Activities for the 4 years of the GDRI (2014-2018)
The GDRI is expected to be involved in the following activities:
- Contribute to the organization International Conference on Algorithmic Decision Theory (ADT), to be held in 2015 in Lexington, Kentucky (US) and in 2017 (venue not yet assigned). The ADT conference series was created with the support of the ALGODEC GDRI.
- Contribute to the workshop series From Multicriteria Decision Aid to Preference Learning (DA2PL), to be organized on even years (2016 and 2018). The themes of preference analytics and learning are central in DA2PL.
- Organize one or two summer doctoral schools during the span of the four years addressing the whole of the PhD students enrolled with the partners and beyond.
- Contribute to the organization of workshops on the themes of the GDRI co-located in highly rated international conferences such as AAAI, IJCAI, ICML, ECML. A number of workshops on topics related to preferences and preference learning has been organized in the past by the participants of the proposed GDRI on Preference Analytics (such as the NIPS workshop on Choice models and Preference Learning in 2011, and the series of workshops on Preference Learning organized by Eyke Hullermeier). We will consider the possibility of establishing a new workshop venue, but perhaps given the number of already established venues, we will focus on continuing these series, with possibly a larger thematic scope. We also plan to keep contributing to the successful series of Multi-disciplinary Workshop on Advances in Preference Handling (MPREF), held annually since 2004, that allows possibility of interaction with researchers interested in preferences from other fields (databases processing, algorithmic, theoretical computer science).
- Organize joint seminars among the participating (research centres) laboratories/institutes as well as further dissemination activities.
- Promote mobility of early stage and experienced researchers as well as for the permanent academic staff. In particular, we will support research visits of members of the GDRI in the lab of another partner, with the goal of undertaking collaborative research leading to joint publications.
- Promote the co-tutoring of each PhD student by at least two senior researchers from two different partner laboratories.
- The establishment of an European Doctoral School in Preference Analytics; considering also to ask the support from Horizon 2020 (International Training Network). Similar activities at the Master level are also possible.
- Identify possible industrial contacts and industrial research applications; jointly engage in client-driven research contracts.