Master 1 Computer Science at Paris Dauphine University
(1ere année de Master - Parcours Informatique, Décision et Données).
am professor of a 36 hours course in Game Theory (5
credits) for
o Course : Game
theory (36 hours, 5 credits)
Master MODO (Modélisation Optimisation, Décision et
Organisation) qui est cohabilité par
l’Université Paris-Dauphine, Mines ParisTech et AgroParisTech.
Course : Théorie
de la décision et théorie des jeux (6 hours, en
collaboration avec Lucie Galand, LAMSADE)
Atelier de recherche : Intelligence
Artificielle et Décision (en collaboration avec plusieurs collègues du
Master Peace Studies de la mention Affaires internationales et developpement, Université Paris-Dauphine
Course : Modèles
décisionnels avancés (9 hours, en collaboration
avec Meltem Öztürk, LAMSADE)
Programme doctoral en informatique de l’Université
Paris-Dauphine 2016/2017.
Course : Cooperative games
and their applications (18 hours)
to introduce the main theoretical concepts and results from cooperative game
theory; the algorithmic analysis of cooperative games associated to different
operation research problems; the axiomatic analysis of power indices will be
also discussed, together with their applications to real-world voting systems;
discussion of some recent applications of coalitional games in computational
Content: set solutions (the
imputation set and the core, dominance, stable sets); one-point solutions (the
Shapley value, the nucleolus, etc.); population monotonic allocation schemes; coalitonal games on communication networks; operations
research games: flow games, linear production games, fixed tree games, minimum
cost spanning tree games, sequencing games, inventory games; real-world voting
systems (for instance, the US president election, UN security council, EU
parliament, etc.); cooperative games on gene expression data; the notion of
game theoretic centrality on networks.