling.
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Simulated Annealing for Multiple Objective Optimization Problems.
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Partial Logics and Partial Preferences.
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and S. Zionts, editors,
Multiple Criteria Decision Making: Theory and Applications in Business, Industry and Government,
pages 311-325,
D. Poole.
Decision-theoretic defaults.
In Proceedings of the Ninth Biennial Conference of the Canadian Society for Computational Studies of Intelligence,
pages 190-197,
Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco.
P. Serafini.
Simulated Annealing for Multiobjective Optimization Problems.
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making, Taipei-Taiwan,
volume I,
pages 87-96,
D. Vanderpooten.
Three Basic Conceptions Underlying Multiple Criteria Interactive Procedures.
In A. Goicoechea,
L. Duckstein,
and S. Zionts, editors,
Multiple Criteria Decision Making,
pages 441-448,
Proc. of the IXth International Conference on MCDM, Fairfax, USA,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
H.R. Weistroffer,
S.C. Narula,
and J.W. Kim.
A Comparative Evaluation of MADM Based DSSs.
In Proceedings of Tenth International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making, Taipei, Taiwan,
volume II,
pages 195-204,
S. Zionts.
The State of Multiple Criteria Decision Making: Past, Present and Future.
In A. Goicoechea,
L. Duckstein,
and S. Zionts, editors,
Multiple Criteria Decision Making,
pages 33-43,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
D. Bouyssou.
A Note of the ``Min In Favor'' Ranking Method for Valued Preference Relations.
In M. Cerny,
D. Glükaufová,
and D. Loula, editors,
Multicriteria Decision Making. Methods -- Algorithms -- Applications,
pages 16--25,
Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences.
J. Doyle,
Y. Shoham,
and M.P. Wellman.
A logic of relative desire.
In Methodologies for Intelligent Systems, 6th International Symposium, ISMIS 91,
pages 16--31,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
J.W. Grzymala-Busse.
On the Unknown Attribute Values in Learning from Examples.
In Proc. of the ISMIS'91 6th Int. Symp. on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems,
pages 368-377,
C. Henggeler Antunes,
J. Climaco,
and J. Craveirinha.
A Multiple Objective Linear Programming Approach to the Modernization of Telecommunication Networks, in Teletraffic and Data-Traffic - Socioeconomic Aspects.
In A. Jensen and B. Iversen, editors,
Proceedings of the 13th International Teletraffic Congress - ITC 13, Copenhagen,
volume 17 of North-Holland Studies in Telecommunications,
pages 369-374,
North-Holland, Amsterdam.
H. Katsuno and A.O Mendelzon.
On the difference between updating a knowledge base and revising it.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, KR'91,
pages 387--394,
Morgan Kauffamn, San Francisco.
M. Koksalan and Ö. Öden.
Visual Interactive Approaches for Bi-criteria Decision Making Problems.
In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Multiple Criteria Decision Support,
pages 94-98,
P. Korhonen.
Two Decision Support Systems for Continuous and Discrete Multiple Criteria Decision Making: VIG and VIMDA.
In A. Lewandowski,
P. Serafini,
and M.G. Speranza, editors,
Methodology, Implementation and Applications of Decision Support Systems,
volume 320 of CISM Courses and Lectures, International Centre for Mechanical Sciences,
Springer Verlag, Berlin.
A. Lewandowski and M. Granat.
Dynamic BIPLOT as the Interaction Interface for Aspiration Based Decision Support Systems.
In P.J. Korhonen,
A. Lewandowski,
and J. Wallenius, editors,
Multiple Criteria Decision Support,
pages 229--241,
Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg.
Note: Proceedings of the Workshop organized by IIASA and sponsored by IIASA.
W. Ogryczak,
K. Studzinski,
and K. Zorychta.
DINAS - Computer--Assisted System for Multi-Criteria Transportation and Location Analyses.
In S.G.. Akl,
F. Fiala,
and W.W. Koczkodaj, editors,
Advances in Computing and Information,
LNCS 468,
pages 216-224,
R. E. Steuer and L. R. Gardiner.
Concepts of the Reference Point Class of Methods of Interactive Multiple Objective Programming.
In A. Lewandowski,
P. Serafini,
and M. G. Speranza, editors,
Methodology, Implementation and Application of Decision Support Systems, CISM No. 320,
pages 245-270,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
R. E. Steuer and L. R. Gardiner.
On the Computational Testing of Procedures for Interactive Multiple Objective Linear Programming.
In G. Fandel and H. Gehring, editors,
Operations Research: Beiträge zur Quantitativen Wirtschaftsforschung,
pages 121-131,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
A. Tsoukiàs.
Una nuova assiomatica nella modellizzazione delle preferenze.
In Proceedings of the AIRO 91 congress,
pages 221-224,
E.L. Ulungu and J. Teghem.
The multiobjective shortest path problem: a survey.
In M. Cerny,
D. Glückaufová,
and D. Loula, editors,
Multicriteria Decision Making: Methods - Algorithms - Applications,
pages 176-188,
P.P. Wakker.
Additive Representations of Preferences, A New Foundation of Decision Analysis; The Algebraic Approach.
In J.-P. Doignon and J.-C. Falmagne, editors,
Mathematical Psychology: Current Developments,
pages 71--87,
Springer Verlag, Berlin.
M.P. Wellman and J. Doyle.
Preferential semantics for goals.
In Proceedings of the 9th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI91,
pages 698--703,
AAAI Press, Menlo Park.
V. Belton and S. Vickers.
Use of simple multi-attribute value function incorporating Visual Interactive Sensitivity Analysis for multiple criteria decision aid.
In C.A. Bana e Costa, editor,
Readings in Multiple Criteria Decision Aid,
pages 319-334,
E. Carrizosa,
F.R. Fernández,
and J. Puerto.
Determination of a Pseudoefficient Set for Single-Location Problem with Polyhedral Mixed Norms.
In F. Orban-Ferauge and J.P. Rasson, editors,
Proceedings of the Meeting V of the EURO Working Group on Locational Analysis,
pages 27-39,
J. Doyle.
Rationality and its roles in reasoning.
In Proceedings of the 8th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI 90,
pages 1093--1100,
MIT Press, Cambridge.
J. Doyle.
Rationality and its roles in Reasoning.
In Proceedings of the 8th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI'90),
pages 1093--1100,
MIT Press, Cambridge.
P. Korhonen.
The Multiobjective Linear Programming Decision Support System VIG and Its Applications.
In C. Bana e Costa, editor,
Readings in Multiple Criteria Decision Aid,
pages 471-491,
Springer Verlag, Berlin.
H. Rommelfanger.
FULPAL - an interactive method for solving (multiobjective) fuzzy linear programming problems.
In R. Slowinski and J. Teghem, editors,
Stochastic versus Fuzzy Approaches to Multiobjective Mathematical Programming under Uncertainty,
pages 249-262,
Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht.
M. Sakawa and H. Yano.
Interactive decision making for multiobjective programming problems with fuzzy parameters.
In R. Slowinski and J. Teghem, editors,
Stochastic versus Fuzzy Approaches to Multiobjective Mathematical Programming under Uncertainty,
pages 191-228,
Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht.
R. Slowinski.
FLIP: an interactive method for multiobjective linear programming with fuzzy coefficients.
In R. Slowinski and J. Teghem, editors,
Stochastic versus Fuzzy Approaches to Multiobjective Mathematical Programming under Uncertainty,
pages 249-262,
Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht.
J. Teghem.
STRANGE an interactive method for multiobjective stochastic linear programming and STRANGE-MOMIX its extension to integer variables.
In R. Slowinski and J. Teghem, editors,
Stochastic versus Fuzzy Approaches to Multiobjective Mathematical Programming under Uncertainty,
pages 103-115,
Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht.
A. Tsoukiàs.
Declarative Preference Modelling.
In Proceedings of the AIRO 90 congress,
pages 251-261,
D. Vanderpooten.
Multiobjective Programming: Basic Concepts and Approaches.
In R. Slowinski and J. Teghem, editors,
Stochastic versus Fuzzy Approaches to Multiobjective Mathematical Programming under Uncertainty,
pages 7-22,
Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht.
J.C. Vansnick.
Measurement Theory and Decision Aid.
In C.A. Bana e Costa, editor,
Readings in Multiple Criteria Decision Aid,
pages 81-101,
Springer Verlag.
Ph. Vincke.
Basic concepts of preference modelling.
In C.A. Bana e Costa, editor,
Readings in multiple criteria decision aid,
pages 101-118,
Springer Verlag.
C.A. Bana e Costa and C. Dinis das Neves.
Describing and formalizing the evaluation process of Portuguese navy officiers.
In A. Lockett and G. Islei, editors,
Improving Decision Making in Organisations,
volume 335 of LNEMS,
pages 355-369,
Springer Verlag, Berlin.
V. Belton and S. Vickers.
V.I.S.A - VIM for MCDA.
In A.G. Lockett and G. Islei, editors,
Improving decision making in organizations,
LNEMS 335,
pages 287-304,
D. Bouyssou.
Modelling inaccurate determination, uncertainty, imprecision using multiple criteria.
In A.G. Lockett and G. Islei, editors,
Improving Decision Making in Organisations,
LNEMS 335,
pages 78-87,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
R.J. Clinton and M. Troutt.
Interactive optimization: an optimal scaling and step sizing approach for the method of abstract forces.
In A.G. Lockett and G. Islei, editors,
Improving decision making in organizations,
LNEMS 335,
pages 58-67,
L.R. Gardiner,
A. Stam,
and E.A. Joachimsthaler.
Multicriteria issues in marketing: a sales resource allocation example and potential areas of future research.
In A.G. Lockett and G. Islei, editors,
Improving decision making in organizations,
LNEMS 335,
pages 224-233,
J.C. Gardner,
R.J. Huefner,
and V. Lofti.
An interactive multi-criteria model for audit workload planning.
In A.G. Lockett and G. Islei, editors,
Improving decision making in organizations,
LNEMS 335,
pages 234-243,
B. Karpak.
Multiple criteria decision support systems on microcomputers, an application in production planning.
In A.G. Lockett and G. Islei, editors,
Improving decision making in organizations,
LNEMS 335,
pages 254-263,
M. Koksalan and Ç. Beseli.
A Variation of the Methods of Zionts and Wallenius.
In B. Karpak and S. Zionts, editors,
Multiple Criteria Decision Making and Risk Analysis Using Microcomputers,
NATO ASI Series,
pages 283-291,
Springer Verlag.
P. Korhonen and J. Wallenius.
Observations Regarding Choice Behavior in Interactive Multiple Criteria Decision-Making Environments: An Experimental Investigation.
In A. Lewandowski and I. Stanchev, editors,
Methodology and Software for Interactive Decision Support,
pages 163--170,
Springer Verlag, Berlin.
Note: Proceedings of the Workshop sponsored by IIASA.
T.Y. Lin.
Neighborhood systems and approximation in database and knowledge base systems.
In Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems,
A.V. Lotov.
Generalized Reachable Sets Method in Multiple Criteria Problems.
In A. Lewandowski and I. Stanchev, editors,
Methodology and Software for Interactive Decision Support. Proceedings of the International Workshop Held in Albena, Bulgaria, October 19-23, 1987,
volume 337 of Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems,
pages 65-73,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
W. Michalowski and T. Szapiro.
A safe choice procedure in interactive programming.
In A.G. Lockett and G. Islei, editors,
Improving decision making in organizations,
LNEMS 335,
pages 454-461,
T. Mori and T. Murofushi.
An Analysis of Evaluation Model Using Fuzzy Measure and the Choquet Integral.
In 5th Fuzzy System Symposium,
Kobe, Japan,
pages 207-212,
Japan Society for Fuzzy Sets and Systems.
Note: In Japanese.
H. Nakayama.
An interactive support system for bond trading.
In A.G. Lockett and G. Islei, editors,
Improving decision making in organizations,
LNEMS 335,
pages 325-333,
M.F. Norese and A. Ostanello.
Identification and development of alternatives: introduction to the recognition of process typologies.
In A.G. Lockett and G. Islei, editors,
Improving Decision Making in Organisations,
LNEMS 335,
pages 112-123,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
W. Ogryczak and J. Malczewski.
On health care district planning by multiobjective analysis with the MPSX/370 package.
In A.G. Lockett and G. Islei, editors,
Improving decision making in organizations,
LNEMS 335,
pages 314-324,
W. Ogryczak,
K. Studzinski,
and K. Zorychta.
Dynamic interactive network analysis system.
In A.G. Lockett and G. Islei, editors,
Improving decision making in organizations,
LNEMS 335,
pages 444-453,
W. Ogryczak,
K. Studzinski,
and K. Zorychta.
Methodological Background of the Dynamic Interactive Network Analysis System (DINAS).
In A. Lewandowski and I. Stanchev, editors,
Methodology and Software for Interactive Decision Support,
LNEMS 337,
pages 195-201,
A. Pearman,
P.J. Mackie,
A.D. May,
and D. Simon.
The Use of Multi-Criteria Techniques to Rank Highway Investment Proposals.
In A.G. Lockett and G. Islei, editors,
Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, phvol. 335,
pages 157-165,
Springer Verlag, Berlin.
R. Ramesh,
M.H. Karwan,
and S. Zionts.
Performance characteristics of three interactive solution strategies for bicriteria integer programming.
In A.G. Lockett and G. Islei, editors,
Improving decision making in organizations,
LNEMS 335,
pages 472-485,
Y. Rommel,
D. Bouyssou,
and R. MacGilchrist.
Planning rehabilitation works on a sewer network.
In T.O. Barnwell, editor,
Computing in Civil Engineering,
pages 108--115,
American Society of Civil Engineers.
K. Sycara.
Argumentation: Planning Other Agents' Plans.
In Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI89,
pages 517--523,
Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco.
W. Szymanowski and W. Ogryczak.
The Analysis of Liquid Milk Supply to Urban Agglomeration by Bicriterion Linear Transportation Model with the MPSX/370 Package.
In A.G. Lockett and G. Islei, editors,
Improving decision making in organizations,
LNEMS 335,
pages 203-211,
D. Vanderpooten.
The use of preference information in multiple criteria interactive procedures.
In A.G Lockett and G. Islei, editors,
Improving Decision Making in Organisations,
pages 390-399,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
F. Aleskerov.
Man-machine system for a rational choice of nature conservation strategy of region.
In Preprints of III IFAC/IFIP/IFORS/IEA Conference on Man-Machine Systems,
Oulu, Finland,
V. Belton and S.P. Vickers.
V.I.S.A. -- VIM for MCDM.
In G. Lockett and G. Islei, editors,
Improving Decisions Making in Organisations,
volume 335 of Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems,
pages 287-304,
Springer Verlag, Berlin.
B. Fischhoff,
P. Slovic,
and S. Lichtenstein.
Knowing what you want: Measuring labile values.
In Tversky A. Bell, Raiffa H., editor,
Decision Making: Descriptive, Normative and Prescriptive Interactions,
pages 398-421,
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
S. French and D. Rios Insua.
Partial information and sensitivity analysis in multi-objective decision making.
In Lockett and Islei, editors,
Improving decision making in organization, Proceedings,
pages 424-433,
Note: LNEMS no. 335.
V.V. Podinovski.
Criteria importance theory.
In Lewandowski and Volkovich, editors,
Multiobjective problems of mathematical programming,
Note: Yalta USSR.
B. Schoner and W.C. Wedley.
Alternatives scales in AHP.
In Lockett and Islei, editors,
Improving decision making in organization, Proceedings,
F. Aleskerov and V. Vol'skii.
Choice of the best variants on binary relations and the extrimizational choice.
In Preprints of 10th World Congress on Automatic Control,
Munich, Germany,
G. Balestra,
A. Ostanello,
and A. Tsoukiàs.
Rappresentazione della conoscenza di un esperto di analisi multicriteri con tecniche di intelligenza artificiale.
In Proceedings of the AIRO 87 congress, Milano,
pages 379-394,
D. Bouyssou and J.-C. Vansnick.
A note on the relationship between utility and value functions.
In B. Munier, editor,
Risk, Decision and Rationality,
pages 103--114,
D. Reidel.
D. Dubois and H. Prade.
Fuzzy numbers: An overview.
In J.C. Bezdek, editor,
Analysis of Fuzzy Information, Vol.I: Mathematics and Logic,
pages 3--39,
CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
D. Dubois.
Linear programming with fuzzy data.
In J.C. Bezdek, editor,
Analysis of Fuzzy Information, Vol. III: Application in Engineering and Science,
pages 241--263,
CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
E.H Durfee and V.R Lesser.
Using partial global plans to coordinate distributed problem solvers.
In Proceedings of the 10th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI87,
pages 875--883,
Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco.
M.F. Goodchild.
Towards an enumeration and classification of GIS functions.
In International Geographic Information Systems Symposium: the Research Agenda,
pages 62-77,
M. Landry.
Les rapports entre la complexité et la dimension cognitive de la formulation des problèmes.
In L'aide à la décision dans l'organization, AFCET, Paris,
pages 3--31,
A. Ostanello and A. Tsoukiàs.
Analysis and simulation of transport demand and supply scenarios.
In Proceedings of XXVII European Congress of the Regional Science Association, Athens,
volume 2,
pages 285-294,
V.M. Ozernoy.
A framework for choosing the most appropriate discrete alternative multiple criteria decision-making method in decision support systems and expert systems.
In H. Sawaragi, Y., Inoue, K., Nakayama, editor,
Toward interactive and intelligent decision support systems: proceedings of the seventh international conference on multiple criteria decision making,
volume 2 of Lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems,
Kyoto, Japan,
pages 56-64,
Y. Shoham.
Nonmonotonic Logic: Meaning and Utility.
In Proceedings of the 10th International Joint Conference in Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI87,
pages 388--393,
Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco.
P. Serafini.
Some considerations about computational complexity for multiobjective combinatorial problems.
In J. Jahn and W. Krabs, editors,
Recent advances and historical development of vector optimization,
volume 294 of Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems,
A.P. Wierzbicki.
A methodological approach to comparing parametric characterizations of efficient solutions.
In G. Fandel,
M. Grauer,
A. Kurzhanski,
and A.P. Wierzbicki, editors,
Large-scale modelling and interactive decision analysis,
volume 273 of Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems,
pages 27-45,
Springer Verlag, Berlin.
S.K.M. Wong and W. Ziarko.
On Learning and Evaluation of Decision Rules in the Context of Rough Sets.
In Proc. of the ACM SIGART Int. Symp. on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems,
pages 308-324,
F. Aleskerov.
Procedures of multicriterial choice.
In Preprints of the IFAC/IFORS conference on Control Science and Technology for development. V.2,
Beijing, China,
F. Aleskerov.
Decision making procedures making use of voting procedures.
In Proceeding of the Conference on Complex Control Systems,
Varna, Bulgaria,
A. Bárdossy,
I. Bogárdi,
and L. Duckstein.
Composite programming as an extension of compromise programming.
In P. Serafini, editor,
Mathematics of Multi Objective Optimization,
pages 375-408,
Springer Verlag, Wien.
J. Doyle.
Reasoned assumptions and Pareto optimality.
In Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intellignce, IJCAI85,
pages 87--90,
Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco.
G.K. Kamenev and A.V. Lotov.
Interactive structured procedure of multiple criteria decision making based on Generalized Reachable Sets method.
In Multiciteria Mathematical Programming Problems. Proceedings of the Seminar Held in Moscow, Russia, on 3-5 April, 1985,
Moscow, Russia,
pages 51-54,
Institute for Systems Studies.
M. Kok and F.A. Lootsma.
Pairwise comparisons in a multi-objective energy model.
In Y.Y. Haimes and V. Chankong, editors,
Decision making with multiple objectives,
LNEMS 242,
pages 457-474,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
E. Sandewall.
A functional approach to non-monotonic logic.
In Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI85,
pages 100--106,
Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco.
J. Teghem and P.L. Kunsch.
Multi-objective decision making under uncertainty: an example for power system.
In Y.Y. Haimes and V. Chankong, editors,
Decision making with multiple objectives,
LNEMS 242,
pages 443-456,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
F. Aleskerov and V. Vol'skii.
Analysis of procedures in collective and multi-criterial decision making.
In Preprints of the Ninth World Congress of International Federation of Automatic Control,
Budapest, Hungary,
D. Bouyssou.
Decision-aid and expected utility theory: A critical survey.
In O. Hagen and F. Wenstop, editors,
Progress in utility and risk theory,
pages 181-216,
Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht.
V. Chankong,
Y.Y. Haimes,
J. Thadathil,
and S. Zionts.
Multiple criteria optimization: a state of the art review.
In Y.Y. Chankong, V., Haimes, editor,
Decision making with multiple objectives: proceedings of the sixth international conference on multiple-criteria decision making,
volume 1 of Lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems,
Ohio, USA,
pages 36-90,
M.A. Croon.
The axiomatization of additive difference models for preference judgements.
In E. Degreef and G. van Buggenhaut, editors,
Trends in Mathematical Psychology,
pages 193--227,
A.V. Lotov and H.M. Stolyarova.
Multiobjective Analysis of Forestry Management Models Using the Generalized Reachable Sets Method.
In M. Grauer and A. Wierzbicki, editors,
Interactive Decision Analysis. Proceedings of the International Workshop Held at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Laxenburg, Austria, September 20-23, 1983 series=Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems,
volume 229,
pages 236-247,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
H. Nakayama and Y. Sawaragi.
Satisficing Trade-Off Method for Multiobjective Programming.
In M. Grauer and A.P. Wierzbicki, editors,
Interactive Decision Analysis,
LNEMS 229,
pages 113-122,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
V.M. Ozernoy.
Generating alternatives in multiple criteria decision making problems: a survey.
In Y.Y. Chankong, V., Haimes, editor,
Decision making with multiple objectives: proceedings of the sixth international conference on multiple-criteria decision making,
volume 1,
Ohio, USA,
pages 322-330,
A. Tsoukiàs.
Analisi di un processo di decisione.
In Proceedings of AIRO 84 congress, Pescara,
pages 1011-1026,
A. Tsoukiàs and M. Villa.
Riflessioni su un processo di pianificazione territoriale: il caso della viabilità in Valle di Susa.
In Proceedings of Luoghi e Logos congress, Bologna,
pages 757-776,
J.-C Vansnick.
Strength of preference - Theoretical and practical aspects.
In J.P Brans, editor,
Operational Research, IFORS 84,
North Holland, Amsterdam.
V. Belton and T. Gear.
Series of experiments into the use of pairwise comparison techniques to evaluate the weights.
In Chankong V. and Haimes Y.Y., editors,
Decision Making with Multiple Objectives,
pages 375-385,
Springer Verlag.
D. Dubois and H. Prade.
Inverse operations for fuzzy numbers.
In Proceedings of IFAC Fuzzy Information, Marseille, France,
pages 399--404,
Pergamon Press.
E. Jacquet-Lagreze.
Basic concepts for multicriteria decision support.
In B. Fandel, G., Spronk, J., Matarazzo, editor,
International Summer School on Multiple Criteria Decision Making Methods, Applications and Software,
volume 1,
Acireale, Italy,
pages 11-26,
A. Ostanello.
Outranking Methods.
In B. Fandel, G., Spronk, J., Matarazzo, editor,
International Summer School on Multiple Criteria Decision Making Methods, Applications and Software,
volume 1,
Acireale, Italy,
pages 41-60,
S. Rios-Garcia and S. Rios-Insua.
The Portfolio Problem with Multiattributes and Multiple Criteria.
In P. Hansen, editor,
Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, vol. 209,
pages 317-325,
H. Schaeffers.
Design of computer support for multicriteria and multiperson decisions in regional water resources planning.
In B. Fandel, G., Spronk, J., Matarazzo, editor,
International Summer School on Multiple Criteria Decision Making Methods, Applications and Software,
volume 1,
Acireale, Italy,
pages 245-266,
Ph. Vincke.
Multiattribute utility theory as a basic approach.
In B. Fandel, G., Spronk, J., Matarazzo, editor,
International Summer School on Multiple Criteria Decision Making Methods, Applications and Software,
volume 1,
Acireale, Italy,
pages 27-40,
J.E. Ward and R.E. Wendell.
Characterizing Efficient Points in Location Problems under the One-Infinity Norm.
In J.-F. Thisse and H.G. Zoller, editors,
Location Analysis of Public Facilities,
pages 413-429,
North Holland, Amsterdam.
S. Zionts.
Multiple criteria mathematical programming: an overview and several approaches.
In B. Fandel, G., Spronk, J., Matarazzo, editor,
International Summer School on Multiple Criteria Decision Making Methods, Applications and Software,
volume 1,
Acireale, Italy,
pages 85-128,
J.P. Brans.
L'ingénièrie de la décision; Elaboration d'instruments d'aide à la décision. La méthode PROMETHEE.
In R. Nadeau and M. Landry, editors,
L'aide à la décision: Nature, Instruments et Perspectives d'Avenir,
Québec, Canada,
pages 183--213,
Presses de l'Université Laval.
D. Kahneman and A. Tversky.
The simulation heuristic.
In Slovic P. Kahneman D. and Tversky A., editors,
Judgment under uncertainty: Heuristics and biases,
New York,
pages 201-208,
Campbridge University Press.
M. McCord and R. de Neufville.
Empirical demonstration that expected utility decision analysis is not operational.
In B. Stigum and F. Wenstop, editors,
Foundations of utility and risk theory,
pages 181-199,
D. Reidel, Dordrecht.
L.G. Chalmet and S. Lawphongpanich.
Efficient Solutions for Point-Objective Discrete Facility Location Problems.
In Organizations: Multiple Agents with Multiple Criteria,
volume 190 of Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems,
pages 56--71,
Springer Verlag, Berlin.
L.S. Franz and S.M. Lee.
A goal programming based interactive support system.
In J.N. Morse, editor,
Organizations: Multiple agents with multiple criteria,
LNEMS 190,
pages 110-115,
P. Hansen and J.F. Thisse.
The Generalized Weber-Rawls Problem.
In J.L. Brans, editor,
Operational Research '81 (Hamburg, 1981),
pages 569--577,
North-Holland, Amsterdam.
P. Slovic,
B. Fischhoff,
and S. Lichtenstein.
The frame one adopts affects attitudes towards risk.
In Hogarth R., editor,
Question framing and response consitency, New direction for methodology of social and behavioral science,
Jossey-Bass Publishers.
R.E. Steuer and A. T. Schuler.
Interactive Multiple Objective Linear Programming Applied to Multiple Use Forestry Planning.
In M. C. Vodak,
W. A. Leuschner,
and D. I. Navon, editors,
Symposium on Forest Management Planning: Present Practice and Future Directions,
pages 80-93,
School of Forestry and Wildlife Resources, Virginia Polytechnic University, Blacksburg, VA.
A. Tversky and D. Kahneman.
Choices are affected by the way in which decisions are framed.
In Hogarth R., editor,
Question framing and response consistency, New direction for methodology of social and behavioral science,
Jossey-Bass Publishers.
J.M. Devaud,
G. Groussaud,
and E. Jacquet-Lagreze.
UTADIS: Une methode de construction de fonctions d'utilite additives rendant compte de jugements globaux.
In European working group on MCDA, Bochum , Germany,
E.B. Ebbesen and V.J. Konecni.
On the external validity of Decision-Making research: What do we know about decisions in the real world?.
In T.S. Wallsten, editor,
Cognitive Processes in Choice and Decision Behavior,
Hillsdale, New Jersey,
pages 21-45,
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.
J.A. Hartog,
P. Nijkamp,
and J. Spronk.
Operational Multiple Goal Models for Large Economic Environmental Systems.
In Proceedings of the 9th IFIP Conference on Optimization Techniques,
pages 502-512,
Volume 2 1980.
Springer Verlag, Berlin.
J. S. H. Kornbluth and R. E. Steuer.
On Computing the Set of All Weakly Efficient Vertices in Multiple Objective Linear Fractional Programming.
In Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, vol. 177,
pages 189-202,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
A.P. Wierzbicki.
The use of reference objectives in multiobjective optimisation.
In Fandel G. and Gal T., editors,
MCDM theory and Application, Proceedings,
number 177 of Lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems,
pages 468-486,
Springer Verlag.
A.P. Wierzbicki.
A methodological guide to multiobjective optimization.
In K. Iracki,
K. Malanowski,
and S. Walukiewicz, editors,
Optimization Techniques, Part 1,
volume 22 of Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences,
pages 99-123,
Springer, Berlin.
K.R McCrimmon and S. Larsson.
Utility theory: Axioms versus paradoxes.
In M. Allais and O. Hagen, editors,
Expected utility hypotheses and the Allais paradox,
pages 27-145,
D. Reidel.
L.A. Zadeh.
A theory of approximate reasoning.
In J.E. Hayes,
D. Michie,
and L.I Mikulich, editors,
Machine intelligence,
pages 149-194,
Elsevier, Amsterdam.
V. Chankong and Y.Y. Haimes.
The Interactive Surrogate Worth Trade-Off (ISWT) Method for Multiobjective Decision Making.
In S. Zionts, editor,
Multiple Criteria Problem Solving,
LNEMS 155,
pages 42-67,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
R. E. Steuer.
Vector-Maximum Gradient Cone Contraction Techniques.
In Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, Vol. 155,
pages 462-481,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
R. E. Steuer and M. J. Wallace.
An Interactive Multiple Objective Wage and Salary Administration Procedure.
In S. M. Lee and C. D. Thorp, editors,
Personnel Management: A Computer Based System,
pages 159-176,
Petrocelli, Princeton.
P.H. Farquhar.
A survey of multiattribute utility theory and applications.
In M.K. Starr and M. Zeleny, editors,
Multiple Criteria Decision Making,
volume 6 of TIMS Studies in the Management Sciences,
pages 59-90,
North-Holland, Amsterdam.
P.C. Fishburn.
A survey of multiattribute/multicriterion evaluation theory.
In Conference on Multiple Criteria Problem Solving-Theory,
Note: 22-26 August.
H. Montgomery.
A study of intransitive preferences using a think aloud procedure.
In H. Jungerman and G. de Zeeuw, editors,
Decision-making and Change in Human Affairs,
pages 347--362,
D. Reidel, Dordrecht.
M. Zeleny.
Multidimensional Measure of Risk: The Prospect Ranking Vector.
In S. Zionts, editor,
Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, vol. 155,
pages 529-548,
Springer Verlag, Heidelberg.
N.D Belnap.
How a computer should think.
In Proceedings of the Oxford International Symposium on Contemporary Aspects of Philosophy,
pages 30--56,
Oxford, England.
V.J. Bowman.
On the Relationship of the Tchebycheff Norm and the Efficient Frontier of Multiple-Criteria Objectives.
In H. Thieriez, editor,
Multiple Criteria Decision Making,
volume 130 of Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems,
Springer Verlag, Berlin.
V.J. Bowman.
On the Relationship of the Tchebycheff Norm and the Efficient Frontier of Multiple-Criteria Objectives.
In H. Thieriez, editor,
Multiple Criteria Decision Making,
volume 130 of Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems,
Springer Verlag, Berlin.
J. Fichefet.
GPSTEM: An Interactive Multiobjective Optimization Method.
In A. Prekopa, editor,
Progress in Operations Research, vol. 1,
pages 317-332,
North-Holland Publishing, Amsterdam.
T. Hemming.
A new method for interactive multiobjective optimization.
In H. Thiriez and S. Zionts, editors,
Multiple Criteria Decision Making,
LNEMS 130,
pages 333-339,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
E. Polak.
On the approximation of solutions to multiple criteria decision making problems.
In M. Zeleny, editor,
Multiple Criteria Decision Making,
volume 123 of Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems,
pages 271-282,
E. Jacquet-Lagrèze.
How we can use the notion of semi-orders to build outranking relations in multicriteria decision making.
In E. Wendt and C. Vleck, editors,
Utility, Subjective Probability and Human Decision Making,
pages 87-112,
Reidel, Dordrecht.
R. E. Steuer.
A Five Phase Procedure for Implementing a Vector-Maximum Algorithm for Multiple Objective Linear Programming Problems.
In Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, vol. 130,
pages 159-168,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
D. von Winterfeldt and G.W. Fischer.
Multiattribute utility theory: Models and assessment procedures.
In D. Wendt and C. Vlek, editors,
Utility, Probability and Human Decision Making,
Reidel, Dordrecht.
J. Michel.
La sélection des projects du Programme Architecture Nouvelle.
In Actes du congrès Association Française pour la Cybernétique Economique et Technique (AFCET): Aide à la Décision, Paris,
pages 111-121,
Y. Tanguy and N. Leclere.
Une application des méthodes de choix multi-critères à l'étude de l'adéquation des personnels aux postes de travail.
In Actes du congrès Association Française pour la Cybernétique Economique et Technique (AFCET): Aide à la Décision, Paris,
pages 139-147,
J. P. Evans and R. E. Steuer.
Generating Efficient Extreme Points in Linear Multiple Objective Programming: Two Algorithms and Computing Experience.
In J. L. Cochrane and M. Zeleny, editors,
Multiple Criteria Decision Making,
pages 349-365,
University of South Carolina Press, Columbia.
B. Roy and P. Bertier.
La méthode ELECTRE II - Une application au média-planning.
In Ross M., editor,
pages 291-302,
North-Holland Publishing Company.
M. Zeleny.
Compromise Programming.
In J. L. Cochrane and M. Zeleny, editors,
Multiple Criteria Decision Making,
pages 262-301,
University of South Carolina Press, Columbia, SC.
P. Rosenstiehl.
L'arbre minimum d'un graphe.
In P. Rosenstiehl, editor,
Théorie des graphes,
T. C. Koopmans.
Analysis of Production as an Efficient Combination of Activities.
In T. C. Koopmans, editor,
Activity Analysis of Production and Allocation,
pages 33-97,
J. Wiley, New York.
H.W. Kuhn and A.W. Tucker.
Nonlinear programming.
In J. Neyman, editor,
Proceedings of the Second Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability,
pages 481-492,
University of California Press, Berkeley, California.
H. W. Kuhn and A. W. Tucker.
Nonlinear Programming.
In Proceedings of the Second Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability,
pages 481-492,
Berkeley, California.
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Last modified: Sun Nov 1 08:22:33 2009
by theme1.
This MCDA bibliography is updated by Vincent Mousseau.
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