Publications of year 1993
Books and proceedings
  1. R.K. Ahuja, T.L. Magnanti, and J.B. Orlin. Network flows. Theory, algorithms and applications. Prentice-Hall, New-York, 1993.
    author={{R.K.} Ahuja and {T.L.} Magnanti and {J.B.} Orlin},
    title={Network flows. Theory, algorithms and applications},
    publisher={Prentice-Hall, New-York},

  2. B. Bouchon. La logique floue, Que sais-je ? 2702. PUF, Paris, 1993.
    AUTHOR="Bouchon, B.",
    TITLE="La logique floue",
    SERIES="Que sais-je ? 2702",
    PUBLISHER="PUF, Paris",

  3. B.G. Davis. Tools for teaching. Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, 1993.
    author={{B.G.} Davis},
    title={Tools for teaching},
    publisher={Jossey-Bass, San Francisco},

  4. L. Fang, K.W. Hipel, and D.M. Kilgour. Interactive Decision Making: The Graph Model for Conflict Resolution. John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1993.
    author={Fang, L. and Hipel, K.W. and Kilgour, D.M.},
    title={Interactive Decision Making: The Graph Model for Conflict Resolution},
    publisher={John Wiley \& Sons, New York},

  5. S.I. Gallant. Neural Network Learning. MIT Press, 1993.
    author="S.I. Gallant",
    title="Neural Network Learning",
    publisher="MIT Press" 

  6. G. Gauthier and M. Thibault. L'Analyse Coûts-Avantages, Défis et Controverses. Economica, Paris, 1993.
    AUTHOR="Gauthier, G. and Thibault, M. ",
    TITLE="L'Analyse {C}o\^uts-{A}vantages, {D}\'efis et {C}ontroverses",

  7. N. Hanley and C.L.f Spash. Cost-benefit analysis and the environment. Elgar, Adelshot Hants, 1993.
    author={N. Hanley and {C.L.f} Spash},
    title={Cost-benefit analysis and the environment},
    publisher={Elgar, Adelshot Hants},

  8. R.V. Horn. Statistical indicators. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1993.
    author="Horn, {R.V}.",
    title="Statistical indicators",
    publisher="Cambridge University Press, Cambridge",

  9. P.O Johansson. Cost-benefit analysis of environmental change. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1993.
    author={{P.O} Johansson},
    title={Cost-benefit analysis of environmental change},
    publisher={Cambridge University Press, Cambridge},

  10. R. Kast. La théorie de la décision, Repères 120. Editions La Découverte, Paris, 1993.
    AUTHOR="Kast, R.",
    TITLE="La th\'eorie de la d\'ecision",
    PUBLISHER="Editions La D\'ecouverte",
    SERIES="Rep\`eres 120",

  11. J. Kitainik. Fuzzy decision procedures with binary relations. Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht, 1993.
    author = {J. Kitainik},
    title = {Fuzzy decision procedures with binary relations},
    publisher = {Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht},
    year = {1993} 

  12. K.N Kohli. Economic analysis of investment projects: A practical approach. Oxford University Press for the Asian Development Bank, Oxford, 1993.
    author={{K.N} Kohli},
    title={Economic analysis of investment projects: A practical approach},
    publisher={Oxford University Press for the Asian Development Bank, Oxford},

  13. J.W. Payne, J.R. Bettman, and J.E. Johnson. The adaptative decision making. Cambridge University Press, 1993.
    author="J.W. Payne and J.R. Bettman and J.E. Johnson",
    title="The adaptative decision making",
    publisher="Cambridge University Press" 

  14. J-Ch Pomerol and S. Barba Romero. Choix Multicritère dans l'enterprise. Hermes, Paris, 1993.
    author = {{J-Ch} Pomerol and S. {Barba Romero}},
    title = {Choix Multicrit\`ere dans l'enterprise},
    publisher = {Hermes, Paris},
    year = {1993} 

  15. J. Quiggin. Generalized expected utility theory - The rank-dependent model. Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht, 1993.
    author="Quiggin, J.",
    title={Generalized expected utility theory - The rank-dependent model},
    publisher="Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht",

  16. B. Roy and D. Bouyssou. Aide Multicritère à la Décision : Méthodes et Cas. Economica, Paris, 1993.
    author="B. Roy and D. Bouyssou",
    title="Aide Multicrit\`ere \`a la D\'ecision : M\'ethodes et Cas",

  17. M. Sakawa. Fuzzy Sets and Interactive Multiobjective Optimization. Plenum Press, New York, 1993.
    author={M. Sakawa},
    title={Fuzzy Sets and Interactive Multiobjective Optimization},
    publisher={Plenum Press, New York},

  18. E. Trist and H. Murray. The Social engagement of social science: a Tavistock anthology, vol. 2. University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, 1993.
    author = {E. Trist and H. Murray},
    title = {The Social engagement of social science: a Tavistock anthology, vol. 2},
    publisher = {University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia},
    year = {1993} 

  19. C. Tsang. Foundations of Constraint Satisfaction. Academic Press, New York, 1993.
    author = {C. Tsang},
    title = {Foundations of Constraint Satisfaction},
    publisher = {Academic Press, New York},
    year = {1993} 

  20. H.P. Williams. Model solving in mathematical programming. J. Wiley, New York, 1993.
    author="H.P. Williams",
    title="Model solving in mathematical programming",
    publisher="J. Wiley",
    address="New York",

  1. K. Achiakh. Aide à la décision en avenir risqué fondée sur le modèle de l'utilité espérée. Critiques et perspectives. thèse de doctorat, Université Paris Dauphine, 1993.
    author="K. Achiakh",
    title="Aide \`a la d\'ecision en avenir risqu\'e fond\'ee sur le mod\`ele de l'utilit\'e esp\'er\'ee. Critiques et perspectives",
    school="Universit\'e Paris Dauphine",
    type="th\`ese de doctorat" 

  2. V. Mousseau. Problèmes liés à l'évaluation de l'importance relative des critères en aide multicritère à la décision : Réflexions théoriques, expérimentations et implémentations informatiques. PhD thesis, Université Paris-Dauphine, 1993.
    Abstract: "Ce travail s'inscrit dans un courant de recherche qui vise à modéliser les situations décisionnelles en prenant en compte plusieurs objectifs ou points de vue : l'aide multi-critère à la décision. Dans ce champ de recherche, la notion d'importance relative des critères (IRC) est centrale puisqu'elle vise à distinguer le rôle de chaque critère dans l'élaboration des préférences globales, permettant ainsi de discriminer entre les actions pareto-optimales. Dans la plupart des procédures d'agrégation, cette notion prend la forme de paramètres d'importance ; notre thèse a pour but de développer des méthodes d'évaluation de ces paramètres. Pour justifier la conception de telles méthodes, des travaux à la fois théoriques et expérimentaux ont été nécessaires. D'un point de vue théorique, la nature et la signification des paramètres d'importance sont propres à chaque méthode d'agrégation : les valeurs qui leur sont attribuées ne prennent un sens qu'en relation avec une règle d'agrégation. Après avoir introduit une définition formelle de l'IRC, nous montrons comment cette formalisation éclaire sous un jour nouveau certaines difficultés théoriques liées à l'évaluation de l'IRC. Par ailleurs, les expériences réalisées permettent de préciser la perception qu'ont les décideurs de la notion d'IRC ainsi que les questions s'y rapportant. Nous cherchons alors à déterminer comment recueillir, auprès d'un décideur, une information sur l'importance relative des critères qui soit à la fois valide d'un point de vue théorique et pertinente d'un point de vue comportementaliste. Ceci nous conduit à énoncer quelques caractéristiques que toute méthode d'évaluation des paramètres d'importance doit respecter. Nous présentons enfin une méthode d'acquisition de l'information préférentielle requise dans les méthodes ELECTRE. Cette méthode est implémentée et les fonctionnalités du logiciel sont illustrées à travers un exemple concret."

    author="V. Mousseau",
    Title="Probl\`emes li\'es \`a l'\'evaluation de l'importance relative des crit\`eres en aide multicrit\`ere \`a la d\'ecision : R\'eflexions th\'eoriques, exp\'erimentations et impl\'ementations informatiques",
    school="Universit\'e Paris-Dauphine",
    abstract="Ce travail s'inscrit dans un courant de recherche qui vise à modéliser les situations décisionnelles en prenant en compte plusieurs objectifs ou points de vue : l'aide multi-critère à la décision. Dans ce champ de recherche, la notion d'importance relative des critères (IRC) est centrale puisqu'elle vise à distinguer le rôle de chaque critère dans l'élaboration des préférences globales, permettant ainsi de discriminer entre les actions pareto-optimales. Dans la plupart des procédures d'agrégation, cette notion prend la forme de paramètres d'importance ; notre thèse a pour but de développer des méthodes d'évaluation de ces paramètres. Pour justifier la conception de telles méthodes, des travaux à la fois théoriques et expérimentaux ont été nécessaires. D'un point de vue théorique, la nature et la signification des paramètres d'importance sont propres à chaque méthode d'agrégation : les valeurs qui leur sont attribuées ne prennent un sens qu'en relation avec une règle d'agrégation. Après avoir introduit une définition formelle de l'IRC, nous montrons comment cette formalisation éclaire sous un jour nouveau certaines difficultés théoriques liées à l'évaluation de l'IRC. Par ailleurs, les expériences réalisées permettent de préciser la perception qu'ont les décideurs de la notion d'IRC ainsi que les questions s'y rapportant. Nous cherchons alors à déterminer comment recueillir, auprès d'un décideur, une information sur l'importance relative des critères qui soit à la fois valide d'un point de vue théorique et pertinente d'un point de vue comportementaliste. Ceci nous conduit à énoncer quelques caractéristiques que toute méthode d'évaluation des paramètres d'importance doit respecter. Nous présentons enfin une méthode d'acquisition de l'information préférentielle requise dans les méthodes ELECTRE. Cette méthode est implémentée et les fonctionnalités du logiciel sont illustrées à travers un exemple concret." 

  3. E.L. Ulungu. Optimisation Combinatoire multicritère: Détermination de l'ensemble des solutions efficaces et méthodes interactives. PhD thesis, Faculté des Sciences, Université de Mons-Hainaut, Mons, Belgique, 1993.
    author = {E.L. Ulungu},
    title = {Optimisation Combinatoire multicrit\`ere: D\'etermination de l'ensemble des solutions efficaces et m\'ethodes interactives},
    school = {Facult\'e des Sciences, Universit\'e de Mons-Hainaut},
    year = {1993},
    address = {Mons, Belgique},

Articles in journal or book's chapters
  1. G. Baourakis, N.F. Matsatsinis, and Y. Siskos. Agricultural product design and development. In J. Janssen and C.H. Skiadas, editors,Applied stochastic models and data analysis, pages 1108--1128. World Scientific, Singapore, 1993.
    author = {Baourakis, G. and N.F. Matsatsinis and Y. Siskos},
    editor = {J. Janssen and C.H. Skiadas},
    year = 1993,
    title = {Agricultural product design and development},
    booktitle = {Applied stochastic models and data analysis},
    publisher = {World Scientific, Singapore},
    pages = {1108--1128} 

  2. D.K. Despotis and C. Zopounidis. Building additive utilities in the presence of non-monotonic preference. In P.M. Pardalos, Y. Siskos, and C. Zopounidis, editors,Advances in Multicriteria Analysis, pages 101--114. Kluwer Academic Publisher, Dordrecht, 1993.
    author = {Despotis, D.K. and C. Zopounidis},
    editor = {P.M. Pardalos and Y. Siskos and C. Zopounidis},
    year = 1993,
    title = {Building additive utilities in the presence of non-monotonic preference},
    booktitle = {Advances in Multicriteria Analysis},
    publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publisher, Dordrecht},
    pages = {101--114},

  3. I. Kaliszewski. Quantitative Pareto analysis and the principle of background computations. In J. Wessels and A. Wierzbicki, editors,User-Oriented Methodology and Techniques of Decision Analysis and Support, Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, pages 112--120. Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1993.
    author = {Kaliszewski, I.},
    title = {Quantitative Pareto analysis and the principle of background computations},
    editor = {J. Wessels and A. Wierzbicki},
    booktitle = {User-Oriented Methodology and Techniques of Decision Analysis and Support},
    pages = {112--120},
    series = {Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems},
    publisher = {Springer Verlag},
    address = {Berlin},
    year = {1993},

  4. E. Lawler, J.K Lenstra, A.H.G Rinnooy Kan, and D.B Shmoys. Sequencing and Scheduling: Algorithms and Complexity. In S.C Graves, A.H.G Rinnooy Kan, and P. Zipkin, editors,Handbooks in Operations Research and Management Science: Logistics of Production and inventory. North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1993.
    author = {E. Lawler and {J.K} Lenstra and {A.H.G} {Rinnooy Kan} and {D.B} Shmoys},
    title = {Sequencing and Scheduling: Algorithms and Complexity},
    publisher = {North-Holland, Amsterdam},
    editor = {{S.C} Graves and {A.H.G} Rinnooy Kan and P. Zipkin},
    booktitle = {Handbooks in Operations Research and Management Science: Logistics of Production and inventory},
    year = {1993} 

  5. M. Makowski and J.S. Sosnowski. Hybrid: Multicriteria Linear Programming System for Computers under DOS and Unix. In J. Wessels and A.P. Wierzbicki, editors,User-Oriented Methodology and Techniques of Decision Analysis and Support, volume 397 of Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, pages 223--233. Springer Verlag, Berlin, New York, 1993.
    author = {M.~Makowski and J.S.~Sosnowski},
    title = {{{Hybrid}}: Multicriteria Linear Programming System for Computers under {DOS} and {U}nix},
    booktitle = {User-Oriented Methodology and Techniques of Decision Analysis and Support},
    series = {Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems},
    volume = 397,
    editor = {J.~Wessels and A.P.~Wierzbicki},
    publisher = {Springer Verlag},
    address = {Berlin, New York},
    year = 1993,
    pages = {223--233},

  6. J. Rothenberg. Un exposé méthodologique. In G. Gauthier and M. Thibault, editors,L'Analyse Coûts-Avantages, Défis et Controverses, pages 57-105. Economica, 1993.
    AUTHOR="Rothenberg, J.",
    TITLE="Un expos\'e m\'ethodologique",
    BOOKTITLE="L'Analyse {C}o\^uts-{A}vantages, {D}\'efis et {C}ontroverses",
    EDITOR="Gauthier, G. and Thibault, M.",

  7. R. Slowinski. Rough set learning of preferential attitude in multi-criteria decision making. In J.Komorowski and Z.Ras, editors,Methodologies for Intelligent Systems, pages 642--651. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1993.
    author = {R. Slowinski},
    editor = {J.Komorowski and Z.Ras},
    year = 1993,
    title = {Rough set learning of preferential attitude in multi-criteria decision making},
    booktitle = {Methodologies for Intelligent Systems},
    pages = {642--651},
    publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
    address = {Berlin} 

  8. M. Abbas and Ph. Vincke. Preference structures and threshold models. Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, 2:171-178, 1993.
    author={M. Abbas and {Ph}. Vincke},
    title={Preference structures and threshold models},
    journal={Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis},

  9. R. Agaev and F. Aleskerov. Interval choice: Classic and general cases. Mathematical Social Sciences, 26:249-272, 1993.
    author = {R. Agaev and F. Aleskerov},
    title = {Interval choice: Classic and general cases},
    journal = {Mathematical Social Sciences},
    year = {1993},
    volume = {26},
    pages = {249-272} 

  10. J.E. Al-Alwani, B.F. Hobbs, and B. Malakooti. An interactive integrated multiobjective optimization approach for quasiconcave/quasiconvex utility functions. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 54(2-3):241-257, 1993.
    AUTHOR="Al-Alwani, J.E. and Hobbs, B.F. and Malakooti, B.",
    TITLE="An interactive integrated multiobjective optimization approach for quasiconcave/quasiconvex utility functions",
    JOURNAL="Applied Mathematics and Computation",

  11. F. Aleskerov and R. Agaev. Interval choice: classic and general cases. Mathematical Social Science, 26(3), 1993.
    author = {F. Aleskerov and R. Agaev},
    year = 1993,
    title = {Interval choice: classic and general cases},
    journal = {Mathematical Social Science},
    volume = 26,
    number = 3 

  12. P. Armand. Finding all maximal efficient faces in multiobjective linear programming. Mathematical Programming, 61:357-375, 1993.
    title = {Finding all maximal efficient faces in multiobjective linear programming},
    author = {Armand, P.},
    journal = {Mathematical Programming},
    year = 1993,
    volume = 61,
    pages = "357-375" 

  13. U. Bhattacharya, J.R. Rao, and R.N. Tiwari. Bi-Criteria Multi Facility Location Problem in Fuzzy Environment. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 56:145-153, 1993.
    author={Bhattacharya, U. and Rao, J.R. and Tiwari, R.N.},
    title={Bi-Criteria Multi Facility Location Problem in Fuzzy Environment},
    journal="Fuzzy Sets and Systems",

  14. J.M. Borwein and D.M. Zhuang. Super efficiency in vector optimization. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 338(1):105-122, 1993.
    author={Borwein, J.M. and Zhuang, D.M.},
    title={Super efficiency in vector optimization},
    journal={Transactions of the American Mathematical Society},

  15. D. Bouyssou, P. Perny, M. Pirlot, A. Tsoukiàs, and Ph. Vincke. A Manifesto for the New MCDM Era. Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, 2:125--127, 1993.
    author = {D. Bouyssou and P. Perny and M. Pirlot and A. Tsouki\`{a}s and {Ph}. Vincke},
    title = {A Manifesto for the New {MCDM} Era},
    journal = {Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis},
    volume = {2},
    pages = {125--127},
    year = {1993},

  16. R.V. Brown. Impersonal Probability as an Ideal Assessment based on Accessible Evidence: A Viable Construct?. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 7:215-235, 1993.
    AUTHOR = {Brown, R.V. },
    TITLE = {Impersonal Probability as an Ideal Assessment based on Accessible Evidence: A Viable Construct? },
    JOURNAL = { Journal of Risk and Uncertainty},
    YEAR = {1993},
    volume = {7},
    pages = {215-235},

  17. D.M. Buede. Aiding Insight. OR/MS Today, 20(2):52-60, 1993.
    author={Buede, D.M.},
    title={Aiding Insight},
    journal={OR/MS Today},

  18. E. Carrizosa, E. Conde, F.R. Fernández, and J. Puerto. Efficiency in Euclidean Constrained Location Problems. Operations Research Letters, 14:291-295, 1993.
    author={Carrizosa, E. and Conde, E. and Fern\'andez, F.R. and Puerto, J.},
    title={Efficiency in Euclidean Constrained Location Problems},
    journal={Operations Research Letters},

  19. E. Carrizosa and F.R. Fernández. A Polygonal Upper Bound for the Efficient Set for Single-Facility Location Problems with Mixed Norms. TOP, 1(1):107-116, 1993.
    author="Carrizosa, E. and Fern\'andez, F.R.",
    title="A Polygonal Upper Bound for the Efficient Set for Single-Facility Location Problems with Mixed Norms",
    journal="TOP ",

  20. C. Caruso, A. Colorni, and M Paruccini. The Regional Urban Solid Waste Management System: A Modelling Approach. European Journal of Operational Research, 70:16-30, 1993.
    AUTHOR="Caruso, C. and Colorni, A. and Paruccini, M",
    TITLE="The Regional Urban Solid Waste Management System: A Modelling Approach",
    JOURNAL="European Journal of Operational Research",

  21. A. Chateauneuf and P.P. Wakker. From local to global additive representation. Journal of Mathematical Economics, 22(6):523--545, 1993.
    author = {Chateauneuf, A. and Wakker, P.P.},
    year = 1993,
    title = {From local to global additive representation},
    journal = {Journal of Mathematical Economics},
    volume = 22,
    number = 6,
    pages = {523--545},

  22. C.H Chen and R.L Bulfin. Complexity of single machine, multi-criteria scheduling problems. European Journal of Operational Research, 70:115--125, 1993.
    author = {{C.H} Chen and {R.L} Bulfin},
    title = {Complexity of single machine, multi-criteria scheduling problems},
    journal = {European Journal of Operational Research},
    volume = {70},
    year = {1993},
    pages = {115--125} 

  23. S. Chung, H.W. Hamacher, F. Maffioli, and K.G. Murty. Note on combinatorial optimization with max-linear objective functions. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 42:139-145, 1993.
    author = {S. Chung and H.W. Hamacher and F. Maffioli and K.G. Murty},
    title = {Note on combinatorial optimization with max-linear objective functions},
    journal = {Discrete Applied Mathematics},
    year = {1993},
    volume = {42},
    pages = {139-145},

  24. W.D. Cook and K.J. Hebner. A Multicriteria Approach to Country Risk Evaluation: With an Example Employing Japanese Data. International Review of Economics and Finance, 2(4):327-438, 1993.
    author={Cook, W.D. and Hebner, K.J.},
    title={A Multicriteria Approach to Country Risk Evaluation: With an Example Employing {J}apanese Data},
    journal={International Review of Economics and Finance},

  25. J.F. Courtney and D.B. Paradice. Studies in managerial problem formulation systems. Decision Support Systems, 9:413-423, 1993.
    author = {{J.F}. Courtney and {D.B}. Paradice},
    title = {Studies in managerial problem formulation systems},
    journal = {Decision Support Systems},
    volume = {9},
    pages = {413-423},
    year = {1993} 

  26. J. Current and M. Marsh. Multiobjective transportation network design: Taxonomy and annotation. European Journal of Operational Research, 65:4-19, 1993.
    author = {J. Current and M. Marsh},
    title = {Multiobjective transportation network design: Taxonomy and annotation},
    journal = {European Journal of Operational Research},
    year = {1993},
    volume = {65},
    pages = {4-19},

  27. J. Dauer. On degeneracy and collapsing in the construction of the set of objective values in a multiple objective linear program. Annals of Operations Research, 46/47(1-4):279-292, 1993.
    author={Dauer, J.},
    title={On degeneracy and collapsing in the construction of the set of objective values in a multiple objective linear program},
    journal="Annals of Operations Research",

  28. P. Delquié. Inconsistent trade-offs between attributes: New evidence in preference assessment biases. Management Sciences, 39(11):1382-1395, November 1993.
    author="P. Delqui\'e",
    title="Inconsistent trade-offs between attributes: New evidence in preference assessment biases",
    journal="Management Sciences",

  29. E. Erkut. Inequality Measures for Location Problems. Location Science, 1(3):199-217, 1993.
    author="Erkut, E.",
    title="Inequality Measures for Location Problems",
    journal="Location Science",

  30. P.H. Farquhar and A.R. Pratkanis. Decision structuring with phantom alternatives. Management Science, 39(10):1214-1226, October 1993.
    author="P.H. Farquhar and A.R. Pratkanis",
    title="Decision structuring with phantom alternatives",
    journal="Management Science",

  31. G.M. Fernandez Barberis. New preference structures for multiple criteria decision making: Its extension to PROMETHEE methods. Central European Journal for Operations Research and Economics, 2(1):23-52, 1993.
    AUTHOR={Fernandez Barberis, G.M.},
    TITLE={New preference structures for multiple criteria decision making: {I}ts extension to {PROMETHEE} methods},
    JOURNAL={Central European Journal for Operations Research and Economics},

  32. G.W. Fischer and S.A. Hawkins. Strategy compatibility, scale compatibility and the prominence effect. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 19(3):580-597, 1993.
    author="G.W. Fischer and S.A. Hawkins",
    title="Strategy compatibility, scale compatibility and the prominence effect",
    journal="Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance",

  33. B. Fischhoff, M.J. Quadrel, M. Kamlet, G. Loewenstein, R. Dawes, P. Fishbeck, S. Klepper, J. Lelend, and P. Stroh. Embedding effect: Stimulus representation and response mode. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 6:211-234, 1993.
    author="B. Fischhoff and M.J. Quadrel and M. Kamlet and G. Loewenstein and R. Dawes and P. Fishbeck and S. Klepper and J. Lelend and P. Stroh",
    title="Embedding effect: Stimulus representation and response mode",
    journal="Journal of Risk and Uncertainty",

  34. P.C. Fishburn. The Axioms and Algebra of Ambiguity. Theory and Decision, 34:119-137, 1993.
    author={{P.C}. Fishburn},
    title={The Axioms and Algebra of Ambiguity},
    journal={Theory and Decision},

  35. J.M Font and M. Moussavi. Note on a six valued extension of three valued logics. Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics, 3:173--187, 1993.
    author = {{J.M} Font and M. Moussavi},
    title = {Note on a six valued extension of three valued logics},
    journal = {Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics},
    volume = {3},
    year = {1993},
    pages = {173--187} 

  36. I. Gilboa and D. Schmeidler. Updating ambigous beliefs. Journal of Economic Theory, 59:33-49, 1993.
    author={I. Gilboa and D. Schmeidler},
    title={Updating ambigous beliefs},
    journal={Journal of Economic Theory},

  37. M.C Golumbic and R. Shamir. Complexity and algorithms for reasoning about time. A graph theoretic approach. Journal of the ACM, 40:1108--1133, 1993.
    author = {{M.C} Golumbic and R. Shamir},
    title = {Complexity and algorithms for reasoning about time. A graph theoretic approach},
    journal = {Journal of the ACM},
    volume = {40},
    pages = {1108--1133},
    year = {1993} 

  38. R. Gregory, S. Lichtenstein, and P. Slovic. Valuing environmental ressources: a constructive approach. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 7:177-197, 1993.
    author="R. Gregory and S. Lichtenstein and P. Slovic",
    title="Valuing environmental ressources: a constructive approach",
    journal="Journal of Risk and Uncertainty",

  39. C. Henggeler Antunes, J.N. Clìmaco, and J. Craveirinha. A multiple criteria model for new telecommunication service planning. European Journal of Operational Research, 71(3):341-352, 1993.
    AUTHOR="{Henggeler Antunes}, C. and Cl\'{\i}maco, J.N. and Craveirinha, J.",
    TITLE="A multiple criteria model for new telecommunication service planning",
    JOURNAL="European Journal of Operational Research",

  40. D. Hoog and B. Hobbs. An integrated resource planning model considering customer value, emissions, and regional economic impacts. Energy, 18(11):1153-1160, 1993.
    AUTHOR="Hoog, D. and Hobbs, B.",
    TITLE="An integrated resource planning model considering customer value, emissions, and regional economic impacts",

  41. M. Inuiguchi, H. Ichihashi, and Y. Kume. Modality constrained programming problems: A unified approach to fuzzy mathematical programming problems in the setting of possibility theory. Information Sciences, 67:93--126, 1993.
    author={Inuiguchi, M. and Ichihashi, H. and Kume, Y.},
    title={Modality constrained programming problems: {A} unified approach to fuzzy mathematical programming problems in the setting of possibility theory},
    journal={Information Sciences},

  42. J. Jablonsky. Multicriteria Evaluation of Clients in Financial Houses. Central European Journal of Operations Research and Economics, 3(2):257-264, 1993.
    author={Jablonsky, J.},
    title={Multicriteria Evaluation of Clients in Financial Houses},
    journal={Central European Journal of Operations Research and Economics},

  43. J.-Y. Jaffray and P.P. Wakker. Decision Making with Belief Functions: Compatibility and Incompatibility with the Sure-Thing Principle. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 7:255--271, 1993.
    author = {{J.-Y}. Jaffray and {P.P.} Wakker},
    title = {Decision Making with Belief Functions: Compatibility and Incompatibility with the Sure-Thing Principle},
    journal = {Journal of Risk and Uncertainty},
    volume = {7},
    pages = {255--271},
    year = {1993} 

  44. V. Jeyakumar and X.Q. Yang. Convex composite multi-objective nonsmooth programming. Mathematical Programming, 59(3):325-343, 1993.
    author={Jeyakumar, V. and Yang, X.Q.},
    title={Convex composite multi-objective nonsmooth programming},
    journal={Mathematical Programming},

  45. I. Kaliszewski. Calculating trade-offs by two-step parametric programming. Central European Journal of Operational Research and Economics, 2(4):113--123, 1993.
    journal = {Central European Journal of Operational Research and Economics},
    ISSN = {1435-246X},
    volume = 2,
    number = 4,
    year = 1993,
    title = {Calculating trade-offs by two-step parametric programming},
    author = {Kaliszewski, I.},
    pages = {113--123},

  46. I. Kaliszewski. A theorem on nonconvex functions and its application to vector optimization. European Journal of Operations Research, 80(2):439--449, 1993.
    journal = {European Journal of Operations Research},
    ISSN = {0377-2217},
    volume = 80,
    number = 2,
    year = 1993,
    title = {A theorem on nonconvex functions and its application to vector optimization},
    author = {Kaliszewski, I.},
    pages = {439--449},

  47. Y. Kaluzhny and A.Y Muravitsky. A knowledge representation based on the Belnap's four valued logic. Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics, 3:189--203, 1993.
    author = {Y. Kaluzhny and {A.Y} Muravitsky},
    title = {A knowledge representation based on the Belnap's four valued logic},
    journal = {Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics},
    volume = {3},
    year = {1993},
    pages = {189--203} 

  48. M. Kang, K. Kapur, and P.S. Pulat. Interactive partitioning criteria set method for multiple objective linear programming. Computers and Operations Research, 20(4):435-446, 1993.
    AUTHOR="Kang, M. and Kapur, K. and Pulat, P.S.",
    TITLE="Interactive partitioning criteria set method for multiple objective linear programming",
    JOURNAL="Computers and Operations Research",

  49. J.N. Karaivanova, S.C. Narula, and V.S. Vassilev. An interactive procedure for multiple objective integer linear programming problems. European Journal of Operational Research, 68(3):344-351, 1993.
    AUTHOR="Karaivanova, J.N. and Narula, S.C. and Vassilev, V.S.",
    TITLE="An interactive procedure for multiple objective integer linear programming problems",
    JOURNAL="European Journal of Operational Research",

  50. N.T. Khoury, J.M. Martel, and M. Veilleux. Méthode Multicritère de Sélection de Portefeuilles Indiciels Internationaux. L'Actualité Economique, Revue d'Analyse Economique, 69(1):171-190, 1993.
    author={Khoury, N.T. and Martel, J.M. and Veilleux, M.},
    title={M\'{e}thode Multicrit\`{e}re de S\'{e}lection de Portefeuilles Indiciels Internationaux},
    journal={L'Actualit\'{e} Economique, Revue d'Analyse Economique},

  51. S. Kim and T. Gal. A new interactive algorithm for multi-objective linear programming using maximally changeable dominance cone. European Journal of Operational Research, 64(1):126-137, 1993.
    AUTHOR="Kim, S. and Gal, T.",
    TITLE="A new interactive algorithm for multi-objective linear programming using maximally changeable dominance cone",
    JOURNAL="European Journal of Operational Research",

  52. C.W. Kirkwood and J. Corner. The effectiveness of partial information about weights for ranking alternatives in multiattribute decision making. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 54(3):456-476, April 1993.
    author="C.W. Kirkwood and J. Corner",
    title="The effectiveness of partial information about weights for ranking alternatives in multiattribute decision making",
    journal="Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes",

  53. D.N. Kleinmuntz and D.A. Schkade. Information displays in decision making. Psychological Science, 4:221-227, 1993.
    author="D.N. Kleinmuntz and D.A. Schkade",
    title="Information displays in decision making",
    journal="Psychological Science",

  54. M. Koksalan and Ö. Öden. Visual Interactive Approaches for Bi-criteria Decision Making. Transactions on Operational Research (Yöneylem Arastirmasi Dergisi), 5(1):27-44, 1993.
    AUTHOR = {Koksalan, M. and Öden, Ö.},
    TITLE = {Visual Interactive Approaches for Bi-criteria Decision Making},
    JOURNAL = {Transactions on Operational Research (Yöneylem Arastirmasi Dergisi)},
    YEAR = {1993},
    volume = {5},
    number = {1},
    pages = {27-44},
    month = {},

  55. P. Korhonen, H. Moskowitz, P. Salminen, and J. Wallenius. Further Developments and Tests of a Progressive Algorithm for Multiple Criteria Decision Making. Operations Research, 41(6):1033-1045, 1993.
    Author={Korhonen, P. and Moskowitz, H. and Salminen, P. and Wallenius, J.},
    Title={Further Developments and Tests of a Progressive Algorithm for Multiple Criteria Decision Making},
    Journal={Operations Research},

  56. M.M. Kostreva and M.M. Wiecek. Linear Complementarity Problems and Multiple Objective Programming. Mathematical Programming, 60:349-359, 1993.
    author={Kostreva, M.M. and Wiecek, M.M.},
    title={Linear Complementarity Problems and Multiple Objective Programming},
    journal={Mathematical Programming},

  57. C. Kuenz Murphy. Limits on the analytic hierarchy process from its consistency index. European Journal of Operational Research, 65:138-139, 1993.
    author="C. {Kuenz Murphy}",
    title="Limits on the analytic hierarchy process from its consistency index",
    journal="European Journal of Operational Research",

  58. A. Laaribi, J.J. Chevalier, and J.M. Martel. Méthodologie d'intégration des SIG et de l'analyse multicritère. Revue Internationnale de Géomatique, 3(4):415-435, 1993.
    author="A. Laaribi and J.J. Chevalier and J.M. Martel",
    title="M\'ethodologie d'int\'egration des {SIG} et de l'analyse multicrit\`ere",
    journal="Revue Internationnale de G\'eomatique",

  59. O.I. Larichev, H.M. Moskovich, A. Mechitov, and D.L. Olson. Experiments comparing qualitative approaches to rank ordering of multiattribute alternatives. Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, 2:5-26, 1993.
    Author = {Larichev, O.I. and Moskovich, H.M. and Mechitov, A. and Olson, D.L.},
    Title = {Experiments comparing qualitative approaches to rank ordering of multiattribute alternatives},
    Journal = {Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis},
    Volume = {2},
    Pages = {5-26},
    Year = {1993} 

  60. H. M Silti and P. Tolla. An interactive multiobjective nonlinear programming procedure. European Journal of Operational Research, 64(1):115-125, 1993.
    AUTHOR="{M Silti}, H. and Tolla, P.",
    TITLE="An interactive multiobjective nonlinear programming procedure",
    JOURNAL="European Journal of Operational Research",

  61. A.V. Malishevski. Criteria for judging the rationality of decisions in the presence of vague alternatives. Mathematical Social Sciences, 26:205-247, 1993.
    author = {{A.V}. Malishevski},
    title = {Criteria for judging the rationality of decisions in the presence of vague alternatives},
    journal = {Mathematical Social Sciences},
    volume = {26},
    pages = {205-247},
    year = {1993} 

  62. B. Mareschal and D. Mertens. Evaluation Multicritère Par la Méthode Multicritère GAIA: Application au Secteur de l'Assurance en Belgique. L'Actualité Economique, Revue d'Analyse Economique, 69(1):206, 1993.
    author={Mareschal, B. and Mertens, D.},
    title={Evaluation Multicrit\`{e}re Par la M\'{e}thode Multicrit\`{e}re {GAIA}: {A}pplication au Secteur de l'Assurance en {B}elgique},
    journal={L'Actualit\'{e} Economique, Revue d'Analyse Economique},

  63. Kaisa Miettinen and Marko M. Mäkelä. An Interactive Method for Nonsmooth Multiobjective Optimization with an Application to Optimal Control. Optimization Methods and Software, 2:31--44, 1993.
    author = {Miettinen, Kaisa and M{\"a}kel{\"a}, Marko M.},
    title = { An Interactive Method for Nonsmooth Multiobjective Optimization with an Application to Optimal Control},
    journal = { Optimization Methods and Software },
    volume = { 2 },
    year= 1993,
    pages = { 31--44 } 

  64. G. Munda. Multiple-criteria decision aid: Some epistemological considerations. Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, 2:41–55, 1993.
    author = {G. Munda},
    title = {Multiple-criteria decision aid: Some epistemological considerations},
    journal = {Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis},
    volume = {2},
    pages = {41–55},
    year = {1993} 

  65. A. Ostanello and A. Tsoukiàs. An explicative model of `public' interorganizational interactions. European Journal of Operational Research, 70:67-82, 1993.
    author = {A. Ostanello and A. Tsouki\`as},
    title = {An explicative model of `public' interorganizational interactions},
    journal = {European Journal of Operational Research},
    volume = {70},
    year = {1993},
    pages = {67-82} 

  66. H.R. Parsaei, M. Wilhelm, and S.S. Kolli. Application of Outranking Methods to Economic and Financial Justification of CIM Systems. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 25(1-4):357-360, 1993.
    AUTHOR={Parsaei, H.R. and Wilhelm, M. and Kolli, S.S.},
    TITLE={Application of Outranking Methods to Economic and Financial Justification of {CIM} Systems},
    JOURNAL={Computers and Industrial Engineering},

  67. A.N. Payne. Efficient approximate representation of bi-objective tradeoff sets. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 330:1219-1233, 1993.
    author={Payne, A.N.},
    title={Efficient approximate representation of bi-objective tradeoff sets},
    journal={Journal of the Franklin Institute},

  68. M. Pichetto and A. Tsoukiàs. A multi-criteria sorting method for suppliers evaluation. Ricerca Operativa, 67:57-84, 1993.
    author = {M. Pichetto and A. Tsouki\`as},
    title = {A multi-criteria sorting method for suppliers evaluation},
    journal = {Ricerca Operativa},
    volume = {67},
    pages = {57-84},
    year = {1993} 

  69. J.C. Pomerol. Multicriteria DSSs: State of the Art and Problems. Central European Journal for Operations Research and Economics, 2(3):197-211, 1993.
    AUTHOR="Pomerol, J.C.",
    TITLE="Multicriteria {DSS}s: State of the Art and Problems",
    JOURNAL="Central European Journal for Operations Research and Economics",

  70. G.R. Reeves and S.R. Hedin. A generalized interactive goal programming procedure. Computers and Operations Research, 20(7):747-753, 1993.
    AUTHOR="Reeves, G.R. and Hedin, S.R.",
    TITLE="A generalized interactive goal programming procedure",
    JOURNAL="Computers and Operations Research",

  71. B. Roy. Decision science or decision-aid science?. European Journal of Operational Research, 66:184-203, 1993.
    AUTHOR="B. Roy",
    TITLE="Decision science or decision-aid science?",
    JOURNAL="European Journal of Operational Research",

  72. B. Roy and R. Slowinski. Criterion of distance between technical programming and socio-economic priority. RAIRO Recherche Opérationnelle, 27(1):45-60, 1993.
    AUTHOR="B. Roy and R. Slowinski",
    TITLE="Criterion of distance between technical programming and socio-economic priority",
    JOURNAL="RAIRO Recherche Op\'erationnelle",

  73. R.K. Sarin and M. Weber. Risk-value models. European Journal of Operational Research, 70:135--149, 1993.
    author="Sarin, R.K. and Weber, M.",
    title="Risk-value models",
    journal="European Journal of Operational Research",

  74. S. Sayin and H.P. Benson. A Face Search Heuristic Algorithm for Optimizing over the Efficient Set. Naval Research Logistics, 40:103-116, 1993.
    author={Sayin, S. and Benson, H.P.},
    title={A Face Search Heuristic Algorithm for Optimizing over the Efficient Set},
    journal={Naval Research Logistics},
    url = {},

  75. D. Schmeidler. Updating Ambiguous Beliefs. Journal of Economic Theory, 59:33-49, 1993.
    author={D. Schmeidler},
    title={Updating Ambiguous Beliefs},
    journal={Journal of Economic Theory},

  76. A.K. Sen. Internal Consistency of Choice. Econometrica, 61:495--521, 1993.
    author = {{A.K}. Sen},
    title = {Internal Consistency of Choice},
    journal = {Econometrica},
    volume = {61},
    pages = {495--521},
    year = {1993} 

  77. E. Shafir, I. Simonson, and A. Tversky. Reason-based choice. Cognition, 49:11-36, 1993.
    author="E. Shafir and I. Simonson and A. Tversky",
    title="Reason-based choice",

  78. Y. Siskos, D.K. Despotis, and M. Ghediri. Multiobjective modelling for regional agricultural planning: case study in Tunisia. European Journal of Operational Research, 77(3):375-391, 1993.
    AUTHOR="Siskos, Y. and Despotis, D.K. and Ghediri, M.",
    TITLE="Multiobjective modelling for regional agricultural planning: case study in {T}unisia",
    JOURNAL="European Journal of Operational Research",

  79. Y. Siskos and N.F. Matsatsinis. A DSS for market analysis and new product design. Journal of Decision Systems, 2(1):35--60, 1993.
    author = {Siskos, Y. and Matsatsinis, N.F.},
    year = 1993,
    title = {A {DSS} for market analysis and new product design},
    journal = {Journal of Decision Systems},
    volume = 2,
    number = 1,
    pages = {35--60} 

  80. Y. Siskos, A. Spyridakos, and D. Yannacopoulos. MINORA: A Multicriteria Decision Aiding System for Discrete Alternatives. Journal of Information Science and Technology, 2(2):136-149, 1993.
    author={Siskos, Y. and Spyridakos, A. and Yannacopoulos, D.},
    title= {{MINORA}: {A} Multicriteria Decision Aiding System for Discrete Alternatives},
    journal={Journal of Information Science and Technology},

  81. R.S. Solanki, P.A. Appino, and J.L. Cohon. Approximating the noninferior set in multiobjective linear programming problems. European Journal of Operational Research, 68:356-373, 1993.
    author={Solanki, R.S. and Appino, P.A. and Cohon, J.L.},
    title={Approximating the noninferior set in multiobjective linear programming problems},
    journal={European Journal of Operational Research},

  82. B. Sopher and G. Gigliotti. A Test of Generalized Expected Utility Theory. Theory and Decision, 35:75-106, 1993.
    author={B. Sopher and G. Gigliotti},
    title={A Test of Generalized Expected Utility Theory},
    journal={Theory and Decision},

  83. R. E. Steuer. The Tchebycheff, Aspiration Criterion Vector, and Combined Procedures of Interactive Multiple Objective Programming. Avtomatika, 5:3-15, 1993.
    Note: (in Russian).
    author = {R. E. Steuer},
    year = {1993},
    title = {The {T}chebycheff, Aspiration Criterion Vector, and Combined Procedures of Interactive Multiple Objective Programming},
    journal= {Avtomatika},
    volume= {5},
    pages= {3-15},
    note= {(in Russian)} 

  84. R.E. Steuer, J. Silverman, and A.W. Whisman. A combined Tchebycheff/Aspiration criterion vector interactive multiobjective programming procedure. Management Science, 39(10):1255-1260, 1993.
    AUTHOR="Steuer, R.E. and Silverman, J. and Whisman, A.W.",
    TITLE="A combined Tchebycheff/Aspiration criterion vector interactive multiobjective programming procedure",
    JOURNAL="Management Science",

  85. A. Stewart Fortheingham and P.A. Rogerson. GIS and spatial analytical problems. International Journal of Geographical Information Systems, 7(1):3-19, 1993.
    author="A. {Stewart Fortheingham} and P.A. Rogerson",
    title="{GIS} and spatial analytical problems",
    journal="International Journal of Geographical Information Systems",

  86. A. Tsoukiàs. Book review of Vincke P., Multi-Criteria Decision Aid. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 44:317-318, 1993.
    author = "A. Tsouki\`as",
    title = {Book review of {V}incke {P}., {M}ulti-Criteria Decision Aid},
    journal = {Journal of the Operational Research Society},
    volume ={44},
    pages = {317-318},
    year = {1993} 

  87. A. Tversky and I. Simonson. Context-dependent preferences. Management Science, 39:1179-1189, 1993.
    author="A. Tversky and I. Simonson",
    title="Context-dependent preferences",
    journal="Management Science",

  88. V.S. Vassilev and S.C. Narula. A reference direction algorithm for solving multiple objective integer linear programming problems. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 44(12):1201-1209, 1993.
    AUTHOR="Vassilev, V.S. and Narula, S.C.",
    TITLE="A reference direction algorithm for solving multiple objective integer linear programming problems",
    JOURNAL="Journal of the Operational Research Society",

  89. E.M. Vermeulen, J. Spronk, and D. Van der Wijst. A new approach to firm evaluation. Annals of Operations Research, 45:387-403, 1993.
    author={Vermeulen, E.M. and J. Spronk and D. {Van der Wijst}},
    title={A new approach to firm evaluation},
    journal={Annals of Operations Research},

  90. R. Von Nitzsch and M. Weber. The effect of attribute ranges on weights in multiattribute utility measurements. Management Science, 39(8):937-943, August 1993.
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    title="The effect of attribute ranges on weights in multiattribute utility measurements",
    journal="Management Science",

  91. P.P. Wakker. Additive representations on rank-ordered sets. II. The topological approach. Journal of Mathematical Economics, 22(1):1--26, 1993.
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    title = {Additive representations on rank-ordered sets. {II}. {T}he topological approach},
    volume = 22,
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    journal = {Journal of Mathematical Economics},

  92. P.P. Wakker and A. Tversky. An axiomatization of cumulative prospect theory. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 7:147--176, 1993.
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    journal = {Journal of Risk and Uncertainty},
    volume = {7},
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  93. M. Weber and K. Borcherding. Behavioral influences on weight judgments in multiattribute decision making. European Journal of Operational Research, 67:1-12, 1993.
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    journal="European Journal of Operational Research",

  94. G.O. Wesolowsky. The Weber Problem: History and Perspectives. Location Science, 1(1):5-23, 1993.
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    journal="Location Science",

  95. A. P. Wierzbicki, L. Krus, and M. Makowski. The role of multi-objective optimization in negotiation and mediation support. Theory and Decision, 34:201--214, 1993.
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  96. A.B. Wijeratne, M.A. Turnquist, and P.B. Mirchandani. Multiobjective routing of hazardous materials in stochastic networks. European Journal of Operational Research, 65:33-43, 1993.
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    year = {1993},
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    pages = {33-43},

  97. W. Ziarko. Variable precision rough sets model. Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences, 1993:39--59, 1993.
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    year = 1993,
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    volume = 1993,
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  98. C. Zopounidis. On the Use of the MINORA Decision Aiding System to Portfolio Selection and Management. Journal of Information Science and Technology, 2(2):150-156, 1993.
    author={Zopounidis, C.},
    title={On the Use of the {MINORA} Decision Aiding System to Portfolio Selection and Management},
    journal={Journal of Information Science and Technology},

Conference's articles
  1. G. Barbiroli. Direct and indirect indicators of sustainable development. In Proceedings International Conference on Environmental Pollution, Barcelona, pages 489-496, 1993.
    author={Barbiroli, G.},
    title={Direct and indirect indicators of sustainable development},
    booktitle={Proceedings International Conference on Environmental Pollution, Barcelona},

  2. E. Ephrati and J.S Rosenschein. A Framework for the Interleaving of Execution and Planning for Dynamic Tasks by Multiple Agents. In In Proccedings of MAAMAW'93, Neuchâtel, pages 137--153, 1993.
    author = {E. Ephrati and {J.S} Rosenschein},
    title = {A Framework for the Interleaving of Execution and Planning for Dynamic Tasks by Multiple Agents},
    booktitle = {In Proccedings of MAAMAW'93, Neuch\^atel},
    pages = {137--153},
    year = {1993} 

  3. B. Grosz and S. Kraus. Collaborative plans for group activities. In In Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI93, pages 367--373, 1993. Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco.
    author = {B. Grosz and S. Kraus},
    title = {Collaborative plans for group activities},
    booktitle = {In Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI93},
    publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco},
    pages = {367--373},
    year = {1993} 

  4. R. M. Karp. Mapping the genome: some combinatorial problems arising in molecular biology. In Procceding 25th STOC, ACM Press, pages 278-285, 1993.
    author = {Karp, R. M.},
    title = {Mapping the genome: some combinatorial problems arising in molecular biology},
    booktitle = {Procceding 25th STOC, ACM Press},
    year = {1993},
    pages = {278-285} 

  5. J. Mainka, C. Rosenthal-Sabroux, and A. Tsoukiàs. KUTF: un système de gestion de l'incomplétude et de l'incohérence d'une base de connaissances pour l'aide à la décision. In Proceedings of the AFCET 93 Congress, volume 1, pages 15-33, 1993.
    author = "J. Mainka and C. {Rosenthal-Sabroux} and A. Tsouki\`as",
    title = "KUTF: un syst\`eme de gestion de l'incompl\'etude et de l'incoh\'erence d'une base de connaissances pour l'aide \`a la d\'ecision",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the AFCET 93 Congress",
    volume = "1",
    pages = "15-33",
    year = "1993" 

  6. T. Murofushi and S. Soneda. Techniques for reading fuzzy measures (iii): Interaction index. In Proceedings of the 9th Fuzzy Systems Symposium, Sapporo, Japan, pages 693--696, 1993.
    author = {T. Murofushi and S. Soneda},
    year = 1993,
    title = {Techniques for reading fuzzy measures (iii): {I}nteraction index},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th Fuzzy Systems Symposium, Sapporo, Japan},
    pages = {693--696},

  7. H. Nakayama. Applications of Interactive Multi-objective programming methods: a survey. In Proc. of 12th World Congress of IFAC, Sydney, Vol.3, pages 435-440, 1993.
    AUTHOR="Nakayama, H.",
    TITLE="Applications of Interactive Multi-objective programming methods: a survey",
    BOOKTITLE="Proc. of 12th World Congress of IFAC, Sydney, Vol.3",

  8. W. Ogryczak, K. Studzinski, and K. Zorychta. DINAS Dynamic Interactive Network Analysis System: A Tutorial Example. In J. Wessels and A.P. Wierzbicki, editors, User--Oriented Methodology and Techniques of Decision Analysis and Support, LNEMS 397, Berlin, pages 209-222, 1993. Springer-Verlag.
    AUTHOR="Ogryczak, W. and Studzi{\'n}ski, K. and Zorychta, K.",
    TITLE="DINAS Dynamic Interactive Network Analysis System: A Tutorial Example",
    BOOKTITLE="User--Oriented Methodology and Techniques of Decision Analysis and Support",
    EDITOR="Wessels, J. and Wierzbicki, A.P.",
    SERIES="LNEMS 397",

  9. A. Skowron. Boolean Reasoning for Decision Rules Generation. In J. Komorowski and Z.W. Ras, editors, Methodologies for Intelligent Systems, LNAI 689, pages 295-305, 1993. Springer Verlag, Berlin.
    AUTHOR="Skowron, A.",
    TITLE="Boolean Reasoning for Decision Rules Generation",
    BOOKTITLE="Methodologies for Intelligent Systems, {LNAI} 689",
    PUBLISHER="Springer Verlag, Berlin",
    EDITOR="Komorowski, J. and Ras, Z.W.",

  10. A. Tsoukiàs. Un nuovo metodo per l'aggregazione di preferenze parziali a più livelli. In Proceedings of the AIRO 93 conference, Capri, volume 1, pages 66-69, 1993.
    author = "A. Tsouki\`as",
    title = "Un nuovo metodo per l'aggregazione di preferenze parziali a pi\`u livelli",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the AIRO 93 conference, Capri",
    volume = "1",
    pages = "66-69",
    year = "1993" 

Internal reports
  1. C.A. Bana e Costa and J.C. Vansnick. Sur la quantification des jugements de valeur: L'approche MACBETH. Cahiers du LAMSADE, 117, Université Paris-Dauphine, Paris, 1993.
    AUTHOR="Bana e Costa, C.A. and Vansnick, J.C.",
    TITLE="Sur la quantification des jugements de valeur: {L}'approche {MACBETH}",
    TYPE="Cahiers du {LAMSADE}, 117",
    INSTITUTION="Universit\'e Paris-Dauphine",

  2. C.A. Bana e Costa. Les problématiques dans le cadre de l'activité d'aide à la décision. Document du LAMSADE no.74, Université Paris Dauphine, 1993.
    author="C.A. {Bana e Costa}",
    title="Les probl\'ematiques dans le cadre de l'activit\'e d'aide \`a la d\'ecision",
    institution="Universit\'e Paris Dauphine",
    type="Document du {LAMSADE} no.74" 

  3. J.M. Martel and A. Rousseau. Cadre de référence d'une démarche multicritère de gestion intégrée des ressources en milieu forestier. Document Technique 93-11, Ministère de l'environment et de la faune, Québec, 1993.
    AUTHOR="Martel, J.M. and Rousseau, A.",
    TITLE="Cadre de r\'ef\'erence d'une d\'emarche multicrit\`ere de gestion int\'egr\'ee des ressources en milieu forestier",
    TYPE="Document Technique 93-11",
    INSTITUTION="Minist\`ere de l'environment et de la faune, Qu\'ebec",

  4. Y. Nicodem. Construction de pseudo-critère avec une information réduite. Mémoire de DEA ``Méthodes Scientifiques de Gestion '', Université Paris-Dauphine, France, 1993.
    AUTHOR="Nicodem, Y.",
    TITLE="Construction de pseudo-crit\`ere avec une information r\'eduite",
    TYPE="M\'emoire de {DEA} ``{M}\'ethodes {S}cientifiques de {G}estion ''",
    INSTITUTION="Universit\'e Paris-Dauphine, France",

  5. J.C. Pomerol, B. Roy, C. Rosenthal-Sabroux, and A. Saad. An 'intelligent' DSS for the multicriteria evaluation of railway timetables. Cahier du LAMSADE no 120, Université de Paris Dauphine, octobre 1993.
    Note: 21 pages.
    author="J.C. Pomerol and B. Roy and C. Rosenthal-Sabroux and A. Saad",
    title="An 'intelligent' DSS for the multicriteria evaluation of railway timetables",
    institution="Universit\'e de Paris Dauphine",
    note="21 pages",
    type="Cahier du {LAMSADE} no 120" 

  6. E.M. Vermeulen, J. Spronk, and D. Van der Wijst. Multi-Factorial Risk Analysis and the sensitivity Concept. Report 9304/I, Research Institute for Small and Medium-Sized Business in The Netherlands, Zoetermeer, The Netherlands, 1993.
    author={Vermeulen, E.M. and J. Spronk and D. {Van der Wijst}},
    title={Multi-Factorial Risk Analysis and the sensitivity Concept},
    institution={Research Institute for Small and Medium-Sized Business in The Netherlands, Zoetermeer, The Netherlands},
    type={Report 9304/I} 



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Last modified: Sun Nov 1 08:22:32 2009 by theme1.
This MCDA bibliography is updated by Vincent Mousseau.
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