Publications of year 2002
Articles in journal or book's chapters
  1. M. Manouvrier, M. Rukoz, and G. Jomier. Quadtree representations for storage and manipulation of clusters of images. Image and Vision Computing, 20(7):513--527, May 2002. ( (pdf) (abstract) (bibtex entry)

  2. M.A. Peerbocus and G. Jomier. The management of cadastral evolution. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems (CEUS), Elsevier Science Ltd., 2002. (bibtex entry)

Conference's articles
  1. M.A. Peerbocus, G. Jomier, and T. Badard. A methodology for updating geographic databases using map versions. In 10th International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling (SDH), Ottawa (Canada), 2002. (bibtex entry)

  2. M. Rukoz, M. Manouvrier, and G. Jomier. Distances de similarité d'images basées sur les arbres quaternaires. In 18èmes Journées Bases de Données Avancées (BDA'02), Evry (France), pages 307--326, oct. 2002. (pdf) (abstract) (bibtex entry)


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by manouvri.

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