Publications of year 2002
Books and proceedings
  1. F. Aleskerov and B. Monjardet. Utility Maximization, Choice and Preference. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 2002.
    author = {F. Aleskerov and B. Monjardet},
    title = {Utility Maximization, Choice and Preference},
    publisher = {Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg},
    year = {2002} 

  2. T.F.H. Allen, J.A. Tainter, and T.W. Hoekstra. Supply-Side Sustainability. Columbia University Press, New York, 2002.
    author={Allen, T.F.H. and Tainter, J.A. and Hoekstra, T.W.},
    title={Supply-Side Sustainability},
    publisher={Columbia University Press, New York},

  3. American Psychological Association. Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct 2002. APA, Washington DC, 2002. [WWW ]
    author = {{American Psychological Association} },
    title = {Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct 2002},
    publisher = {APA, Washington DC},
    year = {2002},
    url = {} 

  4. V. Belton and T. Stewart. Muliple Criteria Decision Analysis: An Integrated Approach. Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht, 2002.
    author="Belton, V. and Stewart, T.",
    title="Muliple Criteria Decision Analysis: An Integrated Approach",
    publisher="Kluwer Academic",

  5. D. Bouyssou, E. Jacquet-Lagrèze, P. Perny, R. Slowinski, D. Vanderpooten, and Ph. Vincke. Aiding Decisions with Multiple Criteria: Essays in Honour of Bernard Roy. Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht, 2002.
    TITLE="Aiding Decisions with Multiple Criteria: Essays in Honour of Bernard Roy",
    AUTHOR="Bouyssou, D. and Jacquet-Lagr\`eze, E. and Perny, P. and Slowinski, R. and Vanderpooten, D. and Vincke, {Ph}.",
    PUBLISHER="Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht",

  6. J.P. Brans and B. Mareschal. PROMETHEE-GAIA. Une Méthodologie d'Aide à la Décision en Présence de Critères Multiples. Ellipses, Paris, France, 2002.
    AUTHOR={Brans, J.P. and Mareschal, B.},
    TITLE={{PROMETHEE-GAIA}. Une M{\'e}thodologie d'Aide {\`a} la D{\'e}cision en Pr{\'e}sence de Crit{\`e}res Multiples},
    ADDRESS={Paris, France},

  7. C. Coello, D. Van Veldhuizen, and G. Lamont. Evolutionary Algorithms for Solving Multi-Objective Problems, volume 5 of Genetic Algorithms and Evolutionary Computation. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 2002.
    author = {Coello, C. and Van Veldhuizen, D. and Lamont, G.},
    year = 2002,
    title = {Evolutionary Algorithms for Solving Multi-Objective Problems},
    volume = 5,
    series = {Genetic Algorithms and Evolutionary Computation},
    publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston} 

  8. M. Doumpos and C. Zopounidis. Multicriteria Decision Aid Classification Methods. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2002.
    author={Doumpos, M. and Zopounidis, C.},
    title={Multicriteria Decision Aid Classification Methods},
    publisher={Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht} 

  9. G. Egan. The Skilled Helper: A Problem-Management and Opportunity-Development Approach to Helping. Wadsworth, Stamford, 2002.
    Note: 7th edition.
    author = {G. Egan},
    title = {The Skilled Helper: A Problem-Management and Opportunity-Development Approach to Helping},
    publisher = {Wadsworth, Stamford},
    year = {2002},
    note = {7th edition} 

  10. M. Ehrgott and X. Gandibleux. Multiple Criteria Optimization. State of the art annotated bibliographic surveys. Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht, 2002.
    author = {M. Ehrgott and X. Gandibleux},
    title = {Multiple Criteria Optimization. State of the art annotated bibliographic surveys},
    publisher = {Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht},
    year = {2002} 

  11. G. Gigerenzer. Calculated risks: How to know when numbers deceive you. Simon and Schuster, New York, 2002.
    author = {G. Gigerenzer},
    title = {Calculated risks: How to know when numbers deceive you},
    publisher = {Simon and Schuster, New York},
    year = {2002} 

  12. T. Gilovich, D. Griffin, and D. Kahneman. Heuristics and Biases: The Psychology of Intuitive Judgment. Cambridge University Press, Cambrighe, 2002.
    author = {T. Gilovich and D. Griffin and D. Kahneman},
    title = {Heuristics and Biases: The Psychology of Intuitive Judgment},
    publisher = {Cambridge University Press, Cambrighe},
    year = {2002} 

  13. Y. Y. Haimes and R. E. Steuer. Research and Practice in Multiple Criteria Decision Making, Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, vol. 487. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 552 pp., 2002.
    author= {Y. Y. Haimes and R. E. Steuer},
    year= {2002},
    title= {Research and Practice in Multiple Criteria Decision Making, {Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, vol. 487}},
    publisher= {Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 552 pp.} 

  14. S. Harnedy. The MPLS Primer -- An Introduction to Multiprotocol Label Switching. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 2002.
    author = {S. Harnedy},
    title = {The {MPLS} Primer -- {A}n Introduction to Multiprotocol Label Switching},
    year = {2002},
    publisher = {Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs} 

  15. M.W. Kirby. A history of Operational Research in Britain. World Scientific, London, 2002.
    author = {{M.W}. Kirby},
    title = {A history of Operational Research in Britain},
    publisher = {World Scientific, London},
    year = {2002} 

  16. B. Liu. Theory and Practice of Uncertain Programming. Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg, 2002.
    author={B. Liu},
    title={Theory and Practice of Uncertain Programming},
    publisher={Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg},

  17. Ch. Morel. Les Décisions Absurdes. Bibliothèque des Sciences Humaines,Gallimard, 2002.
    author = {Ch. Morel},
    title = {Les Décisions Absurdes},
    publisher = {Bibliothèque des Sciences Humaines,Gallimard},
    year = {2002},

  18. L. Polkowski. Rough Sets: Mathematical Foundations. Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg, 2002.
    author = {L. Polkowski},
    year = 2002,
    title = {Rough Sets: Mathematical Foundations},
    publisher = {Physica-Verlag},
    address = {Heidelberg} 

  19. R.W. Saaty. Decision Making in Complex Environments: The Analytic Network Process (ANP) for Dependence and Feedback; A Manual for the ANP Software SuperDecisions. Creative Decisions Foundation, 4922 Ellsworth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, 2002.
    author={Saaty, R.W.},
    title={Decision Making in Complex Environments: The Analytic Network Process (ANP) for Dependence and Feedback; A Manual for the ANP Software SuperDecisions},
    publisher={Creative Decisions Foundation, 4922 Ellsworth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213},

  20. H. Shefrin. Beyond Greed and Fear: Understanding Behavioral Finance and the Psychology of Investing. Oxford University Press, New York, 2002.
    author={H. Shefrin},
    title={Beyond Greed and Fear: Understanding Behavioral Finance and the Psychology of Investing},
    publisher={Oxford University Press, New York} 

  21. V. T'kindt and J.C Billaut. Multicriteria Scheduling. Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2002.
    author = {V. T'kindt and {J.C} Billaut},
    title = {Multicriteria Scheduling},
    publisher = {Springer Verlag, Berlin},
    year = {2002} 

  22. T. Trzasskalik and J. Michnik, editors. Multiple Objective and Goal Programming: Recent Developments. Physica Verlag, Heidelberg, 2002.
    editor={Trzasskalik, T. and Michnik, J.},
    title={Multiple Objective and Goal Programming: Recent Developments},
    publisher={Physica Verlag, Heidelberg} 

  23. Z. Drezner and H.W. Hamacher, editors. Facility Location. Aplications and Theory. Springer, New York, 2002.
    @book {dre02,
    TITLE = {Facility Location. Aplications and Theory},
    EDITOR = {Drezner, Z. and Hamacher, H.W.},
    PUBLISHER = {Springer},
    ADDRESS = {New York},
    YEAR = {2002},

  1. M.A. Aloulou. Structure flexible d'ordonnancements à performances contrôlées pour le pilotage d'atelier en présence de perturbations. Thèse de Doctorat, Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine, Nancy, December 2002.
    author = {M.A. Aloulou},
    title = {Structure flexible d'ordonnancements à performances contrôlées pour le pilotage d'atelier en présence de perturbations},
    school = {Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine, Nancy},
    year = {2002},
    month = {December},
    type = {Thèse de Doctorat},

  2. J.M. De Corte. Un Logiciel d'Exploitation d'Informations Préférentielles pour l'Aide à la Décision. Bases Mathématiques et Algorithmiques. PhD thesis, University of Mons-Hainaut, Mons, 2002.
    AUTHOR="De Corte, J.M.",
    TITLE="Un Logiciel d'Exploitation d'Informations Pr\'{e}f\'{e}\-rentielles pour l'Aide \`{a} la D\'{e}cision. Bases Math\'{e}matiques et Algorithmiques",
    SCHOOL="University of Mons-Hainaut",

  3. L. Montano-Guzmán. Fuzzy measures and integrals in the MCDA sorting problematic: Methodology and application to the diagnosis of firms. PhD thesis, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium, 2002.
    AUTHOR="Montano-Guzm\'an, L.",
    TITLE="Fuzzy measures and integrals in the {MCDA} sorting problematic: {M}ethodology and application to the diagnosis of firms",
    SCHOOL="Universit\'e Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium",

  4. A. Ngo The. Structures de préférence non conventionnelles en aide à la décision. PhD thesis, Université Paris Dauphine, Paris, 2002.
    author = {A. {Ngo The}},
    title = {Structures de préférence non conventionnelles en aide à la décision},
    school = {Université Paris Dauphine, Paris},
    year = {2002} 

  5. Isabelle Sommerlatt. Incitation et contrôle en univers multi institutionnel: rôles et limites des outils d'aide à la décision. Thèse de doctorat, Université Paris-Dauphine, 2002.
    AUTHOR={Isabelle Sommerlatt},
    TITLE={Incitation et contrôle en univers multi institutionnel: rôles et limites des outils d'aide à la décision},
    TYPE={Thèse de doctorat},
    SCHOOL={Université Paris-Dauphine},

Articles in journal or book's chapters
  1. C.A. Bana e Costa, M.L. Costa-Lobo, I.A.J. Ramos, and J.-C. Vansnick. Multicriteria approach for strategic town planning: The case of Barcelos. In D. Bouyssou, E. Jacquet-Lagrèze, P. Perny, R. Slowinski, D. Vanderpooten, and Ph. Vincke, editors,Aiding Decisions with Multiple Criteria: Essays in Honour of Bernard Roy, pages 429--456. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, Dordrecht, 2002.
    author = {Bana e Costa, C.A. and Costa-Lobo, M.L. and Ramos, I.A.J. and Vansnick, J.-C.},
    editor = {Bouyssou, D. and Jacquet-Lagr\`{e}ze, E. and Perny, P. and Slowinski, R. and Vanderpooten, D. and Vincke, Ph.},
    year = {2002},
    title = {Multicriteria approach for strategic town planning: {T}he case of {Barcelos}},
    booktitle = {Aiding Decisions with Multiple Criteria: {E}ssays in Honour of {B}ernard {R}oy},
    pages = {429--456},
    publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston },
    address = {Dordrecht} 

  2. D. Bouyssou and M. Pirlot. A characterization of strict concordance relations. In D. Bouyssou, E. Jacquet-Lagrèze, P. Perny, R. Slowinski, D. Vanderpooten, and Ph. Vincke, editors,Aiding Decisions with Multiple Criteria: Essays in Honour of Bernard Roy, pages 121--145. Kluwer, Dordrecht, 2002.
    author = {D. Bouyssou and M. Pirlot},
    title = {A characterization of strict concordance relations},
    booktitle = {Aiding Decisions with Multiple Criteria: {E}ssays in Honour of {B}ernard {R}oy},
    editor = {D. Bouyssou and E. Jacquet-Lagr\`{e}ze and P. Perny and R. Slowinski and D. Vanderpooten and {Ph}. Vincke},
    pages = {121--145},
    publisher = {Kluwer},
    address = {Dordrecht},
    year = {2002},

  3. R. Caballero, T. Gómez, M.P. López del Amo, M. Luque, J.J. Martìn, J. Molina, and F. Ruiz. Using Interactive Multiple Objective Methods to Determine the Budget Assignment to the Hospitals of a Sanitary System. In T. Trzaskalik, editor,Multiobjective and Goal Programming, pages 209--220. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2002.
    author = "Caballero, R. and G\'{o}mez, T. and L\'{o}pez del Amo, M.P. and Luque, M. and Mart\'{i}n, J.J. and Molina, J. and Ruiz, F.",
    editor = "Trzaskalik, T.",
    title = "Using Interactive Multiple Objective Methods to Determine the Budget Assignment to the Hospitals of a Sanitary System",
    booktitle = "Multiobjective and Goal Programming",
    publisher = "Springer-Verlag",
    address = "Berlin",
    pages = "209--220",
    year = 2002,

  4. M. Ehrgott and X. Gandibleux. Multiobjective Combinatorial Optimization. In M. Ehrgott and X. Gandibleux, editors,Multiple Criteria Optimization -- State of the Art Annotated Bibliographic Surveys, volume 52, pages 369-444. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, MA, 2002.
    author={Ehrgott, M. and Gandibleux, X.},
    editor={Ehrgott, M. and Gandibleux, X.},
    title={Multiobjective Combinatorial Optimization},
    booktitle={Multiple Criteria Optimization -- State of the Art Annotated Bibliographic Surveys},
    publisher={Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, MA},

  5. J.-L. Genard and M. Pirlot. Multiple criteria decision aid in a philosophical perspective. In D. Boyssou, E. Jacquet-Lagrèze, P. Perny, R. Slowinski, D. Vanderpooten, and Ph. Vincke, editors,Aiding decisions with multiple criteria: essays in honour of Bernard Roy, pages 89--117. Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht, 2002.
    author = {{J.-L}. Genard and M. Pirlot},
    title = {Multiple criteria decision aid in a philosophical perspective},
    editor = {D. Boyssou and E. {Jacquet-Lagr\`eze} and P. Perny and R. {Slowinski} and D. Vanderpooten and {Ph}. Vincke},
    booktitle = {Aiding decisions with multiple criteria: essays in honour of Bernard Roy},
    publisher = {Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht},
    pages = {89--117},
    year = {2002} 

  6. M. Grabisch. Fuzzy pattern recognition by fuzzy integrals and fuzzy rules. In S.K. Pal and A. Pal, editors,Pattern Recognition -- From Classical to Modern Approaches, pages 257-280. World Scientific, 2002.
    author = "M. Grabisch",
    title = "Fuzzy pattern recognition by fuzzy integrals and fuzzy rules",
    booktitle = "Pattern Recognition -- From Classical to Modern Approaches",
    publisher = "World Scientific",
    year = "2002",
    editor = "S.K. Pal and A. Pal",
    pages = "257-280" 

  7. S. Greco, B. Matarazzo, and R. Slowinski. Preference representation by means of conjoint measurement and decision rule model. In D. Bouyssou, É. Jacquet-Lagrèze, P. Perny, R. Slowinski, D. Vanderpooten, and Ph. Vincke, editors,Aiding Decisions with Multiple Criteria: Essays in Honour of Bernard Roy, pages 263--313. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2002.
    author = {Greco, S. and Matarazzo, B. and Slowinski, R.},
    editor = {Bouyssou, D. and Jacquet-Lagr{\`{e}}ze, \'{E}. and Perny, P. and Slowinski, R. and Vanderpooten, D. and Vincke, Ph.},
    year = 2002,
    title = {Preference representation by means of conjoint measurement and decision rule model},
    booktitle = {Aiding Decisions with Multiple Criteria: {E}ssays in Honour of {B}ernard {R}oy},
    pages = {263--313},
    publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers},
    address = {Dordrecht} 

  8. S. Greco, B. Matarazzo, and R. Slowinski. Multicriteria classification, chapter 16.1.9. In W. Kloesgen and J. Zytkow, editors,Handbook of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, pages 318--328. Oxford University Press, New York, 2002.
    author = {S. Greco and B. Matarazzo and R. Slowinski},
    editor = {W. Kloesgen and J. Zytkow },
    year = 2002,
    title = {Multicriteria classification, chapter 16.1.9},
    booktitle = {Handbook of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery},
    pages = {318--328},
    publisher = {Oxford University Press},
    address = {New York} 

  9. D.W. Griffin and D. Kahneman. Judgment heuristics: Human strengths or human weaknesses?. In L. Aspinwall and U. Staudinger, editors,A Psychology of Human Strengths: Perspectives on an Emerging Field, pages 165-178. APA Books, Washington, D.C., 2002.
    author = {{D.W.} Griffin and D. Kahneman},
    title = {Judgment heuristics: Human strengths or human weaknesses?},
    editor = {L. Aspinwall and U. Staudinger},
    booktitle = {A Psychology of Human Strengths: Perspectives on an Emerging Field},
    publisher = {APA Books, Washington, D.C.},
    pages = {165-178},
    year = {2002} 

  10. D. Kahneman and S. Frederick. Representativeness revisited: Attribute substitution in intuitive judgment. In T. Gilovich, D. Griffin, and D. Kahneman, editors,Heuristics and Biases: The Psychology of Intuitive Judgment, pages 49-81. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2002.
    author = {D. Kahneman and S. Frederick},
    title = {Representativeness revisited: Attribute substitution in intuitive judgment},
    editor = {T. Gilovich and D. Griffin and D. Kahneman},
    booktitle = {Heuristics and Biases: The Psychology of Intuitive Judgment},
    publisher = {Cambridge University Press, Cambridge},
    pages = {49-81},
    year = {2002} 

  11. I. Kaliszewski. Trade-offs – a lost dimension in multiple criteria decision making. In T. Trzaskalik and J. Michnik, editors,Multi-Objective Programming and Goal Programming, Recent Developments, pages 115--126. Physics-Verlag, 2002.
    author = {Kaliszewski, I.},
    title = {Trade-offs – a lost dimension in multiple criteria decision making},
    editor = {T. Trzaskalik and J. Michnik},
    booktitle = {Multi-Objective Programming and Goal Programming, Recent Developments},
    pages = {115--126},
    publisher = {Physics-Verlag},
    year = {2002},

  12. M. Makowski. Multi-objective Decision Support Including Sensitivity Analysis. In UNESCO-EOLSS Joint Committee, editor,Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems, pages 24. Eolss Publishers, Paris, 2002.
    author = {M.~Makowski},
    title = {Multi-objective Decision Support Including Sensitivity Analysis},
    editor = {{UNESCO-EOLSS} Joint Committee},
    booktitle = {Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems},
    address = {Paris},
    publisher = {Eolss Publishers},
    year = 2002,
    pages = {24} 

  13. J.-L. Marichal. Aggregation of interacting criteria by means of the discrete Choquet integral. In T. Calvo, G. Mayor, and R. Mesiar, editors,Aggregation Operators: New Trends and Applications, volume 97 of Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, pages 224-244. Physica Verlag, Heidelberg, 2002.
    author={Marichal, J.-L.},
    title={Aggregation of interacting criteria by means of the discrete {C}hoquet integral},
    editor={Calvo, T. and Mayor, G. and Mesiar, R.},
    booktitle={Aggregation Operators: New Trends and Applications},
    series={Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing},
    publisher={Physica Verlag, Heidelberg},

  14. Kaisa Miettinen. Interactive Nonlinear Multiobjective Procedures. In M. Ehrgott and X. Gandibleux, editors,Multiple Criteria Optimization: State of the Art Annotated Bibliographic Surveys, pages 227--276. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002.
    AUTHOR = {Miettinen, Kaisa},
    title = { Interactive Nonlinear Multiobjective Procedures },
    booktitle= { Multiple Criteria Optimization: State of the Art Annotated Bibliographic Surveys },
    editor ={Ehrgott, M. and Gandibleux, X. },
    publisher = { Kluwer Academic Publishers },
    pages = { 227--276 },
    year= 2002 

  15. D. Milutin and J.J. Bogardi. Performance criteria for multiunit reservoir operation and water allocation problems. In J.J. Bogardi and Z.W. Kundzewicz, editors,Risk, reliability, uncertainty and robustness of water resources systems, International Hydrology Series, pages 199-208. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2002.
    Note: Borrowed from Charles Sturt University Library.
    Author = {Milutin, D. and Bogardi, J.J.},
    Title = {Performance criteria for multiunit reservoir operation and water allocation problems},
    BookTitle = {Risk, reliability, uncertainty and robustness of water resources systems},
    Editor = {Bogardi, J.J. and Kundzewicz, Z.W.},
    Series = {International Hydrology Series},
    Publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
    Address = {Cambridge},
    Pages = {199-208},
    Note = {Borrowed from Charles Sturt University Library},
    Year = {2002} 

  16. H. Prakken and G. Vreeswijk. Logics for Defeasible Argumentation. In D. Gabbay and F. Guenthner, editors,Handbook of Philosophical Logic, Vol 4, pages 219-318. Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht, 2002.
    author = {H. Prakken and G. Vreeswijk},
    title = {Logics for Defeasible Argumentation},
    editor = {D. Gabbay and F. Guenthner},
    booktitle = {Handbook of Philosophical Logic, Vol 4},
    pages = {219-318},
    publisher = {Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht},
    year = {2002} 

  17. S. Ríos-Insua, A. Jiménez, and A. Mateos. An interactive time-dependent multiattribute decision support system. In Advances in decision technology and intelligent information systems, vol. III. K.J. Engemann and G.E. Lasker, The International Institute for Advanced Studies in Systems Research and Cybernetics, 2002.
    @incollection{ RiosInsuaVolIII2002,
    author = {S. Ríos-Insua and A. Jiménez and A. Mateos},
    publisher = {K.J. Engemann and G.E. Lasker, The International Institute for Advanced Studies in Systems Research and Cybernetics},
    booktitle = {Advances in decision technology and intelligent information systems, vol. III},
    title = {An interactive time-dependent multiattribute decision support system},
    year = {2002} 

  18. S. Ríos-Insua, A. Mateos, and A. Jiménez. A heuristic method for solving imprecise discrete multiobjective problems. In Advances in nature-inspired computation: the parallel problem solving for nature VII workshops. D. Corne and G. Fogel and W. Hart and J. Knowles and N. Krasnogor and R. Roy and J. Smith and A. Tiwari, PEDAL, 2002.
    @incollection{ RiosInsuaPEDAL2002,
    author = {S. Ríos-Insua and A. Mateos and A. Jiménez },
    publisher = { D. Corne and G. Fogel and W. Hart and J. Knowles and N. Krasnogor and R. Roy and J. Smith and A. Tiwari, PEDAL},
    booktitle = {Advances in nature-inspired computation: the parallel problem solving for nature VII workshops },
    title = {A heuristic method for solving imprecise discrete multiobjective problems},
    year = {2002} 

  19. M. Sakawa. Fuzzy multiobjective and multilevel programming. In M. Ehrgott and X. Gandibleux, editors,Multiple Criteria Optimization: State of the Art Annotated Bibliographic Surveys, pages 171--226. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 2002.
    author={M. Sakawa},
    title={Fuzzy multiobjective and multilevel programming},
    editor={M. Ehrgott and X. Gandibleux},
    booktitle={Multiple Criteria Optimization: {S}tate of the Art Annotated Bibliographic Surveys},
    publisher={Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston},

  20. Y. Siskos and E. Grigoroudis. Measuring customer satisfaction for various services using multicriteria analysis. In D. Bouyssou, E. Jacquet-Lagrèze, P. Perny, R. Slowinski, D. Vanderpooten, and P. Vincke, editors,Aiding Decisions with Multiple Criteria: Essays in Honor of Bernard Roy, pages 457--482. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2002.
    author = {Siskos, Y. and E. Grigoroudis},
    editor = {D. Bouyssou and E. Jacquet-Lagr{\`e}ze and P. Perny and R. Slowinski and D. Vanderpooten and P. Vincke},
    year = 2002,
    title = {Measuring customer satisfaction for various services using multicriteria analysis},
    booktitle = {Aiding Decisions with Multiple Criteria: Essays in Honor of Bernard Roy},
    publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht},
    pages = {457--482} 

  21. A. Tsoukiàs, P. Perny, and Ph. Vincke. From Concordance/Discordance to the Modelling of Positive and Negative Reasons in Decision Aiding. In D. Bouyssou, E. Jacquet-Lagrèze, P. Perny, R. Slowinski, D. Vanderpooten, and Ph. Vincke, editors,Aiding Decisions with Multiple Criteria: Essays in Honour of Bernard Roy, pages 147-174. Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht, 2002.
    author = "A. Tsouki\`as and P. Perny and {Ph}. Vincke",
    title = "From Concordance/Discordance to the Modelling of Positive and Negative Reasons in Decision Aiding",
    booktitle = "Aiding Decisions with Multiple Criteria: Essays in Honour of Bernard Roy",
    editor = "D. Bouyssou and E. Jacquet-Lagr\`eze and P. Perny and R. Slowinski and D. Vanderpooten and {Ph}. Vincke",
    publisher = "Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht",
    pages = "147-174",
    year = "2002" 

  22. F. Adam and J.C. Pomerol. Revolutionising Decision Making with IT in the Newspaper Industry... or not ?. Journal of Decision Systems, 10:289-306, 2002.
    author = {F. Adam and J.C. Pomerol},
    title = {Revolutionising Decision Making with IT in the Newspaper Industry... or not ?},
    journal = {Journal of Decision Systems},
    year = {2002},
    volume = {10},
    number = {},
    pages = {289-306},

  23. A.E. Ades and S. Cliffe. Markov Chain Monte Carlo estimation of a multiparameter decision model: consistency of evidence and the accurate assessment of uncertainty. Medical decision making, 22(4):359-371, 2002.
    Author = {Ades, A.E. and Cliffe, S.},
    Title = {Markov Chain Monte Carlo estimation of a multiparameter decision model: consistency of evidence and the accurate assessment of uncertainty},
    Journal = {Medical decision making},
    Volume = {22},
    Number = {4},
    Pages = {359-371},
    Year = {2002} 

  24. M.M. Arenas, A. Bilbao, R. Caballero, T. Gómez, M.V. Rodríguez Uría, and F. Ruiz. Analysis via Goal Programming of the Minimum Achievable Stay in Surgical Waiting Lists. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 53:387--396, April 2002. [WWW ]
    author = "Arenas, M.M. and Bilbao, A. and Caballero, R. and Gómez, T. and Rodríguez Uría, M.V. and Ruiz, F.",
    title = "Analysis via Goal Programming of the Minimum Achievable Stay in Surgical Waiting Lists",
    journal = "Journal of the Operational Research Society",
    pages = "387--396",
    volume = 53,
    year = 2002,

  25. P.W.B. Atkins, R.E. Wood, and P.J. Rutgers. The effects of feedback format on dynamic decision making. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 88(2):587-604, July 2002.
    journal = {Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes},
    ISSN = {0749-5978},
    volume = 88,
    number = 2,
    month = {July},
    year = 2002,
    title = {The effects of feedback format on dynamic decision making},
    author = {P.W.B. Atkins and R.E. Wood and P.J. Rutgers},
    pages = {587-604} 

  26. R. Azibi and D. Vanderpooten. Construction of rule-based assignment models. European Journal of Operational Research, 138(2):274-293, April 2002.
    author="R. Azibi and D. Vanderpooten ",
    title="Construction of rule-based assignment models",
    journal=" European Journal of Operational Research ",

  27. A. Aït Younes and B. Roy. Prise en compte d'une connaissance imparfaite à l'aide d'un pseudo-critère : procédure interactive de construction. Journal of Decision Systems, 2002.
    Note: In press.
    AUTHOR = "Aït {Y}ounes, A. and Roy, B.",
    TITLE = "Prise en compte d'une connaissance imparfaite à l'aide d'un pseudo-critère : procédure interactive de construction",
    JOURNAL = "Journal of Decision Systems ",
    NOTE = "in press",
    YEAR = 2002 

  28. P.J. Bacon, J.D. Cain, and D.C. Howard. Belief network models of land manager decisions and land use change. Journal of Environmental Management, 65:1-23, 2002.
    Author = {Bacon, P.J. and Cain, J.D. and Howard, D.C.},
    Title = {Belief network models of land manager decisions and land use change},
    Journal = {Journal of Environmental Management},
    Volume = {65},
    Pages = {1-23},
    Year = {2002} 

  29. C.A. Bana e Costa, L. Barroso, and J.O. Soares. Qualitative modelling of credit scoring: A case study in banking. Journal of European Research Studies, V(1-2):37-51, 2002.
    AUTHOR="Bana e Costa, C.A. and Barroso, L. and Soares, J.O.",
    TITLE="Qualitative modelling of credit scoring: {A} case study in banking",
    JOURNAL="Journal of European Research Studies",

  30. C.A. Bana e Costa, É.C. Corrêa, J.-M. De Corte, and J.-C. Vansnick. Facilitating bid evaluation in public call for tenders: A socio-technical approach. OMEGA: The International Journal of Management Science, 30(3):227--242, April 2002.
    author = {Bana e Costa, C.A. and Corr\^{e}a, \'{E}.C. and De Corte, J.-M. and Vansnick, J.-C.},
    month = {April},
    year = {2002},
    title = {Facilitating bid evaluation in public call for tenders: {A} socio-technical approach},
    journal = {OMEGA: The International Journal of Management Science},
    volume = {30},
    number = {3},
    pages = {227--242} 

  31. C.A. Bana e Costa and R.C. Oliveira. Assigning priorities for maintenance and repair and refurbishment in managing a municipal housing stock. European Journal of Operational Research, 138(2):380-391, April 2002.
    author=" C.A. {Bana e Costa} and R.C. Oliveira ",
    title=" Assigning priorities for maintenance and repair and refurbishment in managing a municipal housing stock ",
    journal=" European Journal of Operational Research ",
    pages=" 380-391 " 

  32. G. Baourakis, M. Doumpos, N. Kalogeras, and C. Zopounidis. Multicriteria Analysis and Assessment of Financial Viability of Agri-businesses: The Case of Marketing Co-operatives and Juice Producing Companies. Agribusiness, 18(4):543-558, 2002.
    author={Baourakis, G. and Doumpos, M. and Kalogeras, N. and Zopounidis, C.},
    title={Multicriteria Analysis and Assessment of Financial Viability of Agri-businesses: {T}he Case of Marketing Co-operatives and Juice Producing Companies},

  33. J.-P. Barthelemy, R. Bisdorff, and G. Coppin. Human centered processes and decision support systems. European Journal of Operational Research, 136:233--252, 2002.
    author = {{J.-P}. Barthelemy and R. Bisdorff and G. Coppin},
    title = {Human centered processes and decision support systems},
    journal = {European Journal of Operational Research},
    volume = {136},
    pages = {233--252},
    year = {2002} 

  34. A.F Beardon, J.C Candeal, G. Herden, E. Induráin, and G.B Mehta. The non-existence of a utility function and a structure of non-representable preference relations. Journal of Mathematical Economics, 37:17-38, 2002.
    author = {{A.F} Beardon and {J.C} Candeal and G. Herden and E. Indur\'{a}in and {G.B} Mehta},
    title = {The non-existence of a utility function and a structure of non-representable preference relations},
    journal = {Journal of Mathematical Economics},
    year = {2002},
    volume = {37},
    pages = {17-38} 

  35. S. Benferhat, D. Dubois, S. Kaci, and H. Prade. Possibilistic merging and distance-based fusion of propositional information. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 34:217-252, 2002.
    author = {S. Benferhat and D. Dubois and S. Kaci and H. Prade},
    title = {Possibilistic merging and distance-based fusion of propositional information},
    journal = {Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence},
    volume = {34},
    pages = {217-252},
    year = {2002} 

  36. G.G. Berube and F. Villeneuve. Ethical dilemmas and the decision-making process. Is a consensus realistic?. Energy Policy, 30:1285-1290, 2002.
    Author = {Berube, G.G. and Villeneuve, F.},
    Title = {Ethical dilemmas and the decision-making process. Is a consensus realistic?},
    Journal = {Energy Policy},
    Volume = {30},
    Pages = {1285-1290},
    Year = {2002} 

  37. M. Beynon. DS/AHP method: a mathematical analysis, including an understanding of uncertainty. European Journal of Operational Research, 140:148-164, 2002.
    Author = {Beynon, M.},
    Title = {DS/AHP method: a mathematical analysis, including an understanding of uncertainty},
    Journal = {European Journal of Operational Research},
    Volume = {140},
    Pages = {148-164},
    Year = {2002} 

  38. A. Billot, A. Chateauneuf, I. Gilboa, and J.M. Tallon. Bargaining Over an Uncertain Outcome: The Role of Beliefs. Decisions in Economics and Finance, 25:33-45, 2002.
    author = {A. Billot and A. Chateauneuf and I. Gilboa and {J.M.} Tallon},
    title = {Bargaining Over an Uncertain Outcome: The Role of Beliefs},
    journal = {Decisions in Economics and Finance},
    volume = {25},
    pages = {33-45},
    year = {2002} 

  39. A. Billot, A. Chateauneuf, I. Gilboa, and J.M. Tallon. Sharing Beliefs and the Absence of Betting in the Choquet Expected Utility Model. Statistical Papers, 43:127-136, 2002.
    author = {A. Billot and A. Chateauneuf and I. Gilboa and {J.M.} Tallon},
    title = {Sharing Beliefs and the Absence of Betting in the Choquet Expected Utility Model},
    journal = {Statistical Papers},
    volume = {43},
    pages = {127-136},
    year = {2002} 

  40. R. Bisdorff. Electre-like clustering from a pairwise fuzzy proximity index. European Journal of Operational Research, 138(2):320-331, April 2002.
    author="R. Bisdorff ",
    title="Electre-like clustering from a pairwise fuzzy proximity index ",
    journal=" European Journal of Operational Research ",

  41. R. Blanquero and E. Carrizosa. A Biobjective Location Model. Journal of Global Optimization, 23:139-154, 2002.
    author="Blanquero, R. and Carrizosa, E.",
    title="A Biobjective Location Model",
    journal={Journal of Global Optimization},

  42. H. Bleichrodt and J.L. Pinto. Loss Aversion and Scale Compatibility in Two-Attribute Trade-Offs. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 46(3):315-337, June 2002.
    journal = {Journal of Mathematical Psychology},
    ISSN = {0749-5978},
    volume = 46,
    number = 3,
    month = {June},
    year = 2002,
    title = {Loss Aversion and Scale Compatibility in Two-Attribute Trade-Offs},
    author = {H. Bleichrodt and J.L. Pinto},
    pages = {315-337} 

  43. P. Blondeau, M. Spérandio, and F. Allard. Multicriteria analysis of ventilation in summer period. Building and Environment, 37(2):165-176, 2002.
    AUTHOR="Blondeau, P. and Sp\'erandio, M. and Allard, F.",
    TITLE="Multicriteria analysis of ventilation in summer period",
    JOURNAL="Building and Environment",

  44. W. Bossert, Y. Sprumont, and K. Suzumura. Upper semicontinuous extensions of binary relations. Journal of Mathematical Economics, 37:231-246, 2002.
    author = {W. Bossert and Y. Sprumont and K. Suzumura},
    title = {Upper semicontinuous extensions of binary relations},
    journal = {Journal of Mathematical Economics},
    year = {2002},
    volume = {37},
    pages = {231-246} 

  45. D. Botteldooren and A. Verkeyn. Fuzzy models for accumulation of reported community noise annoyance from combined sources. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 112:496-1508, 2002.
    author={Botteldooren, D. and Verkeyn, A.},
    title={Fuzzy models for accumulation of reported community noise annoyance from combined sources},
    journal={Journal of the Acoustical Society of America},

  46. D. Bouyssou and M. Pirlot. Non Transitive Decomposable Conjoint Measurement. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 46:677--703, 2002.
    author = {D. Bouyssou and M. Pirlot},
    title = {Non Transitive Decomposable Conjoint Measurement},
    journal = {Journal of Mathematical Psychology},
    year = {2002},
    volume = {46},
    pages = {677--703} 

  47. J.P. Brans. Ethics and decision. European Journal of Operational Research, 136(2):340-352, 2002.
    AUTHOR={Brans, J.P.},
    TITLE={Ethics and decision},
    JOURNAL={European Journal of Operational Research},

  48. W.K. Brauers. The multiplicative representation for multiple objectives optimization with an application for arms procurement. Naval Research Logistics, 49:327-340, 2002.
    AUTHOR = {Brauers, W.K.},
    TITLE = {The multiplicative representation for multiple objectives optimization with an application for arms procurement},
    JOURNAL = {Naval Research Logistics},
    YEAR = 2002,
    VOLUME = 49,
    NUMBER =,
    PAGES = {327-340},
    month = {},

  49. P. Brézillon and J.C. Pomerol. Operational Knowledge Representation for Practical Decision Making. Journal of Management Information Systems, 18(4), 2002.
    author = {P. Br\'ezillon and J.C. Pomerol},
    title = {Operational Knowledge Representation for Practical Decision Making},
    journal = {Journal of Management Information Systems},
    year = {2002},
    volume = {18},
    number = {4},

  50. R. Caballero, M. Luque, J. Molina, and F. Ruiz. PROMOIN: An Interactive System for Multiobjective Programming. Information Technologies and Decision Making, 1:635--656, 2002.
    author = "Caballero, R. and Luque, M. and Molina, J. and Ruiz, F.",
    title = "PROMOIN: An Interactive System for Multiobjective Programming",
    journal = "Information Technologies and Decision Making",
    pages = "635--656",
    volume = 1,
    year = 2002 

  51. B Chaib-Draa. Causal maps: theory, implementation, and practical applications in multiagent environments. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 14:1201-1217, 2002.
    author = {B {Chaib-Draa}},
    title = {Causal maps: theory, implementation, and practical applications in multiagent environments},
    journal = {IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering},
    volume = {14},
    pages = {1201-1217},
    year = {2002} 

  52. Y.H. Chang and C.H. Yeh. A survey analysis of service quality for domestic airlines. European Journal of Operational Research, 139(1):166-177, May 2002. [WWW ]
    author="Y.H. Chang and C.H. Yeh",
    title="A survey analysis of service quality for domestic airlines",
    journal="European Journal of Operational Research",
    url="            27753327250c%232002%23284422!&_cdi=5963&view=c&_acct=C000032478&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=616844&md5=34388ad8e3cb4af079e3628998bfd3d9" 

  53. S.Y. Churkina. Search for efficient solutions of multi-criterion problems by target-level method. Computational Mathematics and Modeling, 13(2):208-214, 2002.
    author={Churkina, S.Y.},
    title={Search for efficient solutions of multi-criterion problems by target-level method},
    journal={Computational Mathematics and Modeling},

  54. S. Damart, V. Mousseau, and I. Sommerlatt. Du mode d'implication d'acteurs multiples dans le cadre de l'utilisation d'un modèle d'affectation multicritère: Analyse au regard d'une application à la tarification des transports publics. INFOR, 40(3):199-222, 2002. [WWW ] [ ]
    author="Damart, S. and Mousseau, V. and Sommerlatt, I.",
    title="Du mode d'implication d'acteurs multiples dans le cadre de l'utilisation d'un mod\`ele d'affectation multicrit\`ere: Analyse au regard d'une application \`a la tarification des transports publics",

  55. I. De Leeneer and H. Pastijn. Selecting land mine detection strategies by means of outranking MCDM techniques. European Journal of Operational Research, 139(2):327-338, 2002.
    AUTHOR={De Leeneer, I. and Pastijn, H.},
    TITLE={Selecting land mine detection strategies by means of outranking {MCDM} techniques},
    JOURNAL={European Journal of Operational Research},

  56. K. Dembczynski, S. Greco, and R. Slowinski. Methodology of rough-set-based classification and sorting with hierarchical structure of attributes and criteria. Control & Cybernetics, 31:891--920, 2002.
    author = {K. Dembczynski and S. Greco and R. Slowinski},
    year = 2002,
    title = {Methodology of rough-set-based classification and sorting with hierarchical structure of attributes and criteria},
    journal = {Control \& Cybernetics},
    volume = 31,
    pages = {891--920},

  57. L.C. Dias, V. Mousseau, J. Figueira, and J.N. Clìmaco. An aggregation/disaggregation approach to obtain robust conclusions with ELECTRE TRI. European Journal of Operational Research, 138(2):332-348, April 2002. [WWW ] [ ]
    Abstract: "ELECTRE TRI is a well-known method to assign a set of alternatives to a set of predefined categories, considering multiple criteria. Using this method requires setting many parameters, which is often a difficult task. We consider the case where the Decision Makers (DMs) in the decision process are not sure of which values should each parameter take, which may result from uncertain, imprecise or inaccurately determined information, as well as from a lack of consensus among them. This paper discusses the synergy between two approaches developed independently to deal with this difficulty. Both approaches avoid asking for precise values for the parameters. Rather, they proceed to solve the problem in a way that requires from the DMs much less effort. The first approach infers the value of parameters from assignment examples provided by the DMs. Each assignment example originates mathematical constraints to which the parameter values should satisfy. The second approach considers a set of constraints on the parameter values reflecting the imprecise information that the DMs are able to provide. Then, it computes the best and worst categories for each alternative compatible with constraints. This paper proposes a new approach integrating the elicitation phase with robustness analysis, to exploit the synergy between them. It is an interactive approach, where the insight obtained during robustness analyses guides the DMs during the elicitation phase."

    author=" L.C. Dias and V. Mousseau and J. Figueira and J.N. Cl\'{\i}maco ",
    title=" An aggregation/disaggregation approach to obtain robust conclusions with {ELECTRE TRI}",
    journal=" European Journal of Operational Research ",
    pages=" 332-348 ",
    url="            27753327250c%232002%23281099!&_cdi=5963&_sort=d&_docanchor=&_acct=C000032478&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=616844&md5=65578f834781109f91c1cef272c9b734",
    abstract="ELECTRE TRI is a well-known method to assign a set of alternatives to a set of predefined categories, considering multiple criteria. Using this method requires setting many parameters, which is often a difficult task. We consider the case where the Decision Makers (DMs) in the decision process are not sure of which values should each parameter take, which may result from uncertain, imprecise or inaccurately determined information, as well as from a lack of consensus among them. This paper discusses the synergy between two approaches developed independently to deal with this difficulty. Both approaches avoid asking for precise values for the parameters. Rather, they proceed to solve the problem in a way that requires from the DMs much less effort. The first approach infers the value of parameters from assignment examples provided by the DMs. Each assignment example originates mathematical constraints to which the parameter values should satisfy. The second approach considers a set of constraints on the parameter values reflecting the imprecise information that the DMs are able to provide. Then, it computes the best and worst categories for each alternative compatible with constraints. This paper proposes a new approach integrating the elicitation phase with robustness analysis, to exploit the synergy between them. It is an interactive approach, where the insight obtained during robustness analyses guides the DMs during the elicitation phase." 

  58. M. Doumpos, K. Kosmidou, G. Baourakis, and C. Zopounidis. Credit risk assessment using a multicriteria hierarchical discrimination approach: A comparative analysis. European Journal of Operational Research, 138(2):392-412, April 2002.
    author=" M. Doumpos and K. Kosmidou and G. Baourakis and C. Zopounidis ",
    title=" Credit risk assessment using a multicriteria hierarchical discrimination approach: A comparative analysis ",
    journal=" European Journal of Operational Research ",
    pages=" 392-412 " 

  59. M. Doumpos and C. Zopounidis. On the development of an outranking relation for ordinal classification problems: An experimental investigation of a new methodology. Optimization Methods ad Software, 17(2):293-317, 2002.
    author="M. Doumpos and C. Zopounidis",
    title="On the development of an outranking relation for ordinal classification problems: An experimental investigation of a new methodology",
    journal="Optimization Methods ad Software",

  60. M. Doumpos and C. Zopounidis. On the development of an outranking relation for ordinal classification problems: An experimental investigation of a new methodology. Optimization Methods and Software, 17(2):293--317, 2002.
    author = {Doumpos, M. and C. Zopounidis},
    year = 2002,
    title = {On the development of an outranking relation for ordinal classification problems: {A}n experimental investigation of a new methodology},
    journal = {Optimization Methods and Software},
    volume = 17,
    number = 2,
    pages = {293--317} 

  61. D. Dubois, H. Fargier, P. Perny, and H. Prade. Qualitative decision theory: from Savage's axioms to non-monotonic reasoning. Journal of the ACM, 49:455--495, 2002.
    author = {D. Dubois and H. Fargier and P. Perny and H. Prade},
    title = {Qualitative decision theory: from {Savage's} axioms to non-monotonic reasoning},
    journal = {Journal of the ACM},
    volume = {49},
    pages = {455--495},
    year = {2002} 

  62. J.G. Ecker, M. Kupferschmid, C.E. Lawrence, A.A. Reilly, and A.C.H. Scott. An application of nonlinear optimization in molecular biology. European Journal of Operational Research, 138(2):452-458, April 2002.
    author=" J.G. Ecker and M. Kupferschmid and C.E. Lawrence and A.A. Reilly and A.C.H. Scott ",
    title=" An application of nonlinear optimization in molecular biology ",
    journal=" European Journal of Operational Research ",
    pages=" 452-458 " 

  63. M. Ehrgott and E.A. Galperin. Min-Max Formulation of the Balance Number in Multiobjective Global Optimization. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 44(7):899-907, 2002.
    author={Ehrgott, M. and Galperin, E.A.},
    title={Min-Max Formulation of the Balance Number in Multiobjective Global Optimization},
    journal={Computers \& Mathematics with Applications},

  64. M. Ehrgott and D.M. Ryan. Constructing Robust Crew Schedules with Bicriteria Optimization. Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, 11(3):139-150, 2002.
    author={Ehrgott, M. and Ryan, D.M.},
    title={Constructing Robust Crew Schedules with Bicriteria Optimization},
    journal ={Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis},

  65. M. Ehrgott. The Balance Space Approach to Multicriteria Decision Making -- Involving the Decision Maker. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 44(7):909-923, 2002.
    author = {Ehrgott, M.},
    title = {The Balance Space Approach to Multicriteria Decision Making -- {I}nvolving the Decision Maker},
    journal={Computers \& Mathematics with Applications},
    year = 2002,

  66. M. El-Sayed and J. Jaffe. A view of telecommunications network evolution. IEEE Communications Magazine, 40(12):74-81, 2002.
    author = {M. El-Sayed and J. Jaffe},
    title = {A view of telecommunications network evolution},
    journal = {IEEE Communications Magazine},
    pages = {74-81},
    year = {2002},
    volume = {40},
    number = {12} 

  67. Z. Fan, J. Ma, and Q. Zhang. An approach to multiple attribute decision making based on fuzzy preference information on alternatives. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2002.
    Author = {Fan, Z. and Ma, J. and Zhang, Q.},
    Title = {An approach to multiple attribute decision making based on fuzzy preference information on alternatives},
    Journal = {Fuzzy Sets and Systems},
    Volume = {},
    Year = {2002} 

  68. Ph.. Fortemps and R. Slowinski. A graded quadrivalent logic for ordinal preference modelling : Loyola-like approach. Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making, 1:93-111, 2002.
    author = {{Ph.}. Fortemps and R. {Slowinski}},
    title = {A graded quadrivalent logic for ordinal preference modelling : Loyola-like approach},
    journal = {Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making},
    year = {2002},
    volume = {1},
    pages = {93-111},

  69. H.C. Frey and S.R. Patil. Identification and review of sensitivity analysis methods. Risk Analysis, 22(3):553-578, 2002.
    Author = {Frey, H.C. and Patil, S.R.},
    Title = {Identification and review of sensitivity analysis methods},
    Journal = {Risk Analysis},
    Volume = {22},
    Number = {3},
    Pages = {553-578},
    Year = {2002} 

  70. V. Gabrel and D. Vanderpooten. Enumeration and interactive selection of efficient paths in a multiple criteria graph for scheduling an Earth observing satellite. European Journal of Operational Research, 139:533-542, 2002.
    AUTHOR="Gabrel, V. and Vanderpooten, D.",
    TITLE="Enumeration and interactive selection of efficient paths in a multiple criteria graph for scheduling an Earth observing satellite",
    JOURNAL="European Journal of Operational Research",

  71. I. Gilboa and D. Schmeidler. A Cognitive Foundation of Probability. Mathematics of Operations Research, 27:68-81, 2002.
    author = {I. Gilboa and D. Schmeidler},
    title = {A Cognitive Foundation of Probability},
    journal = {Mathematics of Operations Research},
    volume = {27},
    pages = {68-81},
    year = {2002} 

  72. I. Gilboa, D. Schmeidler, and P.P. Wakker. Utility in Case-Based Decision Theory. Journal of Economic Theory, 105:483-502, 2002.
    author = {I. Gilboa and D. Schmeidler and {P.P.} Wakker},
    title = {Utility in Case-Based Decision Theory},
    journal = {Journal of Economic Theory},
    volume = {105},
    pages = {483-502},
    year = {2002} 

  73. O. Gonzalez-Benito and L. Santos-Requejo. A comparison of approaches to exploit budget allocation data in cross-sectional maximum likelihood estimation of multi-attribute choice models. Omega, 30(5):315-324, October 2002. [WWW ]
    journal = {Omega},
    ISSN = {0305-0483},
    volume = 30,
    number = 5,
    month = {October},
    year = 2002,
    title = {A comparison of approaches to exploit budget allocation data in cross-sectional maximum likelihood estimation of multi-attribute choice models},
    author = {O. Gonzalez-Benito and L. Santos-Requejo},
    pages = {315-324},
    url = {} 

  74. Michel Grabisch, Jacques Duchene, Frederic Lino, and Patrice Perny. Subjective Evaluation of Discomfort in Sitting Positions. Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making, 1(3):287-312, August 2002.
    AUTHOR = {Grabisch, Michel and Duchene, Jacques and Lino, Frederic and Perny, Patrice},
    TITLE = {Subjective Evaluation of Discomfort in Sitting Positions},
    JOURNAL = {Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making},
    YEAR = {2002},
    volume = {1},
    number = {3},
    pages = {287-312},
    month = {August} 

  75. M. Grabisch and C. Labreuche. The symmetric and asymmetric Choquet integrals on finite spaces for decision making. Statistical Papers, 43:37-52, 2002.
    author = {M. Grabisch and C. Labreuche},
    title = {The symmetric and asymmetric {C}hoquet integrals on finite spaces for decision making},
    journal = {Statistical Papers},
    year = {2002},
    volume = 43,
    pages = "37-52" 

  76. S. Greco, B. Matarazzo, and R. Slowinski. Rough sets methodology for sorting problems in presence of multiple attributes and criteria. European Journal of Operational Research, 138:247-259, 2002.
    author=" S. Greco and B. Matarazzo and R. Slowinski ",
    title=" Rough sets methodology for sorting problems in presence of multiple attributes and criteria ",
    journal=" European Journal of Operational Research ",
    pages=" 247-259 " 

  77. S. Greco, B. Matarazzo, and R. Slowinski. Rough approximation by dominance relations. International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 17:153--171, 2002.
    author = {S. Greco and B. Matarazzo and R. Slowinski},
    year = 2002,
    title = {Rough approximation by dominance relations},
    journal = {International Journal of Intelligent Systems},
    volume = 17,
    pages = {153--171},

  78. S. Greco, B. Predki, and R. Slowinski. Searching for an equivalence between decision rules and concordance-discordance preference model in multicriteria choice problems. Control and Cybernetics, 31:921--935, 2002.
    author = {S. Greco and B. Predki and R. Slowinski},
    year = 2002,
    title = {Searching for an equivalence between decision rules and concordance-discordance preference model in multicriteria choice problems},
    journal = {Control and Cybernetics},
    volume = 31,
    pages = {921--935},

  79. E. Grigoroudis, Y. Politis, and Y. Siskos. Satisfaction benchmarking and customer classification: An application to the branches of a banking organization. International Transactions in Operational Research, 9(5):599--618, 2002.
    author = {Grigoroudis, E. and Y. Politis and Y. Siskos},
    year = 2002,
    title = {Satisfaction benchmarking and customer classification: {A}n application to the branches of a banking organization},
    journal = {International Transactions in Operational Research},
    volume = 9,
    number = 5,
    pages = {599--618} 

  80. E. Grigoroudis and Y. Siskos. Preference disaggregation for measuring and analysing customer satisfaction: The MUSA method. European Journal of Operational Research, 143(1):148--170, 2002.
    author = {Grigoroudis, E. and Y. Siskos},
    year = 2002,
    title = {Preference disaggregation for measuring and analysing customer satisfaction: {T}he {MUSA} method},
    journal = {European Journal of Operational Research},
    volume = 143,
    number = 1,
    pages = {148--170} 

  81. T. Gómez, M. González, M. Luque, F. Miguel, and F. Ruiz. Hierarchical Generation of Pareto Optimal Solutions in Large Scale Multiobjective Systems. Computers and Operations Research, 29(11):1537--1558, Sptember 2002. [WWW ]
    author = "Gómez, T. and González, M. and Luque, M. and Miguel, F. and Ruiz, F.",
    title = "Hierarchical Generation of Pareto Optimal Solutions in Large Scale Multiobjective Systems",
    journal = "Computers and Operations Research",
    volume = 29,
    year = 2002,
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  98. R. Lahdelma and P. Salminen. Pseudo-criteria versus linear utility function in stochastic multi-criteria acceptability analysis. European Journal of Operational Research, 141:454-469, 2002.
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    AUTHOR={Lerche, D. and Bruggemann, R. and Sorensen, P. and Carlsen, L. and Nielsen, O.J.},
    TITLE={A comparison of partial order technique with three methods of multi-criteria analysis for ranking of chemical substances},
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  106. P. Linares and C. Romero. Aggregation of preferences in an environmental economics context: a goal-programming approach. Omega, 30:89-95, 2002.
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  112. T.E. McKee and T. Lensberg. Genetic programming and rough sets: A hybrid approach to bankruptcy classification. European Journal of Operational Research, 138(2):436-451, April 2002.
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  113. Kaisa Miettinen and Marko M. Mäkelä. On Generalized Trade-Off Directions in Nonconvex Multiobjective Optimization. Mathematical Programming, 92:141--151, 2002.
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  114. Kaisa Miettinen and Marko M. Mäkelä. On Scalarizing Functions in Multiobjective Optimization. OR Spectrum, 24:193--213, 2002.
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  115. Ido Millet and William C. Wedley. Modelling risk and uncertainty with the Analytic Hierarchy Process. Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, 11:97--107, 2002.
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  116. P. Miranda, M. Grabisch, and P. Gil. p-symmetric fuzzy measures. International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, 10:105-123, 2002.
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  118. H.M. Moshkovich, A. Mechitov, and D.L. Olson. Ordinal Judgments for Comparison of Multiattribute Alternatives. European Journal of Operational Research, 137:625-641, 2002.
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  119. H.M. Moshkovich, A.I. Mechitov, and D.L. Olson. Rule Induction in Data Mining: Effect of Ordinal Scales. Expert Systems with Applications Journal, 22:303-311, 2002.
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  120. A. Nagurney, J. Dong, and P.L. Mokhtarian. Multicriteria network Equilibrium modeling with variable weights for decision-making in the information age, with applications to telecommuting and teleshopping. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 26(9-10):1629-1650, 2002.
    author = {A. Nagurney and J. Dong and P.L. Mokhtarian},
    title = {Multicriteria network Equilibrium modeling with variable weights for decision-making in the information age, with applications to telecommuting and teleshopping},
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  121. A. Nagurney, J. Dong, and P.L. Mokhtarian. Multicriteria network Equilibrium modeling with variable weights for decision-making in the information age, with applications to telecommuting and teleshopping. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 26(9-10):1629-1650, 2002.
    author = {A. Nagurney and J. Dong and P.L. Mokhtarian},
    title = {Multicriteria network Equilibrium modeling with variable weights for decision-making in the information age, with applications to telecommuting and teleshopping},
    journal = {Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control},
    pages = {1629-1650},
    year = {2002},
    volume = {26},
    number = {9-10} 

  122. Y. Nakamura. Additive utility on densely ordered sets. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 46:515--530, 2002.
    author = {Nakamura, Y.},
    year = 2002,
    title = {Additive utility on densely ordered sets},
    journal = {Journal of Mathematical Psychology},
    volume = 46,
    pages = {515--530} 

  123. Y. Nakamura. Real interval representations. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 46:140-177, 2002.
    author = {Y. Nakamura},
    title = {Real interval representations},
    journal = {Journal of Mathematical Psychology},
    year = {2002},
    volume = {46},
    pages = {140-177} 

  124. Y. Nakamura. Additive utility on densely ordered sets. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 46:515--530, 2002.
    author = {Nakamura, Y.},
    year = 2002,
    title = {Additive utility on densely ordered sets},
    journal = {Journal of Mathematical Psychology},
    volume = 46,
    pages = {515--530} 

  125. S.E. Newstead, V.A. Thompson, and S.J. Handley. Generating alternatives: A key component in human reasoning?. Memory and Cognition, 30:129-137, 2002.
    author = {{S.E}. Newstead and {V.A}. Thompson and {S.J}. Handley},
    title = {Generating alternatives: A key component in human reasoning?},
    journal = {Memory and Cognition},
    volume = {30},
    year = {2002},
    pages = {129-137} 

  126. A. Ngo The and V. Mousseau. Using Assignment Examples to Infer Category Limits for the ELECTRE TRI Method. JMCDA, 11(1):29-43, November 2002. [WWW ] [ ]
    Abstract: "Given a finite set of alternatives, the sorting (or assignment) problem consists in the assignment of each alternative to one of the predefined categories. In this paper, we are interested in multiple criteria sorting problems and, more precisely, in the existing method ELECTRE TRI. This method requires the elicitation of preferential parameters (importance coefficients, thresholds, profiles, etc.) in order to construct the decision-maker's (DM) preference model. A direct elicitation of these parameters being sometimes difficult, Mousseau and Slowinski proposed an interactive aggregation-disaggregation approach that infer ELECTRE TRI parameters indirectly from holistic information, i.e. assignment examples. In this approach, the determination of ELECTRE TRI parameters that best restore the assignment examples is formulated through a non-linear optimization program. Also in this direction, Mousseau et al. considered the subproblem of the determination of the importance coefficients only (the thresholds and category limits being fixed). This subproblem leads to solve a linear program (rather that non-linear in the global inference model). We pursue the idea of partial inference model by considering the complementary subproblem which determines the category limits (the importance coefficients being fixed). With some simplification, it also leads to solve a linear program. Together with the result of Mousseau et al., we have a couple of complementary models which can be combined in an interactive approach inferring the parameters of an ELECTRE TRI model from assignment examples. In each interaction, the DM can revise his/her assignment examples, to give additional information and to choose which parameters to fix before the optimization phase restarts."

    author="A. {Ngo The} and V. Mousseau",
    title="Using Assignment Examples to Infer Category Limits for the {ELECTRE TRI} Method",
    abstract="Given a finite set of alternatives, the sorting (or assignment) problem consists in the assignment of each alternative to one of the predefined categories. In this paper, we are interested in multiple criteria sorting problems and, more precisely, in the existing method ELECTRE TRI. This method requires the elicitation of preferential parameters (importance coefficients, thresholds, profiles, etc.) in order to construct the decision-maker's (DM) preference model. A direct elicitation of these parameters being sometimes difficult, Mousseau and Slowinski proposed an interactive aggregation-disaggregation approach that infer ELECTRE TRI parameters indirectly from holistic information, i.e. assignment examples. In this approach, the determination of ELECTRE TRI parameters that best restore the assignment examples is formulated through a non-linear optimization program. Also in this direction, Mousseau et al. considered the subproblem of the determination of the importance coefficients only (the thresholds and category limits being fixed). This subproblem leads to solve a linear program (rather that non-linear in the global inference model). We pursue the idea of partial inference model by considering the complementary subproblem which determines the category limits (the importance coefficients being fixed). With some simplification, it also leads to solve a linear program. Together with the result of Mousseau et al., we have a couple of complementary models which can be combined in an interactive approach inferring the parameters of an ELECTRE TRI model from assignment examples. In each interaction, the DM can revise his/her assignment examples, to give additional information and to choose which parameters to fix before the optimization phase restarts.",

  127. Y.N. Ni, S.H. Chen, and S. Kokot. Spectrophotometric determination of metal ions in electroplating solutions in the presence of EDTA with the aid of multivariate calibration and artificial neural networks. Analytica Chimica Acta, 463(2):305-316, 2002.
    AUTHOR={Ni, Y.N. and Chen, S.H. and Kokot, S.},
    TITLE={Spectrophotometric determination of metal ions in electroplating solutions in the presence of {EDTA} with the aid of multivariate calibration and artificial neural networks},
    JOURNAL={Analytica Chimica Acta},

  128. Y.N. Ni, S.H. Chen, and S. Kokot. Spectrophotometric determination of metal ions in electroplating solutions in the presence of EDTA with the aid of multivariate calibration and artificial neural networks. Analytica Chimica Acta, 463(2):305-316, 2002.
    AUTHOR={Ni, Y.N. and Chen, S.H. and Kokot, S.},
    TITLE={Spectrophotometric determination of metal ions in electroplating solutions in the presence of {EDTA} with the aid of multivariate calibration and artificial neural networks},
    JOURNAL={Analytica Chimica Acta},

  129. V.D. Noghin. A logical justification of the Edgeworth-Pareto principle. Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, 42(7):915-920, July 2002. [WWW ]
    author = {V.D. Noghin},
    title = {A logical justification of the Edgeworth-Pareto principle},
    journal = {Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics},
    volume = {42},
    number = {7},
    month = {July},
    pages = {915-920},
    year = {2002},
    url = {} 

  130. V.D. Noghin and I. V. Tolstykh. Using quantitative information on the relative importance of criteria for decision making. Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, 40(11):1529-1536, November 2002. [WWW ]
    author = {V.D. Noghin and I. V. Tolstykh},
    title = {Using quantitative information on the relative importance of criteria for decision making},
    journal = {Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics},
    volume = {40},
    number = {11},
    month = {November},
    pages = {1529-1536},
    year = {2002},
    url = {} 

  131. M.F. Norese and S. Viale. A multi-profile sorting procedure in the public administration. European Journal of Operational Research, 138(2):365-379, April 2002.
    author=" M.F. Norese and S. Viale ",
    title=" A multi-profile sorting procedure in the public administration ",
    journal=" European Journal of Operational Research ",
    pages=" 365-379 " 

  132. W. Ogryczak. Multiple Criteria Optimization and Decisions under Risk. Control and Cybernetics, 31:975-1003, 2002.
    author="Ogryczak, W.",
    title="Multiple Criteria Optimization and Decisions under Risk",
    journal="Control and Cybernetics",

  133. W. Ogryczak and A. Ruszczynski. Dual Stochastic Dominance and Related Mean-Risk Models. SIAM Journal on Optimization, 13:60-78, 2002.
    author="Ogryczak, W. and Ruszczynski, A.",
    title="Dual Stochastic Dominance and Related Mean-Risk Models",
    journal={SIAM Journal on Optimization},

  134. W. Ogryczak and T. Sliwinski. On equitable approaches to resource allocation problems: the conditional minimax solution. Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, (3):40-48, 2002.
    author="Ogryczak, W. and Sliwinski, T.",
    title="On equitable approaches to resource allocation problems: the conditional minimax solution",
    journal={Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology},

  135. C. Oliveira and C. Henggeler Antunes. An Input-Output Model for Decision Support in Energy-Economy Planning -- A Multiobjective Interactive Approach. Journal of Systems Analysis Modelling Simulation, 42(5):769-790, 2002.
    AUTHOR="Oliveira, C. and C. {Henggeler Antunes}",
    TITLE="An Input-Output Model for Decision Support in Energy-Economy Planning -- {A} Multiobjective Interactive Approach",
    JOURNAL="Journal of Systems Analysis Modelling Simulation",

  136. R.C. Oliveira and J.C. Lourenço. A multicriteria model for assigning new orders to service suppliers. European Journal of Operational Research, 139(2):390-399, 2002.
    AUTHOR="Oliveira, R.C. and Louren\c{c}o, J.C.",
    TITLE="A multicriteria model for assigning new orders to service suppliers",
    JOURNAL="European Journal of Operational Research",
    YEAR=" 2002" 

  137. F. Phillips. The distortion of criteria after decision-making. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 88(2):769-784, July 2002.
    journal = {Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes},
    ISSN = {0749-5978},
    volume = 88,
    number = 2,
    month = {July},
    year = 2002,
    title = {The distortion of criteria after decision-making},
    author = {F. Phillips},
    pages = {769-784} 

  138. B. Rekiek, P. De Lit, F. Pellichero, T. L'Eglise, P. Fouda, E. Falkenauer, and A. Delchambre. Hybrid assembly line design and user's preferences. International Journal of Production Research, 40(5):1095-1111, 2002.
    AUTHOR={Rekiek, B. and De Lit, P. and Pellichero, F. and L'Eglise, T. and Fouda, P. and Falkenauer, E. and Delchambre, A.},
    TITLE={Hybrid assembly line design and user's preferences},
    JOURNAL={International Journal of Production Research},

  139. A.M. Rodrìguez-Chìa and J. Puerto. Geometrical Description of the Weakly Efficient Solution Set for Multicriteria Location Problem. Annals of Operations Research, 111:179-194, 2002.
    author={Rodr\'{\i}guez-Ch\'{\i}a, A.M. and Puerto, J.},
    title={Geometrical Description of the Weakly Efficient Solution Set for Multicriteria Location Problem},
    journal={Annals of Operations Research},

  140. M.V. Rodríguez Uría, R. Caballero, F. Ruiz, and C. Romero. Meta-Goal Programming. European Journal of Operational Research, 136(2):422--429, January 2002. [WWW ]
    author = "Rodríguez Uría, M.V. and Caballero, R. and Ruiz, F. and Romero, C.",
    title = "Meta-Goal Programming",
    journal = "European Journal of Operational Research",
    pages = "422--429",
    volume = 136,
    number = 2,
    month = {January},
    year = 2002,
    url={            27753327250c%232002%23269718               0.000000LA              152700944isplay%23Volume)&_cdi=5963&_sort=d&_docanchor=&view=c&_ct=20&_acct=C000046800&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=870092&md5=2b0b2860a76300288563a1e81f730653} 

  141. B. Roy and S. Damart. L'analyse Coûts-Avantages, outil de concertation et de légitimation ?. METROPOLIS, 108-109:7-16, 2002.
    AUTHOR="B. Roy and S. Damart",
    TITLE="L'analyse Co\^uts-Avantages, outil de concertation et de l\'egitimation ?",

  142. B. Roy and J. Figueira. Determining the weights of criteria in the ELECTRE type methods with a revised Simos' procedure. European Journal of Operational Research, 139:317-326, 2002.
    AUTHOR="B. Roy and J. Figueira",
    TITLE="Determining the weights of criteria in the {ELECTRE} type methods with a revised {S}imos' procedure",
    JOURNAL="European Journal of Operational Research",

  143. B. Schandl, K. Klamroth, and M.M. Wiecek. Norm-based approximation in multicriteria programming. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 44(7):925-942, 2002.
    author={Schandl, B. and Klamroth, K. and Wiecek, M.M.},
    title={Norm-based approximation in multicriteria programming},
    journal={Computers and Mathematics with Applications},

  144. B. Schandl, K. Klamroth, and M.M. Wiecek. Introducing oblique norms into multiple criteria programming. Journal of Global Optimization, 23:81-97, 2002.
    author={Schandl, B. and Klamroth, K. and Wiecek, M.M.},
    title={Introducing oblique norms into multiple criteria programming},
    journal={Journal of Global Optimization},

  145. U. Segal and J. Sobel. Min, Max and Sum. Journal of Economic Theory, 106(1):126--150, 2002.
    author = {Segal, U. and Sobel, J.},
    year = 2002,
    title = {Min, {Max} and {Sum}},
    journal = {Journal of Economic Theory},
    volume = 106,
    pages = {126--150},
    number = 1 

  146. Y. Siskos. MUSTARD: Multicriteria utility-based stochastic aid for ranking decisions. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 15(5):461--465, 2002.
    author = {Siskos, Y.},
    year = 2002,
    title = {{MUSTARD}: Multicriteria utility-based stochastic aid for ranking decisions},
    journal = {Journal of Behavioral Decision Making},
    volume = 15,
    number = 5,
    pages = {461--465} 

  147. P. Slovic, M. Finucane, E. Peters, and D.G. MacGregor. Rational actors or rational fools? Implications of the affect heuristic for behavioral economics. The Journal of Socio-Economics, 31:329-342, 2002.
    author = {P. Slovic and M. Finucane and E. Peters and {D.G.} {MacGregor}},
    title = {Rational actors or rational fools? Implications of the affect heuristic for behavioral economics},
    journal = {The Journal of Socio-Economics},
    volume = {31},
    pages = {329-342},
    year = {2002} 

  148. D. Soloveitchick, N. Ben Aderet, M. Grimman, and A.V. Lotov. Multiobjective optimization and marginal pollution abatement cost in the electricity sector -- An Israeli case study. European Journal of Operational Research, 140:571-583, 2002.
    AUTHOR="Soloveitchick, D. and Ben Aderet, N. and Grimman, M. and Lotov, A.V.",
    TITLE="Multiobjective optimization and marginal pollution abatement cost in the electricity sector -- {A}n {I}sraeli case study",
    JOURNAL="European Journal of Operational Research",

  149. M. Sonmez, J. B. Yang, G. Graham, and G.D. Holt. An evidential reasoning based decision making process for pre-qualifying construction contractors. Journal of Decision Systems, 11(3-4):355 - 381, 2002. [WWW ]
    AUTHOR = { M. Sonmez and J. B. Yang and G. Graham and G.D. Holt },
    TITLE = {An evidential reasoning based decision making process for pre-qualifying construction contractors},
    JOURNAL = { Journal of Decision Systems },
    YEAR = {2002},
    volume = {11},
    number = {3-4},
    pages = {355 - 381},
    month = {},
    url = { } 

  150. J.E. Stiglitz. New perspectives on public finance: Recent achievements and future challenges. Journal of Public Economics, 86:341-360, 2002.
    author={Stiglitz, J.E.},
    title={New perspectives on public finance: {R}ecent achievements and future challenges},
    journal={Journal of Public Economics},

  151. G. Strassert and T. Prato. Selecting farming systems using a new multiple criteria decision model: the balancing and ranking method. Ecological Economics, 40:269-277, 2002.
    Author = {Strassert, G. and Prato, T.},
    Title = {Selecting farming systems using a new multiple criteria decision model: the balancing and ranking method},
    Journal = {Ecological Economics},
    Volume = {40},
    Pages = {269-277},
    Year = {2002} 

  152. M. Sun. A multiple objective programming approach for determining faculty salary equity adjustments. European Journal of Operational Research, 138(2):302-319, April 2002.
    author=" M. Sun ",
    title=" A multiple objective programming approach for determining faculty salary equity adjustments ",
    journal=" European Journal of Operational Research ",
    pages=" 302-319 " 

  153. R. Tadei, A. Grosso, and F. Della Croce. Finding the Pareto optima for the total and maximum tardiness single machine scheduling problem. Discrete Applied mathematics, 124(1-3):117-126, December 2002.
    author = {R. Tadei and A. Grosso and Della Croce, F.},
    title = {Finding the Pareto optima for the total and maximum tardiness single machine scheduling problem},
    journal = {Discrete Applied mathematics},
    volume = {124},

  154. A. Tamir, J. Puerto, and D. Pérez-Brito. The Centdian Subtree on Tree Networks. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 118:263-278, 2002.
    author={Tamir, A. and Puerto, J. and P\'erez-Brito, D.},
    title={The Centdian Subtree on Tree Networks},
    journal={Discrete Applied Mathematics},

  155. Y. C. Tsai, K. S. Chin, and J. B. Yang. A hybrid QFD framework for new product development. The Asian Journal of Quality, 3(2):138-158, 2002. [WWW ]
    AUTHOR = { Y. C. Tsai and K. S. Chin and J. B. Yang },
    TITLE = {A hybrid QFD framework for new product development},
    JOURNAL = { The Asian Journal of Quality },
    YEAR = {2002},
    volume = {3},
    number = {2},
    pages = {138-158},
    month = {},
    url = {A hybrid QFD framework for new product development} 

  156. A. Tsoukiàs and A. Papayannakis. A real case study on Transportation Scenario Comparison. Yugoslavian Journal of Operational Research, 12:85-108, 2002.
    author = {A. Tsouki\`as and A. Papayannakis},
    title = {A real case study on Transportation Scenario Comparison},
    journal = {Yugoslavian Journal of Operational Research},
    volume = {12},
    pages = {85-108},
    year = {2002} 

  157. A. Tsoukiàs. A first-order, four valued, weakly paraconsistent logic and its relation to rough sets semantics. Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences, 12:85-108, 2002.
    author = {A. Tsouki\`as},
    title = {A first-order, four valued, weakly paraconsistent logic and its relation to rough sets semantics},
    journal = {Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences},
    volume = {12},
    year = {2002},
    pages = {85-108} 

  158. K. Vaillancourt and J.P. Waaub. Environmental site evaluation of waste management facilities embedded into EUGENE model: A multicriteria approach.. European Journal of Operational Research, 139(2):436-448, 2002.
    AUTHOR={Vaillancourt, K. and Waaub, J.P.},
    TITLE={Environmental site evaluation of waste management facilities embedded into {EUGENE} model: {A} multicriteria approach.},
    JOURNAL={European Journal of Operational Research},

  159. N. Voropai and E. Ivanova. Multicriteria Decision Analysis Techniques in Electric Power System Expansion Planning. Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 24:71-78, 2002.
    AUTHOR="Voropai, N. and Ivanova, E.",
    TITLE="Multicriteria Decision Analysis Techniques in Electric Power System Expansion Planning",
    JOURNAL="Electrical Power and Energy Systems",

  160. P.P. Wakker and H. Zank. A Simple Preference-Foundation of Cumulative Prospect Theory with Power Utility. European Economic Review, 46:1253–1271, 2002.
    author = {{P.P.} Wakker and H. Zank},
    title = {A Simple Preference-Foundation of Cumulative Prospect Theory with Power Utility},
    journal = {European Economic Review},
    volume = {46},
    pages = {1253–1271},
    year = {2002} 

  161. M.C. Willemsen and G. Keren. Negative-based prominence: the role of negative features in matching and choice. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 88(2):643-666, July 2002.
    journal = {Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes},
    ISSN = {0749-5978},
    volume = 88,
    number = 2,
    month = {July},
    year = 2002,
    title = {Negative-based prominence: the role of negative features in matching and choice},
    author = {M.C. Willemsen and G. Keren},
    pages = {643-666} 

  162. J. B. Yang and D. Li. Normal vector identification and interactive tradeoff analysis using minimax formulation in multiobjective optimisation. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Part A: Systems and Humans, 32(3):305-319, May 2002. [WWW ]
    AUTHOR = { J. B. Yang and D. Li },
    TITLE = {Normal vector identification and interactive tradeoff analysis using minimax formulation in multiobjective optimisation},
    JOURNAL = { IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Part A: Systems and Humans },
    YEAR = {2002},
    volume = {32},
    number = {3},
    pages = {305-319},
    month = {MAy},
    url = {} 

  163. J. B. Yang and D. L. Xu. Nonlinear information aggregation via evidential reasoning in multiattribute decision analysis under uncertainty. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Part A: Systems and Humans, 32(3):376-393, May 2002. [WWW ]
    AUTHOR = { J. B. Yang and D. L. Xu },
    TITLE = {Nonlinear information aggregation via evidential reasoning in multiattribute decision analysis under uncertainty},
    JOURNAL = { IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Part A: Systems and Humans },
    YEAR = {2002},
    volume = {32},
    number = {3},
    pages = {376-393},
    month = {May},
    url = {} 

  164. J. B. Yang and D. L. Xu. On the evidential reasoning algorithm for multiattribute decision analysis under uncertainty. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Part A: Systems and Humans, 32(3):289-304, May 2002. [WWW ]
    AUTHOR = { J. B. Yang and D. L. Xu },
    TITLE = {On the evidential reasoning algorithm for multiattribute decision analysis under uncertainty},
    JOURNAL = { IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Part A: Systems and Humans },
    YEAR = {2002},
    volume = {32},
    number = {3},
    pages = {289-304},
    month = {May},
    url = { } 

  165. C.H. Yeh. A problem based selection of multi-attribute decision-making methods. International Transactions in Operational Research, 9(2):169-181, March 2002.
    author="C.H. Yeh",
    title="A problem based selection of multi-attribute decision-making methods",
    journal="International Transactions in Operational Research",

  166. C. Yu. A GP-AHP method for solving group decision-making fuzzy AHP problems. Computers & Operations Research, 29:1969-2001, 2002.
    Author = {Yu, C.},
    Title = {A GP-AHP method for solving group decision-making fuzzy AHP problems},
    Journal = {Computers & Operations Research},
    Volume = {29},
    Pages = {1969-2001},
    Year = {2002} 

  167. X. Yuan. Heuristic algorithms for multiconstrained qualiy-of-service routing. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 10(2), April 2002.
    author = {X. Yuan},
    title = {Heuristic algorithms for multiconstrained qualiy-of-service routing},
    journal = {IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking},
    year = {2002},
    month = {April},
    volume = {10},
    number = {2} 

  168. Y. Zhong and Y. Shi. Duality in fuzzy multi-criteria and multi-constraint level linear programming: a parametric approach. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 132(3):335-346, December 2002. [WWW ]
    journal = {Fuzzy Sets and Systems},
    ISSN = {0165-0114},
    volume = 132,
    number = 3,
    month = {December},
    year = 2002,
    title = {Duality in fuzzy multi-criteria and multi-constraint level linear programming: a parametric approach},
    author = {Y. Zhong and Y. Shi},
    pages = {335-346},
    url = {} 

  169. Z. Zhu. Towards user-friendly OR: a Chinese experience. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 53:137–148, 2002.
    author = {Z. Zhu},
    title = {Towards user-friendly OR: a Chinese experience},
    journal = {Journal of the Operational Research Society},
    volume = {53},
    pages = {137–148},
    year = {2002} 

Conference's articles
  1. M.A. Aloulou. On the reactive scheduling design using flexible predictive schedules. In Proceedings of IEEE SMC'2002, Hammamet, pages in CD-ROM, October 2002.
    author = {M.A. Aloulou},
    title = {On the reactive scheduling design using flexible predictive schedules},
    year = {2002},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of IEEE SMC'2002},
    pages = {in CD-ROM},
    address = {Hammamet},
    month = {October} 

  2. M.A. Aloulou, A. Vignier, and M.C. Portmann. Predictive-reactive scheduling for single machine problem. In Proceedings of PMS'2001, Valencia, pages 39--42, April 2002.
    author = {M.A. Aloulou and A. Vignier and M.C. Portmann},
    title = {Predictive-reactive scheduling for single machine problem},
    year = {2002},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of PMS'2001},
    pages = {39--42},
    address = {Valencia},
    month = {April} 

  3. M.A. Aloulou, A. Vignier, and M.C. Portmann. Construction d'ordonnancements flexibles pour le problème à une machine. In Proceedings of ROADEF'2002, Paris, pages 29-30, February 2002.
    author = {M.A. Aloulou and A. Vignier and M.C. Portmann},
    title = {Construction d'ordonnancements flexibles pour le problème à une machine},
    year = {2002},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of ROADEF'2002},
    pages = {29-30},
    address = {Paris},
    month = {February} 

  4. L. Amgoud, N. Maudet, and S. Parsons. An Argumentation based semantics for agent communication languages. In F. Van Harmelen, editor, Proceedings of the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI-2002), pages 38-42, 2002. IOS Press, Amsterdam.
    author = {L. Amgoud and N. Maudet and S. Parsons},
    title = {An Argumentation based semantics for agent communication languages},
    editor = {F. {Van Harmelen}},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI-2002)},
    publisher = {IOS Press, Amsterdam},
    pages = {38-42},
    year = {2002} 

  5. J.A. Ascough, H.D. Rector, D.L. Hoag, G.S. McMaster, B.C. Vandenberg, M.J. Shaffer, M.A. Weltz, and L.R. Ahjua. Multicriteria spatial decision support systems: overview, applications, and future research directions. In iEMS 2002 Integrated Assessment and Decision Support, Lugano Switzerland, pages 175-180, 2002.
    Author = {Ascough, J.A. and Rector, H.D. and Hoag, D.L. and McMaster, G.S. and Vandenberg, B.C. and Shaffer, M.J. and Weltz, M.A. and Ahjua, L.R.},
    Title = {Multicriteria spatial decision support systems: overview, applications, and future research directions},
    BookTitle = {iEMS 2002 Integrated Assessment and Decision Support},
    Address= {Lugano Switzerland},
    Pages = {175-180},
    Year = {2002} 

  6. C.A. Bana e Costa. Issues in facilitating bid evaluation in public call for tenders. In F. Khosrowshahi, editor, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Decision Making in Urban and Civil Engineering, London, pages 703-709, 2002. SOAS.
    Note: CD-ROM edition.
    AUTHOR="Bana e Costa, C.A.",
    TITLE="Issues in facilitating bid evaluation in public call for tenders",
    EDITOR="Khosrowshahi, F.",
    BOOKTITLE="Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Decision Making in Urban and Civil Engineering",
    NOTE="CD-ROM edition",

  7. V. Belton and J. Pictet. Talking about the practice of MCDA. In D. Bouyssou, E. Jacquet-Lagrèze, P. Perny, R. Slowinski, D. Vanderpooten, and Ph. Vincke, editors, Aiding decisions with multiple criteria. Essays in Honor of Bernard Roy, Dordrecht, pages 71-88, 2002. Kluwer.
    author = {Belton, V. and Pictet, J.},
    title = {Talking about the practice of {MCDA}},
    booktitle = {Aiding decisions with multiple criteria. {E}ssays in Honor of Bernard Roy},
    editor = {D. Bouyssou and E. Jacquet-Lagrèze and P. Perny and R. Slowinski and D. Vanderpooten and Ph. Vincke},
    publisher = {Kluwer},
    address = {Dordrecht},
    year = 2002,
    pages = {71-88} 

  8. S. Benferhat, D. Dubois, S. Kaci, and H. Prade. Possibilistic logic representation of preferences: relating prioritized goals and satisfaction levels expressions. In Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, ECAI 2002, pages 685-689, 2002. ISO Press, Amsterdam.
    author = {S. Benferhat and D. Dubois and S. Kaci and H. Prade},
    title = {Possibilistic logic representation of preferences: relating prioritized goals and satisfaction levels expressions},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, ECAI 2002},
    publisher = {ISO Press, Amsterdam},
    pages = {685-689},
    year = {2002} 

  9. S. Benferhat, D. Dubois, S. Kaci, and H. Prade. Bipolar representation and fusion of preferences in the possibilistic logic framework. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, KR'02, pages 421-432, 2002. Morgan Kauffamn, San Francisco.
    author = {S. Benferhat and D. Dubois and S. Kaci and H. Prade},
    title = {Bipolar representation and fusion of preferences in the possibilistic logic framework},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, KR'02},
    publisher = {Morgan Kauffamn, San Francisco},
    pages = {421-432},
    year = {2002} 

  10. S. Damart. A note on the concept of knowledge management in decision aid activity. In DSI-Age 2002 (Decision Making and Decision Support in the Internet Age 2002), Cork, Ireland, July 4-7, 2002.
    AUTHOR="Damart, S.",
    TITLE="A note on the concept of knowledge management in decision aid activity",
    BOOKTITLE="DSI-{A}ge 2002 ({D}ecision {M}aking and {D}ecision {S}upport in the {I}nternet {A}ge 2002)",
    ADDRESS="Cork, Ireland, July 4-7",

  11. K. Deb, L. Thiele, M. Laumanns, and E. Zitzler. Scalable Multi-Objective Optimization Test Problems. In Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2002), pages 825--830, 2002. IEEE Press.
    author = {K. Deb and L. Thiele and M. Laumanns and E. Zitzler},
    title = {{Scalable Multi-Objective Optimization Test Problems}},
    booktitle = {Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2002)},
    year = {2002},
    pages = {825--830},
    publisher = {IEEE Press} 

  12. F. Della Croce, A. Tsoukiàs, and P. Moraitis. Why is difficult to make decisions under multiple criteria?. In B. Drabble, J. Koehler, and I. Refanidis, editors, Proceedings of the AIPS 2002 workshop on Planning and Scheduling with Multiple Criteria, pages 41-45, 2002.
    author = "F. {Della Croce} and A. Tsouki\`as and P. Moraitis",
    title = "Why is difficult to make decisions under multiple criteria?",
    editor = "B. Drabble and J. Koehler and I. Refanidis",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the AIPS 2002 workshop on Planning and Scheduling with Multiple Criteria",
    pages = {41-45},
    year = {2002} 

  13. L.C. Dias and V. Mousseau. IRIS: um SAD para problemas de classificação baseado em agregação multicritério. In Actas da 3ª Conferência da Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação (CAPSI), 2002.
    Note: In Portuguese. [ ]
    author="L.C. Dias and V. Mousseau",
    title="{IRIS}: um {SAD} para problemas de classificação baseado em agregação multicritério",
    booktitle="Actas da 3ª Conferência da Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação (CAPSI)",
    note="in Portuguese",

  14. C. Domshlak and R.I. Brafman. CP-nets - Reasoning and Consistency Testing. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, KR'02, pages 121-132, 2002. Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco.
    author = {C. Domshlak and {R.I}. Brafman},
    title = {{CP-nets} - Reasoning and Consistency Testing},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, KR'02},
    publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco},
    pages = {121-132},
    year = {2002} 

  15. D. Dubois, H. Fargier, P. Perny, and H. Prade. On the Limitation of Ordinal Approaches to Decision Making. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, KR02, pages 133-144, 2002. Morgan Kauffman, San Francisco.
    author = "D. Dubois and H. Fargier and P. Perny and H. Prade",
    title = "On the Limitation of Ordinal Approaches to Decision Making",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, KR02",
    publisher = {Morgan Kauffman, San Francisco},
    year = "2002",
    pages = "133-144" 

  16. S.C. Erbas and R. Mathar. An Off-line Traffic Engineering Model for MPLS Networks. In B. Bakshi and B. Stiller, editors, Proceedings of IEEE 27th Annual Conference on Local Computer Networks, Tampa, Florida, pages 166-174, 2002. IEEE Computer Society.
    author = {S.C. Erbas and R. Mathar},
    title = {An Off-line Traffic Engineering Model for {MPLS} Networks},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of IEEE 27th Annual Conference on Local Computer Networks},
    editor={Bakshi, B. and Stiller, B.},
    publisher={IEEE Computer Society},
    pages = {166-174},
    year = {2002},
    address = {Tampa, Florida} 

  17. M. Grabisch and Ch. Labreuche. Bi-capacities for decision making on bipolar scales. In Proceedings of the EUROFUSE 02 Workshop on Information Systems, pages 185-190, 2002.
    author = {M. Grabisch and Ch. Labreuche},
    title = {Bi-capacities for decision making on bipolar scales},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the EUROFUSE 02 Workshop on Information Systems},
    pages = {185-190},
    year = {2002} 

  18. S. Greco, B. Matarazzo, and R. Slowinski. Bipolar Sugeno and Choquet Integrals. In Proceedings of the EUROFUSE 02 Workshop on Information Systems, pages ??, 2002.
    author="S. Greco and B. Matarazzo and R. Slowinski",
    title="Bipolar Sugeno and Choquet Integrals",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the EUROFUSE 02 Workshop on Information Systems",
    pages = "??",
    year = "2002" 

  19. R. Hubley, E. Zitzler, A. Siegel, and J. Roach. Multiobjective Genetic Marker Selection. In Advances in Nature-Inspired Computation: The PPSN VII Workshops, pages 32--33, September 2002. University of Reading, UK.
    author = {R. Hubley and E. Zitzler and A. Siegel and J. Roach},
    title = {{Multiobjective Genetic Marker Selection}},
    booktitle = {Advances in Nature-Inspired Computation: The {PPSN} {VII} Workshops},
    pages = {32--33},
    publisher = {University of Reading, UK},
    month = sep,
    year = {2002} 

  20. A. Ismail-Yahaya and A. Messac. Effective generation of the Pareto frontier: the normalized normal constraint method. In 43rd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, Denver, CO, April 2002, volume AIAA 2002-1232, 2002.
    author={Ismail-Yahaya, A. and Messac, A.},
    title={Effective generation of the Pareto frontier: the normalized normal constraint method},
    booktitle={43rd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, Denver, CO, April 2002},
    volume={AIAA 2002-1232},

  21. D.F. Jones and M. Tamiz. Goal programming in the period 1900-2000. In M. Ehrgott and X. Gandibleux, editors, Multiple Criteria Optimization: State of the Art Annotated Bibliographic Surveys, pages 129-170, 2002. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, MA.
    author={Jones, D.F. and Tamiz, M.},
    title={Goal programming in the period 1900-2000},
    booktitle={Multiple Criteria Optimization: State of the Art Annotated Bibliographic Surveys},
    editor={Ehrgott, M. and Gandibleux, X.},
    publisher={Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, MA},

  22. M. Laumanns, L. Thiele, K. Deb, and E. Zitzler. Archiving with Guaranteed Convergence And Diversity in Multi-objective Optimization. In Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2002), New York, NY, USA, pages 439--447, July 2002. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
    author = {M. Laumanns and L. Thiele and K. Deb and E. Zitzler},
    title = {{Archiving with Guaranteed Convergence And Diversity in Multi-objective Optimization}},
    address = {New York, NY, USA},
    booktitle = {Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference {(GECCO 2002)}},
    pages = {439--447},
    publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann Publishers},
    month = jul,
    year = {2002} 

  23. M. Laumanns, L. Thiele, E. Zitzler, E. Welzl, and K. Deb. Running time analysis of multi-objective evolutionary algorithms on a simple discrete optimization problem. In Conference on Parallel Problem Solving From Nature (PPSN VII), Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 2439, pages 44--53, 2002. Springer.
    author = {M. Laumanns and L. Thiele and E. Zitzler and E. Welzl and K. Deb},
    booktitle = {Conference on Parallel Problem Solving From Nature (PPSN~VII)},
    title = {{Running time analysis of multi-objective evolutionary algorithms on a simple discrete optimization problem}},
    year = {2002},
    pages = {44--53},
    publisher = {Springer},
    series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol.~2439} 

  24. F. Le Huédé, P. Gérard, M. Grabisch, C. Labreuche, and P. Savéant. Integration of a Multicriteria Decision Model in Constraint Programming. In B. Brabble, J. Koehler, and I. Refanidis, editors, Proceedings of the Workshop on Planning and Scheduling with Multiple Criteria of the 6th International Conference on AI Planning and Scheduling, Toulouse, France, 2002.
    author = { Le Huédé, F. and P. Gérard and M. Grabisch and C. Labreuche and P. Savéant},
    year = {2002},
    title = "Integration of a Multicriteria Decision Model in Constraint Programming",
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Planning and Scheduling with Multiple Criteria of the 6th International Conference on AI Planning and Scheduling, Toulouse, France},
    editor = {B. Brabble and J. Koehler and I. Refanidis},

  25. F. Le Huédé, P. Gérard, M. Grabisch, and C. Labreuche. Propagation de l'intégrale de Choquet en Programmation Par Contraintes. In Actes de 4e journées de l'association française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision, Paris, France, 2002.
    author = { Le Huédé, F. and P. Gérard and M. Grabisch and C. Labreuche},
    year = {2002},
    title = "Propagation de l'intégrale de Choquet en Programmation Par Contraintes",
    booktitle = {Actes de 4e journées de l'association française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision, Paris, France} 

  26. A.V. Lotov, L.V. Bourmistrova, R.V. Efremov, and G.K. Kamenev. Multi-criterion graphic software for supporting a search for efficient environmental strategies: method and real-life applications. In A.E. Rizzoli and A.J. Jakeman, editors, Proceedings of the Conference iEMSs 2002, v.1, Lugano, pages 1-6, 2002. International Environmental Modelling and Software Society.
    author = {Lotov, A.V. and Bourmistrova, L.V. and Efremov, R.V. and Kamenev, G.K.},
    title = { Multi-criterion graphic software for supporting a search for efficient environmental strategies: method and real-life applications},
    editor={Rizzoli, A.E., and Jakeman, A.J.},
    booktitle = { Proceedings of the Conference iEMSs 2002, v.1 },
    publisher = {International Environmental Modelling and Software Society},
    address = {Lugano},
    pages ={1-6},
    year =2002 

  27. S. Mander and C. Gough. Multi criteria evaluation of low carbon energy technologies. In iEMS 2002 Integrated Assessment and Decision Support, Lugano Switzerland, pages 157-162, 2002.
    Author = {Mander, S. and Gough, C.},
    Title = {Multi criteria evaluation of low carbon energy technologies},
    BookTitle = {iEMS 2002 Integrated Assessment and Decision Support},
    Address= {Lugano Switzerland},
    Pages = {157-162},
    Year = {2002} 

  28. N.F. Matsatsinis. New agricultural product development using data mining techniques and multicriteria methods. In A. Sideridis, editor, Proceedings of the 1st Hellenic Association of Information and Communication Technology in Agriculture, Food and Environment (HAICTA 2002), Athens, Greece, 2002.
    author = {Matsatsinis, N.F.},
    year = 2002,
    editor={Sideridis, A.},
    title = {New agricultural product development using data mining techniques and multicriteria methods},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1st Hellenic Association of Information and Communication Technology in Agriculture, Food and Environment (HAICTA 2002), Athens, Greece},

  29. J. Montmain, A. Akharraz, and G. Mauris. Knowledge management as a support for collective decision-making and argumentation processes. In 9th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based systems (IPMU'2002), Annecy, France, pages 91-98, July 2002. ESIA, Université de Savoie.
    author={J. Montmain and A. Akharraz and G. Mauris},
    title={Knowledge management as a support for collective decision-making and argumentation processes},
    booktitle={9th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based systems (IPMU'2002)},
    publisher={ESIA, Universit\'e de Savoie},
    address={Annecy, France},
    month ={July} 

  30. M. Morisio, I. Stamelos, and A. Tsoukiàs. A new method to evaluate software artifacts against predefined profiles. In Proceedings of the SEKE-02 conference, pages 811--818, 2002. ACM Press, New York.
    author = "M. Morisio and I. Stamelos and A. Tsouki\`as",
    title = "A new method to evaluate software artifacts against predefined profiles",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the SEKE-02 conference",
    publisher = "ACM Press, New York",
    pages = "811--818",
    year = "2002" 

  31. J. Mysiak, C. Giupponi, and A. Fassio. Decision support for water resouce management: an application example of the MULINO DSS. In iEMS 2002 Integrated Assessment and Decision Support, Lugano Switzerland, pages 138-143, 2002.
    Author = {Mysiak, J. and Giupponi, C. and Fassio, A.},
    Title = {Decision support for water resouce management: an application example of the MULINO DSS},
    BookTitle = {iEMS 2002 Integrated Assessment and Decision Support},
    Address= {Lugano Switzerland},
    Pages = {138-143},
    Year = {2002} 

  32. P. Perny and O. Spanjaard. Preference-based Search in State Space Graphs. In Proceedings of the AAAI'2002 Conference, Edmonton, Canada, pages 751-756, July 2002.
    author = "P. Perny and O. Spanjaard",
    title = "Preference-based Search in State Space Graphs",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the AAAI'2002 Conference",
    year = "2002",
    address = "Edmonton, Canada",
    month = "July",
    pages = "751-756" 

  33. S. Rozakis, J.C. Sourie, and D. Vanderpooten. Determining efficient biofuel tax exemption policy in France for greenhouse gas emission abatement. In A. OudeLasink and E. vanIerland, editors, Economics of Sustainable Energy in Agriculture, 2002. Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht.
    Note: Accepté.
    AUTHOR="Rozakis, S. and Sourie, J.C. and Vanderpooten, D.",
    TITLE="Determining efficient biofuel tax exemption policy in France for greenhouse gas emission abatement",
    BOOKTITLE="Economics of Sustainable Energy in Agriculture",
    EDITOR="OudeLasink, A. and vanIerland, E. ",
    PUBLISHER="Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht",

  34. S. Ríos-Insua, A. Jiménez, and A. Mateos. A multiattribute decision support system for the optimization of resource planning processes over time. In Third International NAISO Symposium on Engineering of Intelligence Systems (EIS'2002) Proceedings, pages 67, September 2002. ICSC-NAISO Academic Press, Canada.
    author = {S. Ríos-Insua and A. Jiménez and A. Mateos},
    title = {A multiattribute decision support system for the optimization of resource planning processes over time},
    booktitle = {Third International NAISO Symposium on Engineering of Intelligence Systems (EIS'2002) Proceedings},
    publisher = {ICSC-NAISO Academic Press, Canada},
    pages = {67},
    year = {2002} 

  35. R. Slowinski, S. Greco, and B. Matarazzo. Rough set analysis of preference-ordered data. In J.J. Alpigini, J.F. Peters, A. Skowron, and N. Zhong, editors, Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing, Berlin, pages 44--59, 2002. Springer-Verlag.
    author = {R. Slowinski and S. Greco and B. Matarazzo},
    editor = {J.J. Alpigini and J.F. Peters and A. Skowron and N. Zhong},
    year = 2002,
    title = {Rough set analysis of preference-ordered data},
    booktitle = {Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing},
    pages = {44--59},
    publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
    address = {Berlin} 

  36. R. Slowinski, S. Greco, and B. Matarazzo. Mining decision-rule preference model from rough approximation of preference relation. In Proceedings of the 26$^{th}$ IEEE Annual International Conference on Computer Software & Applications (COMPSAC 2002), Oxford, pages 1129--1134, 2002.
    author = {R. Slowinski and S. Greco and B. Matarazzo},
    year = 2002,
    title = {Mining decision-rule preference model from rough approximation of preference relation},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the 26$^{th}$ IEEE Annual International Conference on Computer Software \& Applications (COMPSAC 2002)},
    pages = {1129--1134},
    address = {Oxford} 

  37. J. Stefanowski and A. Tsoukiàs. Induction of decision rules and classification in the valued tolerance approach. In J.J Alpigini, J.F Peters, A. Skowron, and N. Zhong, editors, Proceedings of the RSCTC 2002 Conference, pages 271--278, 2002. LNAI 2475, Springer Verlag, Berlin.
    author = "J. Stefanowski and A. Tsouki\`as",
    title = "Induction of decision rules and classification in the valued tolerance approach",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the RSCTC 2002 Conference",
    editor = {{J.J} Alpigini and {J.F} Peters and A. Skowron and N. Zhong},
    publisher = {LNAI 2475, Springer Verlag, Berlin},
    pages = "271--278",
    year = {2002} 

  38. D. Vanderpooten. Modelling in decision aiding. In D. Bouyssou, E. Jacquet-Lagrèze, P. Perny, R. Slowinski, D. Vanderpooten, and Ph. Vincke, editors, Aiding Decisions with Multiple Criteria: Essays in Honour of Bernard Roy, pages 195-210, 2002. Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht.
    AUTHOR="Vanderpooten, D.",
    TITLE="Modelling in decision aiding",
    BOOKTITLE="Aiding Decisions with Multiple Criteria: Essays in Honour of Bernard Roy",
    EDITOR="Bouyssou, D. and Jacquet-Lagr\`eze, E. and Perny, P. and {Slowinski}, R. and Vanderpooten, D. and Vincke, {Ph}.",
    PUBLISHER="Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht",

  39. A. Verkeyn, D. Botteldooren, B. De Baets, and G. De Tre. Modeling annoyance aggregation with Choquet integrals. In B. De Baets, editor, Proceedings of Eurofuse Workshop on Information Systems, Varenna, Italy, pages 259 - 264, 2002.
    author={Verkeyn, A. and Botteldooren, D. and De Baets, B. and De Tre, G.},
    title={Modeling annoyance aggregation with {C}hoquet integrals},
    booktitle={Proceedings of Eurofuse Workshop on Information Systems, Varenna, Italy},
    editor={De Baets, B.},
    pages={259 - 264} 

  40. A. Wierzbicki. Multicriteria models for the placement of Internet cache. In MCDM Winter Conference (16th MCDM World Conference), Semmering, Austria, February 2002.
    author = {A. Wierzbicki},
    title = {Multicriteria models for the placement of {I}nternet cache},
    booktitle = {MCDM Winter Conference (16th MCDM World Conference), Semmering},
    year = {2002},
    month = {February},
    address = {Austria} 

  41. E. Zitzler, M. Laumanns, and L. Thiele. SPEA2: Improving the Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm for Multiobjective Optimization. In K.C. Giannakoglou and others, editors, Evolutionary Methods for Design, Optimisation and Control with Application to Industrial Problems (EUROGEN 2001), pages 95--100, 2002. International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE).
    author = {E. Zitzler and M. Laumanns and L. Thiele},
    title = {{SPEA2: Improving the Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm for Multiobjective Optimization}},
    booktitle = {Evolutionary Methods for Design, Optimisation and Control with Application to Industrial Problems (EUROGEN 2001)},
    pages = {95--100},
    year = {2002},
    editor = {K.C. Giannakoglou and others},
    publisher = {International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE)} 

  42. E. Zitzler, M. Laumanns, L. Thiele, C. M. Fonseca, and V. Grunert da Fonseca. Why Quality Assessment Of Multiobjective Optimizers Is Difficult. In Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2002), New York, NY, USA, pages 666--674, July 2002. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
    author = {E. Zitzler and M. Laumanns and L. Thiele and C. M. Fonseca and V. {Grunert da Fonseca}},
    title = {{Why Quality Assessment Of Multiobjective Optimizers Is Difficult}},
    address = {New York, NY, USA},
    booktitle = {Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference {(GECCO 2002)}},
    pages = {666--674},
    publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann Publishers},
    month = jul,
    year = {2002} 

  43. E. Zitzler. Evolutionary Algorithms for Multiobjective Optimization. In Evolutionary Methods for Design, Optimisation, and Control (EUROGEN 2001), pages 19--26, 2002. CIMNE.
    author = {E. Zitzler},
    title = {{Evolutionary Algorithms for Multiobjective Optimization}},
    booktitle = {Evolutionary Methods for Design, Optimisation, and Control {(EUROGEN 2001)}},
    pages = {19--26},
    publisher = {CIMNE},
    year = {2002} 

Internal reports
  1. A. Ait Younes and B. Roy. Prise en compte d'une connaissance imparfaite à l'aide d'un pseudo-critère : procédure interactive de construction. Cahier du LAMSADE 197, Université Paris-Dauphine, 2002.
    author="A. {Ait~Younes} and B. Roy",
    title="Prise en compte d'une connaissance imparfaite \`a l'aide d'un pseudo-crit\`ere : proc\'edure interactive de construction",
    institution="Universit\'e Paris-Dauphine",
    type="Cahier du {LAMSADE} 197" 

  2. S. Bleuler, M. Laumanns, L. Thiele, and E. Zitzler. PISA --- A Platform and Programming Language Independent Interface for Search Algorithms. TIK Report 154, Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory (TIK), ETH Zurich, october 2002.
    author = {S. Bleuler and M. Laumanns and L. Thiele and E. Zitzler},
    title = {{PISA --- A Platform and Programming Language Independent Interface for Search Algorithms}},
    institution = {{Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory (TIK), ETH Zurich}},
    year = {2002},
    type = {TIK Report},
    number = {154},
    month = {october} 

  3. S. Damart, V. Mousseau, and I. Sommerlatt. Du mode d'implication d'acteurs multiples dans le cadre de l'utilisation d'un modèle d'affectation multicritère : Analyse au regard d'une application à la tarification des transports publics. Cahier du LAMSADE no.190, Université de Paris-Dauphine, 2002.
    Abstract: "Les méthodes d'aide multicritère à la décision laissent une large gamme de modalités d'application notamment lorsque la décision implique plusieurs acteurs. La construction collective des modèles d'aide à la décision multicritère a trait à la manière de mener avec les décideurs la phase de structuration, d'élaboration de l'ensemble des actions potentielles, de construction d'une famille (ou une hiérarchie) de critères, d'élicitation les préférences. Le mode d'implication des acteurs dans la construction collective de modèle muticritère est étudié dans cet article. L'analyse s'appuie sur une application réelle, dans le domaine de la tarification des transport publics."

    author="S. Damart and V. Mousseau and I. Sommerlatt",
    title="Du mode d'implication d'acteurs multiples dans le cadre de l'utilisation d'un mod\`ele d'affectation multicrit\`ere : Analyse au regard d'une application \`a la tarification des transports publics",
    institution="Universit\'e de Paris-Dauphine",
    type="Cahier du {LAMSADE} no.190",
    abstract="Les méthodes d'aide multicritère à la décision laissent une large gamme de modalités d'application notamment lorsque la décision implique plusieurs acteurs. La construction collective des modèles d'aide à la décision multicritère a trait à la manière de mener avec les décideurs la phase de structuration, d'élaboration de l'ensemble des actions potentielles, de construction d'une famille (ou une hiérarchie) de critères, d'élicitation les préférences. Le mode d'implication des acteurs dans la construction collective de modèle muticritère est étudié dans cet article. L'analyse s'appuie sur une application réelle, dans le domaine de la tarification des transport publics." 

  4. L.C. Dias and V. Mousseau. Inferring Electre's veto-related parameters from outranking examples. Cahier du LAMSADE no 198, Université de Paris-Dauphine, 2002. [ ]
    Abstract: When considering Electre's valued outranking relations, aggregation/disaggregation methodologies have difficulties in taking discordance (veto) into account. We present a partial inference procedure to compute the value of the veto-related parameters that best restore a set of outranking statements, provided by a decision maker ( i.e., examples that an Electre model should restore). This paper complements previous work on the inference of other preference-related parameters (weights, cutting level, category limits, ...), advancing toward an integrated approach to inference problems in Electre III and Tri methods. We propose mathematical programs to infer veto-related parameters, first considering only one criterion, then all criteria simultaneously, using the original version of Electre outranking relation and two variants. Depending on the case, these inference procedures lead to linear programming, 0-1 linear programming, or separable programming problems. The partial inference programs are considered as problems to be solved several times in an interactive process, where decision makers continuously revise the information they provide as they learn from the results.

    author="L.C. Dias and V. Mousseau",
    title="Inferring Electre's veto-related parameters from outranking examples",
    institution="Universit\'e de Paris-Dauphine",
    type="Cahier du {LAMSADE} no 198",
    abstract = {When considering Electre's valued outranking relations, aggregation/disaggregation methodologies have difficulties in taking discordance (veto) into account. We present a partial inference procedure to compute the value of the veto-related parameters that best restore a set of outranking statements, provided by a decision maker ( i.e., examples that an Electre model should restore). This paper complements previous work on the inference of other preference-related parameters (weights, cutting level, category limits, ...), advancing toward an integrated approach to inference problems in Electre III and Tri methods. We propose mathematical programs to infer veto-related parameters, first considering only one criterion, then all criteria simultaneously, using the original version of Electre outranking relation and two variants. Depending on the case, these inference procedures lead to linear programming, 0-1 linear programming, or separable programming problems. The partial inference programs are considered as problems to be solved several times in an interactive process, where decision makers continuously revise the information they provide as they learn from the results.},

  5. L.C. Dias and V. Mousseau. Inferring Electre's veto-related parameters from outranking examples. Research report no.5/2002, INESC Coimbra, 2002.
    Note: To appear in EJOR. [ ]
    Abstract: "When considering Electre's valued outranking relations, aggregation/disaggregation methodologies have difficulties in taking discordance (veto) into account. We present a partial inference procedure to compute the value of the veto-related parameters that best restore a set of outranking statements, provided by a decision maker ({\it i.e.}, examples that an Electre model should restore).\\ This paper complements previous work on the inference of other preference-related parameters (weights, cutting level, category limits, ...), advancing toward an integrated approach to inference problems in Electre III and Tri methods. We propose mathematical programs to infer veto-related parameters, first considering only one criterion, then all criteria simultaneously, using the original version of Electre outranking relation and two variants. Depending on the case, these inference procedures lead to linear programming, 0-1 linear programming, or separable programming problems.\\ The partial inference programs are considered as problems to be solved several times in an interactive process, where the DM(s)\ continuously revise the information they provide as they learn from the results"

    author="L.C. Dias and V. Mousseau",
    title="Inferring Electre's veto-related parameters from outranking examples",
    institution="INESC Coimbra",
    type="Research report no.5/2002",
    note="to appear in EJOR",
    abstract="When considering Electre's valued outranking relations, aggregation/disaggregation methodologies have difficulties in taking discordance (veto) into account. We present a partial inference procedure to compute the value of the veto-related parameters that best restore a set of outranking statements, provided by a decision maker ({\it i.e.}, examples that an Electre model should restore).\\ This paper complements previous work on the inference of other preference-related parameters (weights, cutting level, category limits, ...), advancing toward an integrated approach to inference problems in Electre III and Tri methods. We propose mathematical programs to infer veto-related parameters, first considering only one criterion, then all criteria simultaneously, using the original version of Electre outranking relation and two variants. Depending on the case, these inference procedures lead to linear programming, 0-1 linear programming, or separable programming problems.\\ The partial inference programs are considered as problems to be solved several times in an interactive process, where the DM(s)\ continuously revise the information they provide as they learn from the results" 

  6. V. Köbberling. Strenth of preference and cardinal utility. Working Paper, University of Maastricht, Maastricht, June 2002.
    author = {K\"{o}bberling, V.},
    title = {Strenth of preference and cardinal utility},
    institution = {University of Maastricht},
    year = {2002},
    type = {Working Paper},
    address = {Maastricht},
    month = {June},

  7. M. Laumanns, L. Thiele, E. Zitzler, E. Welzl, and K. Deb. Running time analysis of a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm on a simple discrete optimization problem. Technical report 123, Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory, ETH Zurich, January 2002.
    author = {M. Laumanns and L. Thiele and E. Zitzler and E. Welzl and K. Deb},
    title = {{Running time analysis of a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm on a simple discrete optimization problem}},
    institution = {Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory, ETH Zurich},
    number = {123},
    month = jan,
    year = {2002} 

  8. M.A.L Leitão, J.F. Thomaz, F.V. Freire, and C.A. Bana e Costa. Using decision conferencing and process consultation to facilitate the structuring of a performance appraisal model in the Portuguese Army. Research Paper 5/2002, CEG-IST, Technical University of Lisbon, 2002.
    AUTHOR="Leit\~{a}o, M.A.L and Thomaz, J.F. and Freire, F.V. and Bana e Costa, C.A.",
    TITLE="Using decision conferencing and process consultation to facilitate the structuring of a performance appraisal model in the {P}ortuguese Army",
    INSTITUTION="CEG-IST, Technical University of Lisbon",
    TYPE="Research Paper 5/2002",

  9. J.-L. Marichal, P. Meyer, and M. Roubens. On a Sorting Procedure in the Presence of Qualitative Interacting Points of View. Technical report, University of Liege, 2002.
    author={Marichal, J.-L. and Meyer, P. and Roubens, M.},
    title={On a Sorting Procedure in the Presence of Qualitative Interacting Points of View},
    institution={University of Liege},

  10. J.M. Martel and B. Roy. Analyse de la signifiance de diverses procédures d'agrégation multicritère. Annales du LAMSADE 1, Université Paris-Dauphine, 2002.
    AUTHOR="Martel, J.M. and Roy, B.",
    TITLE="Analyse de la signifiance de diverses proc\'edures d'agr\'egation multicrit\`ere",
    TYPE="Annales du {LAMSADE} 1",
    INSTITUTION="Universit\'e Paris-Dauphine",

  11. L. Martins, J. Craveirinha, J. Clìmaco, and T. Gomes. Modelling and Performance Analysis of a New Multiple Objective Dynamic Routing Method for Multiexchange Networks. Technical report 11, ISSN 1645-2631, INESC-Coimbra, 2002.
    author = {L. Martins and J. Craveirinha and J. Cl\'{i}maco and T. Gomes},
    title = {Modelling and Performance Analysis of a New Multiple Objective Dynamic Routing Method for Multiexchange Networks},
    institution = {INESC-Coimbra},
    year = {2002},
    number = {11, ISSN 1645-2631} 

  12. C. Mousset and J.C. Vansnick. About the representation of a precardinal information. Technical report, Université de Mons-Hainaut, 2002.
    AUTHOR="Mousset, C. and Vansnick, J.C.",
    TITLE="About the representation of a precardinal information",
    institution={Universit\'e de Mons-Hainaut},

  13. B. Roy. Présentation et interprétation de la méthode ELECTRE TRI pour affecter des zones dans des catégories de risque. Document du LAMSADE no 124, Université de Paris Dauphine, march 2002.
    Note: 25 pages.
    author="B. Roy",
    title="Pr\'esentation et interpr\'etation de la m\'ethode {ELECTRE TRI} pour affecter des zones dans des cat\'egories de risque",
    institution="Universit\'e de Paris Dauphine",
    note="25 pages",
    type="Document du {LAMSADE} no 124" 

  14. M. Saisana and S. Tarantola. State-of-the-art report on current methodologies and practives for composite indicator development. EUR 20408 EN, European Commission, JRC, Ispra, Italy, 2002.
    author={Saisana, M. and Tarantola, S.},
    title={State-of-the-art report on current methodologies and practives for composite indicator development},
    type={{EUR} 20408 {EN}},
    institution={European Commission, JRC, Ispra, Italy},

  15. E. Zitzler, L. Thiele, M. Laumanns, C. M. Fonseca, and V. Grunert da Fonseca. Performance Assessment of Multiobjective Optimizers: An Analysis and Review. Technical report 139, Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory, ETH Zurich, June 2002.
    author = {E. Zitzler and L. Thiele and M. Laumanns and C. M. Fonseca and V. {Grunert da Fonseca}},
    title = {{Performance Assessment of Multiobjective Optimizers: An Analysis and Review}},
    institution = {Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory, ETH Zurich},
    number = {139},
    month = jun,
    year = {2002} 

  1. L. Dias, V. Mousseau, J. Figueira, J. Clìmaco, and C.G. Silva. IRIS 1.0 Software. Newsletter of the European Working Group ``Multicriteria Aid for Decisions'', 2002.
    Note: 3(5).
    author={Dias, L. and Mousseau, V. and Figueira, J. and Cl\'{i}maco, J. and Silva, C.G.},
    title={{IRIS} 1.0 Software},
    howpublished={Newsletter of the European Working Group ``Multicriteria Aid for Decisions''},

  2. B. Roy and J.M. Martel. Analyse de la signifiance de diverses procédures d'agrégation multicritère à partir de la théorie du mesurage. , 2002.
    author = {Roy, B. and Martel, J.M.},
    title = {Analyse de la signifiance de diverses procédures d'agrégation multicritère à partir de la théorie du mesurage} 



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Last modified: Sun Nov 1 08:22:32 2009 by theme1.
This MCDA bibliography is updated by Vincent Mousseau.
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