Publications of V. Mousseau
V Mousseau.
Problèmes liés à l'évaluation de
l'importance en aide multicritère à
la décision : Réflexions théoriques et expérimentations.
PhD thesis,
LAMSADE, Université Paris-Dauphine, Paris,
L.C. Dias,
V. Mousseau,
J. Figueira,
and J.N. Clìmaco.
An aggregation/disaggregation approach to obtain robust conclusions with ELECTRE TRI.
European Journal of Operational Research,
April 2002.
V. Mousseau,
L.C. Dias,
J. Figueira,
C. Gomes,
and J.N. Clìmaco.
Resolving inconsistencies among constraints on the parameters of an MCDA model.
European Journal of Operational Research,
Note: To appear
V. Mousseau,
J. Figueira,
and J.-Ph. Naux.
Using assignment examples to infer weights for ELECTRE TRI method: Some experimental results.
European Journal of Operational Research,
April 2001.
V. Mousseau,
B. Roy,
and I. Sommerlatt.
Development of a decision aiding tool for the evolution of public transport ticket pricing in the Paris region.
In M. Paruccini A. Colorni and B. Roy, editors,A-MCD-A Aide Multicritère à la Décision - Multiple Criteria Decision Aiding,
pages 213-230
Joint Research Center, European Commision,
V. Mousseau,
B. Roy,
and I. Sommerlatt.
Elaboration d'un outil d'aide à la décision en vue de l'évolution de la tarification des transports publics en Ile de France.
Journal of Decision Systems,
V. Mousseau,
R. Slowinski,
and P. Zielniewicz.
A User-oriented Implementation of the ELECTRE TRI Method Integrating Preference Elicitation Support.
Computers & Operations Research,
June 2000.
V. Mousseau and J. Méric.
Empirical Violation of the Third Alternative Independance Principle.
Foundations of Computing and Decision Science,
V. Mousseau and R. Slowinski.
Inferring an ELECTRE TRI model from assignment examples.
Journal of Global Optimization,
V. Mousseau.
Compensatoriness of preferences in matching and choice.
Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences,
B. Roy and V. Mousseau.
A theoretical framework for analysing the notion of relative importance of criteria.
Journal of Multi Criteria Decision Analysis,
V. Mousseau,
C. Rosenthal-Sabroux,
B. Roy,
P. Tolla,
and D. Vanderpooten.
L'aide à la décision et la recherche opérationnelle aujourd'hui.
In C. Le Pen et al., editor,25 ans de sciences d'organisations,
pages 355-367.
V. Mousseau.
Eliciting information concerning the relative importance of criteria.
In P. Pardalos,
Y. Siskos,
and C. Zopounidis, editors,Advances in Multicriteria Analysis,
Nonconvex Optimization and its Applications,
pages 17-43.
Kluwer Academic Publishers,
V. Mousseau.
Analyse et classification de la litérature traitant de l'importance relative des critères en aide multicritère à la décision.
RAIRO / Operations Research,
26, n 4:367-389,
B. Roy and V. Mousseau.
Prise en compte formelle de la notion d'importance relative des critères en aide multicritère à la décision.
Cahiers du C.E.R.O.,
V. Mousseau and J. Figueira.
Validation empirique d'une procédure de désagrégation pour la méthode ELECTRE TRI.
In Optimisation et décision, actes des deuxièmes journées francophones de recherche opérationnelle, Francoro'98,
Sousse, Tunisie, 4-7 Avril 1998,
pages 237-246,
CPU Press.
] [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]
N. Moussa and V. Mousseau.
Constructing a multicriteria hierarchical evaluation model using an aggregation-disaggregation approach.
In Proceedings of the 5th DSI-99 Conference, Athens July 4-7 1999,
pages 1400-1403,
V. Mousseau and A. Tsoukias.
Ordinal Measurement for Decision Aiding, a conceptual framework (research agenda).
In Proceedings of the 5th DSI-99 Conference, Athens July 4-7 1999,
pages 1403-1409,
S. Damart,
V. Mousseau,
and I. Sommerlatt.
Du mode d'implication d'acteurs multiples dans
le cadre de l'utilisation d'un modèle d'affectation
multicritère : Analyse au regard d'une application à
la tarification des transports publics.
Cahier du LAMSADE no.190,
Université de Paris-Dauphine,
L.C. Dias and V. Mousseau.
Infering ELECTRE veto-related parameters from outranking examples.
Cahier du LAMSADE (to appear),
Université de Paris-Dauphine,
L.C. Dias and V. Mousseau.
Inferring Electre's veto-related parameters from outranking examples.
Research report no.5/2002,
INESC Coimbra,
J.N. Clìmaco,
L.C. Dias,
J. Figueira,
C. Gomes,
and V. Mousseau.
Resolving inconsistencies among constraints on the parameters of an MCDA model.
Cahier du Lamsade no.178,
Université Paris Dauphine,
V. Mousseau and L.C. Dias.
Valued outranking relations in ELECTRE providing manageable disaggregation procedures.
Cahier du LAMSADE no.189,
Université de Paris-Dauphine,
December 2001.
J.N. Clìmaco,
L.C. Dias,
J. Figueira,
C. Gomes,
and V. Mousseau.
Resolving inconsistencies among constraints on the parameters of an MCDA model.
research report no.7,
Faculté d'Economie, Université de Coimbra, Portugal,
L.C. Dias,
V. Mousseau,
J. Figueira,
and J.N. Clìmaco.
An aggregation/disaggregation approach to obtain robust conclusions with ELECTRE TRI.
Cahier du LAMSADE no.174,
Université de Paris-Dauphine,
A. Ngo The and V. Mousseau.
Using Assignment Examples to Infer Category Limits for the ELECTRE TRI Method.
Cahier du LAMSADE no.168,
Université de Paris-Dauphine,
V. Mousseau,
B. Roy,
and I. Sommerlatt.
Elaboration d'un outil d'aide à la décision en vue de l'évolution de la tarification des transports publics en Ile-de-France.
Document du LAMSADE no 111,
Université de Paris Dauphine,
février 1999.
Note: 78 pages.
V. Mousseau,
R. Slowinski,
and P. Zielniewicz.
ELECTRE TRI 2.0a : Methodological guide and user's documentation.
Document du LAMSADE no.111,
Université de Paris-Dauphine,
V. Mousseau,
J. Figueira,
and J.Ph. Naux.
Using assignment examples to infer weights for ELECTRE TRI method: Some experimental results.
Cahiers du LAMSADE no. 150,
Université de Paris-Dauphine,
V. Mousseau and R. Slowinski.
Inferring an ELECTRE TRI model from assignment examples.
Cahiers du LAMSADE no.140,
Université de Paris-Dauphine,
B. Roy and V. Mousseau.
A theoretical framework for analysing the notion of relative importance of criteria.
Cahier du LAMSADE no 131,
Université de Paris Dauphine,
juin 1995.
Note: 36 pages.
V. Mousseau.
Are judgments about relative importance of criteria dependent or independent of the set of alternatives ? an experimental approach.
Cahiers du LAMSADE no.111,
Université de Paris-Dauphine,
V. Mousseau and R. Slowinski.
L'approche agrégation/désagrégation pour les méthodes de surclassement.
Note: Séminaire ''Modélisation des Préférences et Aide Multicritère à la Décision'', LAMSADE, Université de Paris-Dauphine,
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Last modified: Mon Jul 15 08:03:00 2002
Author: mousseau.
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