Articles in refereed journals
- (Paul Alain Kaldjob Kaldjob, Brice Mayag, --),
On the robustness of the sign of nonadditivity index in a Choquet integral model,
International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems,
31(4), 551--569, 2023.
download penultimate version,
Official version.
- (--, M. Remzi Sanver),
Simple but powerful models of stereotype formation,
Revue Économique (special issue in honour of Philippe Mongin), 73,
1055--1068, 2022.
download penultimate version,
Official version
- (Paul Alain Kaldjob Kaldjob, Brice Mayag, --),
On the interpretation of the interaction index between criteria in a Choquet integral model,
Fuzzy Sets and Systems,
458, 165--181, 2023.
download penultimate version,
Elsevier's version
- (--, Thierry Marchant, Marc Pirlot),
A theoretical look at ELECTRE TRI-nB and related sorting models,
4OR, 21(1), 1--31, 2023.
download penultimate version,
Springer's version
- (--, Thierry Marchant, Marc Pirlot),
Axiomatic characterization of the $\chi^{2}$ dissimilarity measure
Aequationes mathematicae, 96, 307--323, 2022.
download penultimate version.
Springer's version
- (--, Marc Pirlot), Unit representation of semiorders. II: The general case,
Journal of Mathematical Psychology,
103, article 102568, 2021,
download penultimate version.
Elsevier's version
- (--, Marc Pirlot), Unit representation of semiorders. I: Countable sets,
Journal of Mathematical Psychology,
103, article 102566, 2021.
download penultimate version.
Elsevier's version
- (--, Thierry Marchant, Marc Pirlot),
A note on ELECTRE TRI-nB with few
limiting profiles,
4OR, 20 (3), 443--463, 2022.
download penultimate version,
- (--, Thierry Marchant, Marc Pirlot), The size of the maximum antichains
in products of linear orders,
TOP, 29 (3), 648--659, 2021.
download penultimate version.
Springer's version
- (Brice Mayag, --), Necessary
and possible interaction between criteria in a 2-additive Choquet integral
model, European Journal of Operational Research, 283 (1),
308--320, 2020, download penultimate version.
- (--, Thierry Marchant, Marc
Pirlot) A characterization of two disproportionality and malapportionment
ndices: the Duncan and Duncan index and the Lijphart index, Annals
of Operations Research, 284 (1), 147--163, 2020, download penultimate version.
- (-- & Thierry Marchant) The
beta ranking and the beta measure for directed networks: axiomatic
characterizations, Social Networks, 52 (1), 145–153, 2018, download penultimate version.
This version of the text contains an unfortunate error in Theorem 2. It
was pointed out to us by Yan-An Hwang in the following note . The following amended version incorporates the suggestion of the
referee, that we deem superior,
and is fully self contained. We apologize to the readers for the
- (-- & Thierry Marchant)
Ranking authors using fractional counting of citations: An axiomatic
approach, Journal of Informetrics, 10 (1), 183--199, 2016, download penultimate version.
- (-- & Thierry Marchant)
Bi-semiorders with frontiers on finite sets, Journal of Mathematical
Psychology, 66 (1), 6--15, 2015, download penultimate version.
- (-- & Marc Pirlot) A
consolidated approach to the axiomatization of outranking relations: A
survey and new results, Annals of Operations Research, 229
(1), 159--212, 2015, download penultimate version.
- (-- & Marc Pirlot) A note
on the asymmetric part of an outranking relation, International
Transactions in Operational Research, 22 (5), 883--912, 2015, download penultimate version.
- (-- & Thierry Marchant) On the relations between ELECTRE TRI-B and
ELECTRE TRI-C and on a new variant of ELECTRE TRI-B, European Journal of Operational
Research, 242
(1), 201--211, 2015. download penultimate version. The original working paper had the nicer
title “Some
remarks on ELECTRE TRI” and is also available for download
- (-- & Thierry Marchant) An axiomatic approach to
bibliometric rankings and indices, Journal of Informetrics, 8
(3), 2014, 449--477, download penultimate version.
- (-- & Thierry Marchant) Multiattribute preference
models with reference points, European Journal of Operational Research,
229 (2), 470--481, 2013, download penultimate version
this is the penultimate complete version with proofs. The
published version has the proofs in “supplementary material” only).
Elsevier’s version.
- (-- & Marc Pirlot) An axiomatic
approach to TACTIC, Studia Informatica Universalis, ISSN 1621-7545, 10 (2), 45--71, 2012, download penultimate version.
- (-- & Thierry Marchant) Subjective expected utility
without preferences, Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 55 (6), 457--468, 2011, download penultimate version. Elsevier’s version
- (-- & Thierry Marchant) Ranking scientists and
departments in a consistent manner, Journal of the American Society for
Information Science and Technology, 62 (9), 1761--1769, 2011 download penultimate version. Wiley’s version.
- (-- and Thierry Marchant)
Bibliometric rankings of journals based on Impact Factors: An axiomatic
approach, Journal of Informetrics, 5 (1), 75--86, 2011, download penultimate version.
Elsevier’s version.
- (Jean-Charles
Billaut & -- & Philippe Vincke) Faut-il croire le classement de
Shangaï ? Une approche fondée sur l’aide multicritère à la décision. Revue de la Régulation,
8, 2e semestre 2010, pages 1--31,
mis en ligne le 14 décembre 2010,
official copy, download
local copy (offical copy is in Word, while the local copy
uses LaTeX. I recommend the local copy!). This text is an
updated and unabridged French version of the paper in Scientometrics
84 (1), 237--263, 2010)
- (-- & Thierry Marchant) Biorders with frontier, Order 28
(1), 53--87, 2011 download local version Springer’s version DOI: 10.1007/s11083-010-9153-5.
- (-- & Thierry Marchant)
Consistent bibliometric rankings of authors and of journals, Journal of
Informetrics, 4 (3), 365--378, 2010 download
penultimate version. Elesevier’s version.
- (Jean-Charles Billaut & --
& Philippe Vincke) Should you believe in the Shanghai ranking? An MCDM view, Scientometrics,
84 (1), 237--263, 2010, download penultimate version (this is a much
abridged version of the working paper under the same title available here) DOI: 10.1007/s11192-009-0115-x.
- (-- & Thierry Marchant) Additive conjoint measurement with ordered
categories, European Journal of Operational Research, 203,
195--204, 2010. There is an
unfortunate typo in the published version of this text (the statement of
the uniqueness result in Proposition 1 omits the \alpha). Please download the following version instead. Elsevier’s version.
- (-- & Thierry Marchant) Ordered categories and
additive conjoint measurement on connected sets, Journal of
Mathematical Psychology, 53 (2), 92--105, 2009 download
penultimate version. Elsevier’s version.
- (-- & Marc Pirlot) An axiomatic analysis of
concordance-discordance relations, European Journal of Operational
Research, 199 (2), 468--477, 2009 download
penultimate version. Elsevier’s version
- (-- & Marc Pirlot) On some ordinal models for decision making
under uncertainty, Annals of Operations Research, 163 (1),
19--48, 2008 download penultimate version.
Springer’s version.
- (-- & Marc Pirlot) Further results on concordance relations, European
Journal of Operational Research, 181 (1), 505--514, 2007 download penultimate version.
Elsevier’s version.
- (-- & Thierry Marchant) An axiomatic approach to noncompensatory
sorting methods in MCDM, I: The case of two categories, European
Journal of Operational Research, 178 (1), 217--245, 2007, download penultimate version.
Elsevier’s version. Please note that there is an
unfortunate type in the published version of this text. In the second
premise of the condition used in Lemma 20, page 230, a-i
should be b-i. This is, of course, correct in the
penultimate version.
- (-- & Thierry Marchant) An axiomatic approach to noncompensatory
sorting methods in MCDM, II: More than two categories, European Journal
of Operational Research, 178 (1), 246--276, 2007, download penutimate version.
Elsevier’s version.
- (-- & Marc Pirlot) Following the traces, An introduction to
nontransitive decomposable conjoint measurement, European Journal of
Operational Research, 163 (2), 287--337, 2005 (Invited survey) download penultimate version.
Elsevier’s version.
- (-- & Marc Pirlot) 'Additive difference' models without
additivity or subtractivity, Journal of Mathematical Psychology,
48 (4), 263--291 , 2004 download penultimate version.
Elservier’s version.
- (-- & Marc Pirlot) A characterization of concordance
relations, European Journal of Operational Research, 167
(2), 427--443, 2005 download penultimate version. (use this version
preferably to Elsevier’s version: several typos crept in the published version.
Most of these typos are listed in the published version of “Further
results on concordance relations”. Elsevier’s version.
- (-- & Marc Pirlot) Preferences for multiattributed
alternatives: Dominance, Traces and Numerical Representations, Journal
of Mathematical Psychology, 48, 167--185, 2004 download penultimate version.
Elsevier’s version.
- (-- & Marc Pirlot) A note on Wakker's cardinal coordinate
independence, Mathematical Social Sciences, 48, 11--22, 2004
penultimate version. Elsevier’s version.
- (--) Monotonicity of Ranking by
Choosing - A progress report, Social Choice and Welfare, 23 (2),
249--273, 2004, download penultimate version. Additional notes here. Springer’s version.
- (--)
La "crise de la Recherche Opérationnelle", 25 ans après, Mathématiques
et Sciences Humaines, 161, 7--27, penultimate version. Official version.
- (--
& Philippe Vincke) Une introduction à la modélisation des préférences,
INFOR, 2002, 40, 307--317 download
penultimate version.
- (-- & Marc Pirlot) Non Transitive Decomposable Conjoint
Measurement, Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 46,
677--703, 2002 download penultimate version. Elsevier’s version.
- (Bertrand Munier & Reinhard
Selten & -- & Paul Bourgine & Richard H. Day & Nigel
Harvey & Denis Hilton & Mark J. Machina & Philip M. Parker
& John Sterman & Elke U. Weber & Birger Wernerfelt & Robin
Wensley) Bounded Rationality Modeling, Marketing Letters, 10,
233--248, 1999 download
penultimate version. Springer’s version.
- (--) DEA as a tool for MCDM:
some remarks, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 50,
974--978, 1999 download penultimate version. Official version.
- (-- & Philippe Vincke) Introduction to topics on preference
modelling, Annals of Operations Research, 80, 1998, i-xiv download penultimate version.
Springer’s version.
- (--
& Jean Le Foll) MEDAF et nouveaux modèles de décision dans le risque, Finance,
18, 11--24, 1997 (in French) download
penultimate version.
- (-- & Philippe Vincke) Ranking alternatives on the basis of
preference relations: a progress report with special emphasis on
outranking relations, Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis,
6, 77--85, 1997 download penultimate
version. Wiley’s version.
- (--) Acyclic fuzzy preferences
and the Orlovsky choice function: a note, Fuzzy Sets and Systems,
89, 107--111, 1997. download penultimate version. Elsevier’s version.
- (--) Outranking relations: do
they have special properties?, Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis,
5, 99--111, 1996. download
penultimate version. Wiley’s version.
An earlier (1993) version in French is more detailed and contains more
results download working paper (Les relations
de surclassement ont-elles des propriétés remarquables ?, ESSEC, DR 93032)
- (-- & Marc Pirlot &
Patrice Perny & Alexis Tsoukiàs & Philippe Vincke) A Manifesto for
the New MCDM Era, Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, 2,
125--127, 1993 download penultimate version. Wiley’s version.
- (--) Ranking methods based on
valued preference relations: a characterization of the net flow method, European
Journal of Operational Research, 60, 61--68, 1992. download
penultimate version. Elsevier’s version.
- (--) Democracy and efficiency -
A note on `Arrow's theorem is not a surprising result', European
Journal of Operational Research, 58, 427--430, 1992. download
penultimate version. Elsevier’s version.
- (--) A note on the sum of
differences choice function for fuzzy preference relations, Fuzzy Sets
and Systems, 47, 197--202, 1992. download penultimate version.
Elsevier’s version.
- (-- & Patrice Perny)
Ranking methods for valued preference relations: a characterization of a
method based on entering and leaving flows, European Journal of
Operational Research, 61, 186--194, 1992 download penultimate version. Elsevier’s
- (Bernard Roy & --)
Decision-aid: an elementary introduction with emphasis on multiple criteria,
Investigacion Operativa, 2, 95--110, 1991 also in Information
Science and Technology, 2, 109-123, 1993. download penultimate version.
- (--
& Jean-Claude Vansnick) `Utilité cardinale' dans le certain et choix
dans le risque, Revue Économique, 41, 979--1000, 1990 download penultimate version. Official version.
- (--
& Bernard Roy) La notion de seuils de discrimination en analyse
multicritère, INFOR, 24, 302--313, 1987 download penultimate version.
- (Jean.-Marc
Martel & Raymond Nadeau & --) L'apport des méthodes quantitatives
pour l'aide à la décision dans les P.M.E. , Gestion, 12,
23--30, 1987. Revue Gestion
- (--) Some remarks on the notion
of compensation in MCDM, European Journal of Operational Research,
26, 150--160, 1986. download penultimate version.
Elsevier’s version.
- (-- & Jean-Claude Vansnick)
Noncompensatory and generalized noncompensatory preference structures, Theory
and Decision, 21, 251--266, 1986 download penultimate version.
Springer’s version.
- (-- & Bernard Roy)
Comparison of two decision-aid models applied to a nuclear power plant
siting example, European Journal of Operational Research, 25,
200--215, 1986 download penultimate version or tryElsevier’s
version instead.
A working paper (in French) containing all the details of the robustness analysis