Publications of year 1993 |
Conference's articles |
@InProceedings{BMJ93, author = {Bauzer-Medeiros, C. and Jomier, G.}, title = {Managing Alternatives and Data Evolution in GIS}, booktitle = {Proc. of ACM Workshop on Advances in GIS}, year = {1993}, address = {Arlington, Virginia} }
Miscellaneous |
@mastersthesis{Gha93, SCHOOL = {Universit\'{e} Paris IX Dauphine, IUP Science et Technologie de l'Information}, MONTH = {sept.}, AUTHOR = {Ghafoor Ghaznawi, Y.}, TITLE = {A {M}ultiversion {O}bject {M}anager with {O2}}, TYPE = {Rapport de fin d'{\'e}tudes}, YEAR = {1993} }