Publications of year 2001 |
Thesis |
@PhdThesis{Pee01, author = {Peerbocus, M.A.}, title = {Gestion de l'\'evolution spatiotemporelle dans une base de donn\'ees g\'eographiques}, school = {Paris-Dauphine University (France)}, note = {Th\`ese de {D}octorat en {I}nformatique}, year = {2001} }
Articles in journal or book's chapters |
@InBook{CJGM01, author = {Cellary, W. and Jomier, G. and Gan\ccarski, S. and Manouvrier, M.}, publisher = {Herm\`es Science}, title = {{Bases de donn\'ees et internet Mod\`eles, langages et syst\`eme}}, chapter = {8- Les Versions}, year = {2001}, note = {Trait\'e IC2 Information - Commande - Communication, sous la direction de A. Doucet et G. Jomier, Edition Lavoisier}, pages = {235--255} }
@Article{GJ01, author = {Gan\ccarski, S. and Jomier, G.}, title = {A framework for programming multiversion databases}, journal = {Data and Knowledge Engineering}, year = {2001}, volume = {36}, number = {1}, pages = {29--54} }
Conference's articles |
@InProceedings{AJ01, author = {Abdessalem, A. and Jomier, G.}, title = { Using a database versioning approach in public transport planning, our experience with the SUROIT information system}, booktitle = {Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management Conf. (CUPUM 2001)}, year = {2001}, address = {Honolulu, Hawaï (USA)}, month = {July} }