Graph Theory

Fall 2024

[Announcements] [General Information] [Additional Material] [Schedule] [TD]


General Information

Course name: Graph Theory
Instructor: Michail Lampis
Email: michail.lampis AT

The topic of this course is Graph Theory. Graphs are mathematical objects that can model complex networks with varying applications. In this course we take an approach that focuses on the mathematical side of things: we want to understand and formally prove interesting properties exhibited by graphs. We will do this from a computer scientist's perspective, often pausing to ponder the algorithmic and complexity-theoretic properties of the objects we study.

More information on the topics to be covered appears in the schedule below (which will be updated during the semester).

The course consists of 1.5 hours of weekly lectures, followed by 1.5 hours of TD (exercise sessions).

Grading: Your final grade is the result of the formula 0.7E+0.3CC, where E is your grade in the final exam and CC is your grade in a midterm exam that will be organized at some point in the middle of the semester, most likely on 25/10 on 8/11.

Additional Material / Bibliography

Course Schedule

Here you will find a tentative schedule (updated regularly throughout the semester) and the slides we will use in class.

Lecture No. Date Topic Notes
1 13/9 20/9 Introduction slides
2 13/9 27/9 Trees slides
3 27/9 Bipartite Graphs slides
4 4/10 Bipartite Graphs Continued
5 11/10 Menger's Theorem slides
6 25/10 Coloring slides
7 7/11 More Coloring
8 8/11 Midterm Exam
9 15/11 Planar Graphs slides
10 22/11 Chordal Graphs slides
11 29/11 Split and Interval graphs slides
12 6/12 Cographs and Perfect graphs slides


For the TD the students are divided into two groups, one meeting on Fridays (instructor: Michael Lampis) and one meeting on Thursdays (instructor: Emiliano Lancini). TD exercises (and later solutions) will be posted below.
TD No. Exercises Solutions
1 exercises solutions
2 exercises solutions
3 exercises solutions
4 exercises solutions
5 exercises solutions
6 exercises solutions
7 exercises solutions
8 exercises solutions
9 exercises solutions
10 exercises solutions
11 exercises solutions
12 exercises solutions