Publications of year 2005
Articles in journal or book's chapters
  1. M. Manouvrier, M. Rukoz, and G. Jomier. Spatial Databases: Technologies, Techniques and Trend, chapter IV - Quadtree-Based Image Representation and Retrieval, pages 81--106. Y. Manolopoulos, A. Papadopoulos and M. Vassilakopoulos (Eds), IDEA Group Publishing, Information Science Publishing and IRM Press, 2005. ( (abstract) (bibtex entry)

Conference's articles
  1. G. Jomier, M. Manouvrier, V. Oria, and M. Rukoz. Multilevel Index for Global and Partial Content-Based Image Retrieval. In Proc. of the 1st IEEE Int. Workshop on Managing Data for Emerging Multimedia Applications (EMMA'05), Tokyo (Japan), pages 66--75, April 8-9th 2005. In conjunction with 21th IEEE Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE). (abstract) (bibtex entry)

  2. M. Manouvrier, M. Rukoz, and G. Jomier. A generalized metric distance between hierarchically partitioned images. In Proc. of the Sixth Intl. Workshop on Multimedia Data Mining - Mining Integrated Media and Complex Data (MDM/KDD2005), Chicago (USA), Aug. 2005. In conjunction with the Eleventh ACM SIGKDD Int. Conf. on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. ( (pdf) (abstract) (bibtex entry)


Last modified: Tue Nov 28 14:34:24 2006
by manouvri.

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