Complexity, Algorithms, Games, and Social Choice Project

General Information

The COAL-GAS project is a bilateral French-Greek research project financed under the Global Seed Fund program of Université Paris Sciences et Lettres (PSL) and by the CNRS. The research topic of the project is the study of algorithms and complexity for NP-hard problems motivated by algorithmic game theory and computational social choice.

General Information about the project:

Project Members

The project is carried out by a French team of researchers, based in LAMSADE, Université Paris-Dauphine, and a Greek team based in Corelab, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athens. Both teams include several young researchers (doctoral students/post-docs).

French Team

Greek Team


The project's funding will allow the two teams to organize several research workshops, giving them the opportunity to collaborate. In particular, the following research workshops have been organized or are planned as part of the COAL-GAS project. (list to be updated)

  1. Kick-off Meeting. Place: NTUA, Greece. Period: 4-10 Apr 2024. Participant members: AF, LG, ML, CT, MV; DF, AP
  2. Second Meeting. Place: NTUA, Greece. Period: 11-15 Nov 2024. Participant members: AF, LG, CT; DF, AP