The detailed program of the sessions is available here
Keynote presentation
- Multiobjective Combinatorial Optimization – Beyond the Biobjective Case
Kathrin Klamroth
Papers for presentation (category A)
- Vers une PAMC fondée sur les limites des classes de performances (PAMC IAMARA)
Amin Affes and Abdelwaheb Rebai - Développement d'une approche combinatoire de conception systématique d'instruments d'action collective
Adam Baïz and Michel Nakhla - Interactive Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization with NEMOII-Ch for facility location problems
Maria Barbati, Salvatore Corrente and Salvatore Greco - An efficient SAT formulation for learning multicriteria non-compensatory sorting models
K. Belahcène, C. Labreuche, N. Maudet, V. Mousseau, and W. Ouerdane - Computer-aided Drafting of Urban Designs for Walkability
Ivan Blečić and Giuseppe A. Trunfio - Preference Elicitation for Robust Optimization with Ordered Weighted Averages: application to assignment and shortest path problems
Nadjet Bourdache and Patrice Perny - Forced Choice
S. Cerreia-Vioglio, F. Maccheroni, M. Marinacci and A. Rustichini - Interactive Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization driven by Dominance-based Rough Set Approach
Salvatore Corrente, Benedetto Matarazzo and Roman Slowinski - A bicriteria perspective on an L-penalty approach for solving MPECs
Kerstin Daechert, Sauleh Siddiqui, Javier Saez-Gallego, Steven Gabriel and Juan Miguel Morales - Dynamic programming for multi-objective process design
Eric Fraga - ENUCUT-V, a hybrid approach to integer linear vector optimization problems
Walter Habenicht - Abstract Hybrid Algorithm for Multi Objective Optimization based on Game Theory
Paweł Jarosz and Tadeusz Burczyński - Introducing Pareto Minimal Correction Subsets
Miguel Neves, Inês Lynce and Vasco Manquinho - Incorporation of risk and management criteria in positive mathematical programming: The case of marginal agricultural lands in Poland
A. Petsakos, R. Pudelko and S. Rozakis - Data generator for multicriteria satisfaction analysis
Alkaios Sakellaris, Konstantina G. Miteloudi, Evangelos Grigoroudis and Nikolaos Matsatsinis - Interactive many-objective evolutionary optimization guided by preferencesmodeled with an augmented Chebyshev function
Tomasz Sternal and Roman Słowiński - Designing an argumentative decision-aiding method for urban planning
Franck Taillandier, Benjamin Delhomme, Irène Abi-Zeid, Rallou Thomopoulos and Cédric Baudrit - Multi-criteria effectiveness map for evaluation of project success
Isaak Vryzidis and Athanasios Spyridakos
Papers for discussion (category B)
- Optimization of Multiple Satisfaction Levels in Portfolio Decision Analysis
Maria Barbati, Salvatore Greco, Milosz Kadzinski and Roman Slowinski - Multicriteria clustering: an overview of the main contributions
Mohamed A. Boujelben - Méthodologie multicritère d'aide au choix d'un système énergétique standard autonome en territoire isolé
K. Bouyachou and B. Urli - Simulation of a Ranking of Military Defense Systems for the BENELUX countries
Willem K. M. Brauers and Thomas Baelus - A formal framework for deliberated judgments
Olivier Cailloux and Yves Meinard - Multidimensional Attitudes in Intertemporal Choice
Veronica R. Cappelli - Landscape Services Evaluation: A Multi-Criteria Spatial Decision Support System
Maria Cerreta, Simona Panaro and Giuliano Poli - Practical and theoretical aspects of the CAT-SD method for nominal classification
Ana Sara Costa, José Rui Figueira and José Borbinha - Patients' satisfaction: The medical appointments valence in Portuguese public hospitals
Diogo Cunha Ferreira, Rui Cunha Marques, Alexandre Morais Nunes and José Rui Figueira - Any bias in Spatial Multicriteria Decision Aiding?
Valentina Ferretti - Prioritization of Public Buildings Energy Retrofit Strategies: an AHP model
Chiara D'Alpaos and Paolo Bragolusi - A note on the detection of outliers in a binary outranking relation
Yves De Smet, Jean-Philippe Hubinont and Jean Rosenfeld - An MCDA interval based outranking approach for ordinal classification problems
Eduardo Fernández, José Rui Figueira and Jorge Navarro - Robust Ordinal Regression and Stochastic Multicriteria Acceptability Analysis for the level dependent Choquet integral
Arcidiacono S. Giuseppe, Corrente Salvatore and Greco Salvatore - Assessing the quality of life of French municipalities: a multicriteria approach
Alexis Guyot, Emilios Galariotis, Michalis Doumpos and Constantin Zopounidis - Selection of a suitable MCDA method based on robustness of results and sensitivity analysis
Malik Haddad, David Sanders, Giles Twekesbury and Nils Bausch - Expressiveness and robustness measures for the evaluation of an additive value function in multiple criteria preference disaggregation methods: An experimental analysis
M. Kadzinski, M. Ghaderi, J. Wasikowski and N. Agell - Sustainable Supplier Selection Based On Sustainable Procurement Practices
Devika Kannan - Integrating human preferences in automated decisions of unmanned aerial vehicles
Arwa Khannoussi, Catherine Dezan, Jean-Philippe Diguet and Patrick Meyer - Measuring resilience in communities involved in flooding Osumi river, Berat, Albania, using MCDA methods of evaluations
Robert Kosova, Antonino Scarelli, Valentina Sinaj, Evgjeni Xhafaj, Irakli Prifti - Towards a Multi-Criteria Collective Aggregation-Disaggregation Methodology
Nikolaos Matsatsinis - Comparison between two multicriteria methods for assessing land suitability for agriculture
A. Mendas, A. Mebrek and Z. Mekranfar - An extendable web-based multicriteria group decision support system
Konstantina G. Miteloudi, Alkaios Sakellaris and Nikolaos Matsatsinis - Use of Risk Based Inspection and Maintenance Techniques in refineries. Can MCDA be of use in these cases?
Zoe Nivolianitou and Nicolas Defteraios - A multi-criteria approach for the construction of Land-use Change Spatial Composite Indicators in CS@Monitor Project
Valentina Sannicandro, Raffaele Attardi, Maria Cerreta and Carmelo M. Torre - EGov-Evaluator: A web-based decision support system for the global evaluation of e-government in Europe
Eleftherios Siskos, Dimitris Kalogeros, John Psarras and Yannis Siskos - Incorporating Strength of Preference Information in UTA methods for the robustness improvement in cases with limited alternative actions
Athanasios Spyridakos, Nikolaos Tsotsolas and Isaak Vryzidis - Solving procedure for multiobjective dynamic problem with changeable group hierachy of stage criteria dependent on the stage of the process
Tadeusz Trzaskalik - The European Innovation Scoreboard Revisited: A Multicriteria Evaluation Perspective
M. de Vicente y Oliva, J. Manera Bassa and S. BenAmor - Conception d’un MOOC sur l’Aide MultiCritère à la Décision
M. de Vicente y Oliva, J. Manera Bassa and Vincent Clivillé - Démarche d'Aide Multicritère à la Décision pour l'Evaluation Préventive des Risques de Gestion Aéroportaire
Hassane Yamnahakki and Abdellah Menou