- Introduction programmation Java
- Magistère BFA, Université Paris-Dauphine
2018 BFA3 Pré-rentrée informatique années précédentes: 2016 BFA 3 (en français), 2017(cours BFA 1, en anglais), 2017 BFA3 Pré-rentrée informatique (en anglais).
- Licence 3 MIDO, Université Paris-Dauphine
- Mise à niveau en Java
- Master 1 MIAGE, Université Paris-Dauphine
- Master 2 MIAGE, Université Paris-Dauphine
- 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020
- Agent Oriented Learning Distributed Artificial Intelligence Master, Université Paris-Descartes.
- Decision dans l'incertain, Master 1, Université
- Représentation des connaissances et Raisonnement, Master 1 IDD, Université
- Apprentissage par renforcement M2 IASD apprentissage (24h)
précédents cours:
- M2 ISI 2018 (Avec Yann Chevaleyre, 18h)
- Apprentissage par Renforcement et Systèmes Multiagents 2017 (avec Yann Chevaleyre et Juliette Rouchier)
- Coalitional Games, ILLC, University of Amsterdam,
- Some courses or lectures for Master 2 ISI , Master 2, Université
- Base Intelligence Artificielle Distribué (2014)
- Systèmes MultiAgents (2016)
- Direction de Recherche
- Cours de l'école doctorale "Choix Social Computationnel" (avec Jérôme Lang)
Projects for the MSc in logic students, ILLC,
University of Amsterdam
- Uncertainty & Decisions: from individual to group choice (June 2011)
The goals are 1) to learn about the basics of individual decision theory under uncertainty, 2) to learn the basics of collective decision theory (with complete information)and 3) to explore the literature on collective decision theory under uncertainty. The first part of the course will consist of lectures, the second part will include student presentations. The course is offered together with Umberto Grandi.
- Formal and game-theoretic aspects of norms (January 2010)
Seminar class about the topic of norms viewed from different
discipline: social sciences with game theoretic model, logic,
multiagent systems. The course is offered together with Davide
- Modern Classics in Social Choice Theory (June 2009)
Seminar class where students read seminal papers in Social
Choice Theory. The course was offered together with Ulle Endriss,
Umberto Grandi, and Daniele
- Game Theory at EASSS-10
This tutorial will be given at the 12th European Agent Systems Summer
School (EASSS 2010), held at
the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Mines de Saint-Etienne (ENSM-SE) in
Saint-Etienne, France from the 23th to the 27th of August, 2010.
- Coalitional Games at EASSS-09
This tutorial was given at the 11th European Agent Systems Summer
School (EASSS-09),
held in Torino, Italy, Sept 3rd 2009.
Other materials
- Introduction on Tournaments (guest lecture for Computational
Social Choice, given at the University of
Amsterdam, Spring 2009),
slides .
- Fundamental of Algorithms and Computer Applications (Labs taught
at University of Tulsa) (labs)
- Non Cooperative Games - one shot and repeated games (guest
lecture, University of Tulsa, 2006) slides