Recent PhD supervisions:


·         Ariane Ravier, Social Ranking Problems with Incomplete Knowledge about Coalitions, Start date: October 2021, (co-supervision with P.Viappiani (LAMSADE) and S. Konieczny  (CRIL)).

·         Marianna Belotti, Analysis of users behaviour in cryptocurrency networks and definition of effective strategies, Start date: January 2019, “these en convention industrielle” (co-supervision with Stefano Secci, Cnam, and Maria Potop-Butucaru, LIP6)

·         Raja Trabelsi: The institutional context for climate change: a game theoretic approach, Start date: March 2017 (co-supervision with Saoussen Krichen, LARODEC, Institut Supérieur de Gestion de Tunis).

·         Hossein Kani: Ordinal power indices, Start date: March 2017, duration: 3 years (co-supervision with Meltem Ötürk, Paris Dauphine). Thesis defended in October 2020.

·         Francesca Fossati: Strategic fairness in network resource allocation, Start date: (co-supervision with Stefano Secci, UPMC). Thesis defended in November 2019.

·         Giulia Cesari: Game theoretic models of network formation, joint Ph.D. with the Politecnico di Milano, Italy (co-supervision with Jérôme Lang, CNRS, and Roberto Lucchetti, Plitecnico di Milano) Thesis defended in December 2016.



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