Publications of Carlos A. Bana e costa
C.A. Bana e Costa.
Readings in MCDA.
Springer Verlag, Berlin,
C.A Bana e Costa.
Structuration, construction et exploitation d'un modèle multicritère d'aide à la décision.
Thèse de doctorat,
Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa,
Carlos A. Bana e costa,
Carlos S. Oliveira,
and Victor Vieira.
Prioritization of bridges and tunnels in earthquake risk mitigation using multicriteria decision analysis: Application to Lisbon.
36(3):442 - 450,
June 2008.
] [bibtex-entry]
C.A. Bana e Costa,
J.M. De Corte,
and J.C. Vansnick.
On the Mathematical Foundation of MACBETH.
In J. Figueira,
S. Greco,
and M. Ehrgott, editors,Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis: State of the Art Surveys,
pages 409-443.
Springer Verlag,
Boston, Dordrecht, London,
] [bibtex-entry]
C.A. Bana e Costa and M.P. Chagas.
A career choice problem: An example of how to use MACBETH to build a quantitative value model based on qualitative value judgments.
European Journal of Operational Research,
] [bibtex-entry]
C.A. Bana e Costa,
L. Barroso,
and J.O. Soares.
Qualitative modelling of credit scoring: A case study in banking.
Journal of European Research Studies,
C.A. Bana e Costa,
É.C. Corrêa,
J.-M. De Corte,
and J.-C. Vansnick.
Facilitating bid evaluation in public call for tenders: A socio-technical approach.
OMEGA: The International Journal of Management Science,
April 2002.
C.A. Bana e Costa,
M.L. Costa-Lobo,
I.A.J. Ramos,
and J.-C. Vansnick.
Multicriteria approach for strategic town planning: The case of Barcelos.
In D. Bouyssou,
E. Jacquet-Lagrèze,
P. Perny,
R. Slowinski,
D. Vanderpooten,
and Ph. Vincke, editors,Aiding Decisions with Multiple Criteria: Essays in Honour of Bernard Roy,
pages 429--456.
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston,
C.A. Bana e Costa and R.C. Oliveira.
Assigning priorities for maintenance and repair and refurbishment in managing a municipal housing stock.
European Journal of Operational Research,
April 2002.
C.A. Bana e Costa,
F.N. da Silva,
and J.-C. Vansnick.
Conflict dissolution in the public sector: A case-study.
European Journal of Operational Research,
C.A. Bana e Costa,
F. Nunes da Silva,
and J.C. Vansnick.
Conflict dissolution in the public sector: A case-study.
European Journal of Operational Research,
C.A. Bana e Costa.
The use of multi-criteria decision analysis to support the search for less conflicting policy options in a multi-actor context: case study.
Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis,
C.A. Bana e Costa and J.O. Soares.
Multicriteria Approaches for Portfolio Selection: An Overview.
Review of Financial Markets,
C.A. Bana e Costa and J.C. Vansnick.
Cardinal value measurement with MACBETH.
In S.H. Zanakis,
G. Doukidis,
and C. Zopounidis, editors,Decision Making: Recent Developments and Worldwide Applications,
pages 317-329.
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht,
C.A. Bana e Costa and M. de Costa-Lobo.
Comment on Rethinking value elicitation for personal consequential decisions by G. Wright and P. Goodwin.
Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis,
C.A. Bana e Costa,
L. Ensslin,
E.C. Correa,
and J.-C. Vansnick.
Decision Support Systems in action: Integrated application in a multicriteria decision aid process.
European Journal of Operational Research,
C.A. Bana e Costa and J.C. Vansnick.
The MACBETH approach: Basic ideas, software and an application.
In N. Meskens and M. Roubens, editors,Advances in Decision Analysis,
pages 131-157.
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht,
C.A. Bana e Costa and M. Pirlot.
Thoughts on the future of multicriteria field: Basic convictions and outline for general methodology.
In J. Clìmaco, editor,Multicriteria Analysis,
pages 562-568.
Springer Verlag,
C.A. Bana e Costa,
T. Stewart,
and J.C. Vansnick.
Multicriteria decision analysis: Some thoughts based on the tutorial and discussion sessions of ESIGMA meetings.
European Journal of Operational Research,
C.A. Bana e Costa and J.C. Vansnick.
Applications of the MACBETH Approach in the framework of an additive aggregation model.
Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis,
C.A. Bana e Costa.
Les problématiques de l'aide à la décision : vers l'enrichissement de la trilogie choix-tri-rangement.
RAIRO/ Recherche Opérationnelle,
C.A. Bana e Costa and J.C. Vansnick.
General overview of the MACBETH approach.
In P.M. Pardalos,
Y. Siskos,
and C. Zopounidis, editors,Advances in Multicriteria Analysis,
pages 93-100.
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht,
C.A. Bana e Costa and J.C. Vansnick.
MACBETH: An Interactive Path Towards the Construction of Cardinal Value Functions.
International Transactions in Operational Research,
C.A. Bana e Costa and J.C.. Vansnick.
Macbeth - an interactive path towards the construction of cardinal value fonctions.
International transactions in operational Research,
C.A. Bana e Costa.
Absolute and Relative Evaluation Problematiques: The Concept of Neutral Level and the MCDA Robot Technique.
In M. Cerny,
D. Gluckaufova,
and D. Loula, editors,Multicriteria Decision Making: Methods, Algorithms and Applications.
Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences,
C.A. Bana e Costa.
A methodology for sensitivity analysis in three-criteria problems: a case study in municipal management.
European Journal of Operational Research,
C. A. Bana e Costa.
A multicriteria decision aid methodology to deal with conflicting situations on weights.
European Journal of Operational Research,
C.A. Bana e Costa.
Issues in facilitating bid evaluation in public call for tenders.
In F. Khosrowshahi, editor,
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Decision Making in Urban and Civil Engineering,
pages 703-709,
Note: CD-ROM edition.
C.A. Bana e Costa and J.F. Thomaz.
Locating centres of information and recruitment of volunteers for the Portuguese Armed Forces: A decision-analysis case-study.
In Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Conference of the International Military Testing Association,
pages 173-180,
International Military Testing Association, Edinburgh.
Note: CD-ROM edition.
C.A. Bana e Costa and E.C. Corrêa.
Framing public calls for tenders through a multicriteria approach.
In D.K. Despotis and C. Zopounidis, editors,
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of the Decision Sciences Institute,
volume II,
pages 1353-1355,
Athens University of Business and Economics.
C.A. Bana e Costa and J.C. Vansnick.
Preference relation and MCDM.
In T. Gal,
T. Stewart,
and T. Hanne, editors,
Multicriteria Decision Making: Advances in MCDM models, Algorithms, Theory, and Applications,
International Series in Operations Research & Management Science,
pages 4.1-4.23,
Kluwer Academic.
C.A. Bana e Costa,
L. Ensslin,
and I.J. Zanella.
A Real-World MCDA Application in Cellular Telephony Systems.
In T.J. Stewart and R.C. van den Honert, editors,
Trends in Multicriteria Decision Making,
volume 465 of Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems,
pages 412-423,
Springer Verlag, Berlin.
C.A. Bana e Costa and J.C. Vansnick.
The MACBETH approach: Basic ideas.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Methods and Applications of Multicriteria Decision Making,
pages 86-88,
FUCAM, Facultés Universitaires Catholiques de Mons.
C.A. Bana e Costa and J.C. Vansnick.
A theoretical framework for Measuring Attractiveness by a Categorical Based Evaluation TecHnique (MACBETH).
In J. Climaco, editor,
Multicriteria Analysis. Proceedings of the XIth International Conference on MCDM,
pages 15-24,
Springer Verlag, Berlin.
C.A. Bana e Costa and C. Dinis das Neves.
Describing and formalizing the evaluation process of Portuguese navy officiers.
In A. Lockett and G. Islei, editors,
Improving Decision Making in Organisations,
volume 335 of LNEMS,
pages 355-369,
Springer Verlag, Berlin.
M.A.L Leitão,
J.F. Thomaz,
F.V. Freire,
and C.A. Bana e Costa.
Using decision conferencing and process consultation to facilitate the structuring of a performance appraisal model in the Portuguese Army.
Research Paper 5/2002,
CEG-IST, Technical University of Lisbon,
C.A. Bana e Costa and J.C. Vansnick.
Sur la quantification des jugements de valeur: L'approche MACBETH.
Cahiers du LAMSADE, 117,
Université Paris-Dauphine,
C.A. Bana e Costa.
Les problématiques dans le cadre de l'activité d'aide à la décision.
Document du LAMSADE no.74,
Université Paris Dauphine,
C.A. Bana e Costa.
Une méthode pour l'aide à la décision en situations multicritères et multiacteurs.
Document du LAMSADE no.59,
Université de Paris Dauphine,
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Last modified: Sun Nov 1 08:22:36 2009
by theme1.
This MCDA bibliography is updated by Vincent Mousseau.
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