PROGRAM > Accepted regular papers to be published in LNCS proceedings
List of accepted regular papers (up to 12 pages) to be published in LNCS proceedings
After a reviewing process with 3 or 4 reviewer reports,
the following 24 papers on 50 have been selected for ISCO LNCS proceedings:
- Top-k List Aggregation: Mathematical Formulations and Polyhedral Comparisons
Sina Akbari and Adolfo Escobedo
- High Multiplicity Strip Packing with Three Rectangle Types
Andrew Bloch-Hansen, Roberto Solis-Oba and Andy Yu
- On the thinness of trees
Flavia Bonomo-Braberman, Eric Brandwein, Carolina Gonzalez and Agustín Sansone
- Exact Price of Anarchy for Weighted Congestion Games with Two Players
Joran van den Bosse, Marc Uetz and Matthias Walter
- Bounded variation in binary sequences
Christoph Buchheim and Maja Hügging
- One transfer per patient suffices: Structural insights about patient-to-room assignment
Christina Büsing, Sigrid Knust and Tabea Krabs
- Pervasive Domination
Gennaro Cordasco, Luisa Gargano and Adele Rescigno
- New classes of facets for complementarity knapsack problems
Alberto Del Pia, Jeff Linderoth and Haoran Zhu
- Unified Greedy Approximability Beyond Submodular Maximization
Yann Disser and David Weckbecker
- Piecewise linearization of bivariate nonlinear functions: minimizing the number of pieces under a bounded approximation error
Aloïs Duguet and Sandra Ulrich Ngueveu
- An outer-approximation algorithm for maximum-entropy sampling
Marcia Fampa and Jon Lee
- Branch-and-Cut for a 2-Commodity Flow Relocation Model with Time Constraints
José Luis Figueroa González, Alain Quilliot, Hélène Toussaint, Annegret Wagler and Mourad Baiou
- Tool switching problems in the context of overlay printing with multiple colours
Manuel Iori, Alberto Locatelli, Marco Locatelli and Juan José Salazar González
- The Constrained-Routing and Spectrum Assignment Problem: Valid Inequalities and Branch-and-Cut Algorithm
Diarrassouba Ibrahima and Hadhbi Youssouf
- Neighborhood persistency of the linear optimization relaxation of integer linear optimization
Kei Kimura and Kotaro Nakayama
- On Minimally Non-Firm Binary Matrices
Reka Agnes Kovacs
- Few Induced Disjoint Paths for H-Free Graphs
Barnaby Martin, Daniel Paulusma, Siani Smith and Erik Jan van Leeuwen
- Nash balanced assignment problem
Minh Hieu Nguyen, Mourad Baiou and Viet Hung Nguyen
- Mitigating Anomalies in Parallel Branch-and-Bound Based Algorithms for Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Optimization
Prashant Palkar and Ashutosh Mahajan
- Improved Bounds for Stochastic Extensible Bin Packing under Distributional Assumptions
Guillaume Sagnol and Daniel Schmidt Genannt Waldschmidt
- Polynomial-Time Approximation Schemes for a Class of Integrated Network Design and Scheduling Problems with Parallel Identical Machines
Yusuke Saito and Akiyoshi Shioura
- Optimal Vaccination Strategies for Multiple Dose Vaccinations
Jenny Segschneider and Arie M.C.A. Koster
- On Permuting some Coordinates of Polytopes
Hans Raj Tiwary
- Generating Spanning Tree Sequences of a Fan Graph in Lexicographic Order and Ranking/Unranking Algorithms
Ro-Yu Wu, Cheng-Chia Tseng, Ling-Ju Hung and Jou-Ming Chang