I am a CNRS research scientist working at LAMSADE (UMR 7243), the computer science laboratory of Université Paris Dauphine PSL.
See also my institutional page on the university web server
Research topics
- Algorithmic decision theory
- Decision-making under uncertainty
- Sequential decision-making
- Recommender systems
- Computational social choice
Visiting positions
- Best student paper award at SUM 2024
- Best student paper award at ECSQARU 2023
- Best student paper award from the** Decision Analysis Society (DAS) of INFORMS to co-author Niccolo Bertrand
- Best student paper award at ECAI 2014 to co-author Nawal Bennabbou
- Paper presented at AAAI 2011 in the New Scientific and Technical Advances in Research'' (NECTAR) track
- Spotlight paper presentation at NIPS 2010 (top 5% of submissions)
- Fellowship for Young Researchers, Swiss National Science Foundation (2008)
- Shortlisted for the best PhD Thesis Award at EPFL (2007)
Administrative Activities
- Co-coordinator of the scientific activity on Preferences of LAMSADE since September 2023
- Member of the Commission Consultative Représentative d'Informatique (CCR), since January 2023
- Responsible for the funding for young researchers for the team Decision Aid of LAMSADE
- Member of the Commission scientifique consultative de la documentation of Dauphine PSL.
- Co-organizer, with Stefano MORETTI, of the seminar series on Social Choice and Games.
Funded research projects
- Currently ongoing
- THEMIS: THeory and Evidence to Measure Influence in Social structures; funded by ANR
- Some previous projects:
- Coordinator of the project INteractive DecIsion-making for Complex dOmains, an International Emerging Actions (IEA) funded by CNRS for a cooperation with the Insight Centre of the University of Cork, Ireland for 2020-2021.
- CoCoRICo-CoDec: Computation, Communication, Rationality and Incentives in Collective and Cooperative Decision Making; funded by ANR
- Coordinator of the project Efficient eLIcitation of preferences based on Choquet InTegrals (ELICIT), in collaboration with INSEAD; funded by the IDEX Sorbonne Universit'es; 2014 - 2016.
- Atelier de recherche « Décision et Intelligence Artificielle »
- Every year I teach two classes on Decision Theory and Recommender Systems at the third year (IODAA specialization)of the engineering diploma of AgroParisTech
- I taught the Artificial Intelligence (Master 1) course in 2021/2022 and in 2022/2023
- I taught, for several years, part of the couse Modèles et Algorithmes pour la Décision dans l'Incertain (MADI) for 2nd year Master students, at Sorbonne University until 2021
Supervision of PhD students, Postdocs and researchers
- Vasileios Stamatis, PhD student (with Meltem Ozturk)
- Fares Chouaki, PhD student (with Aurélie Beynier and avec Nicolas Maudet)
- Alexandre Combeau, PhD student (with Cristina Manfredotti, Vincent Guige, Fatiha Sais)
- Ariane Ravier, PhD student 2021-2024 _(co-supervised with Stefano Moretti and Sébastien Konieczny)
- Arnaud Grivet Sébert, pre-doc research engineer 2021 (with Nicolas Maudet, Patrice Perny)
- Ons Nefla, PhD student 2019-2021 (co-supervised with Meltem Ozturk, Imene Brigoui)
- Hugo Gilbert, PhD student 2014-2017 (co-supervised with Olivier Spanjaard and Paul Weng)
- Angelina Vidali, Postdoc 2014-2015 (co-supervised with Patrice Perny)
List of Publications
University Paris Dauphine PSL
Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny - 75775 PARIS Cedex 16
name DOT surname AT lamsade DOT dauphine DOT fr