Publications of year 1995
Articles in journal or book's chapters
  1. S. Gançarski and G. Jomier. Gestion des versions d'entité et de leurs contextes: analyse et prespectives.. Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information, 3(6):677--711, 1995.
    AUTHOR = {Gan\c{c}arski, S. and Jomier, G.},
    TITLE = {Gestion des versions d'entit\'{e} et de leurs contextes: analyse et prespectives.},
    JOURNAL = {Ing{\'e}nierie des Syst\`emes d'Information},
    YEAR = {1995},
    VOLUME = {3},
    NUMBER = {6},
    PAGES = {677--711} 

Conference's articles
  1. S. Gançarski, G. Jomier, and M. Zamfiroiu. A Framework for the Manipulation of a Multiversion Database. In Workshop Proc. of Database and Expert Systems Applications Conference (DEXA'95), Londres (U.K.), pages 247--256, 1995.
    AUTHOR = {Gan\c{c}arski, S. and Jomier, G. and Zamfiroiu, M.},
    TITLE = {A {F}ramework for the {M}anipulation of a {M}ultiversion {D}atabase},
    ADDRESS = {Londres (U.K.)},
    BOOKTITLE = {Workshop Proc. of Database and Expert Systems Applications Conference (DEXA'95)},
    YEAR = {1995},
    PAGES = {247--256} 


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