Lesson 1: Basics about the language
- Elementary types
- Arrays
- Conditionnal structures and loops
- Methods
Lecture notes (in French)
Lesson 2: First steps with objects
- What is an object?
- instance variables, class variables
- instance methods, class methods
- creating objects
lecture notes (in French)
Lesson 3: Inheritance, Interfaces, Abstract classes
- Inheritance
- Writing a subclass, its constructor, overriding methods (or not)
- Exercise 1
- abstract classes
- interfaces
- Exercise 2
lecture notes (in French)
Lesson 4: Generics and Collections
- Generics
- Collections: list, queues, etc.
- iterating over the element of a collection
- Exercise 3
Final Project: APB-light
April 25th: the files containing the candidates and the schools have been updated. There exist some allocations in which each student gets a school.