PhD student
Welcome to my research corner! I am a second year PhD student at LAMSADE, Université Paris Dauphine-PSL, CNRS.
My research revolves around fairness and social responsibility of algorithms. This interest stems from a deep commitment to ethics and social justice that has always guided me. Exploring the intersection of AI and fairness during my master's thesis was a pivotal moment in my career, as it was when I realized I wanted to become a researcher.
I am working under the supervision of Alexis Tsoukiàs and Thierry Kirat.
Fairness is a concept deeply ingrained in human society. It has been extensively explored in various academic fields, each with its own interpretation and context. Thus, attempting to force a singular, AI-centric definition of fairness can neglect these rich historical and disciplinary perspectives. To address these challenges effectively, we aim to adopt an interdisciplinary perspective. By integrating insights from fields like philosophy, sociology, law etc. , we want to create a framework that recognizes the multifaceted nature of fairness.
Therefore, instead of considering fairness as an objective property, related to a ressource allocation norm, we prefer study this notion as a subjectively defined necessity by one or more stakeholders of the decision process. Under such a perspective we explore explicability and justification as tools to prove fairness.