Email: name.surname1-i-surname2(at)
Office 603b
Université Paris Dauphine - PSL
Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny
75775 PARIS Cedex 16
Associated member of the MICINN project ACoGe (Algebraic combinatorics and its connections to geometry): PID2022-137283NB-C22.
Non-permanent member of the ANR project DAGDigDec (Directed acyclic graphs and digraph decompositions): ANR-21-CE48-0012.
Associated member of the MICINN project ALCOI (Álgebra conmutativa y sus interacciones): PID2019-194844GB-I00.
Preprints and publications
K. Knauer and G. Puig i Surroca, On rigid regular graphs and a problem of Babai and Pultr, submitted. arXiv
A. Harutyunyan, C. McDiarmid and G. Puig i Surroca, Acyclic sets and colorings in digraphs under restrictions on degrees and cycle lengths, submitted. pdf
A. Harutyunyan and G. Puig i Surroca, Colouring complete multipartite and Kneser-type digraphs, submitted. Conference version: Proc. 12th EUROCOMB (2023), No 76, 545–551. arXiv
K. Knauer and G. Puig i Surroca, On endomorphism universality of sparse graph classes, submitted. arXiv
K. Knauer and G. Puig i Surroca, On monoid graphs, Mediterr. J. Math. 20 (2023) No 26. arXiv