Three classic decision theory references that are often misspelled

I give here three classic French references in decision theory that are quite often misspelled in English.

Please note that the title of the Allais reference is capitalized in Econometrica, 1953. The Econometrica typesetter wrongly omitted the diacritical signs on capital letters. I give here a non-capitalized version with all proper diacritical signs, since most journals do not want title of papers to be capitalized. If you want the title to appear in uppercase, just replace "{\'e}" by "{\'E}" in what follows (diacritical signs are mandatory in French typography on lowercase and uppercase letters). Also note that the Econometrica typesetter wrongly omitted to put an unbreakable space before the colon. This is also wrong in French typography. I have taken the liberty to correct the typesetter here. To mimic the faulty choice of the typesetter, just omit the "~" before the colon in what follows.

The bibtex references below are in plain 7-bit ASCII. They can be cut and pasted without risk, whatever your computer system.

The compilation of the following code:


author = "Maurice Allais",
journal = "Econometrica",
number = "4",
pages = "503--546",
title = "Le comportement de l'homme rationnel devant le risque~:
critique des postulats et axiomes de l'{\'e}cole am{\'e}ricaine",
volume = "21",
year = "1953",

author = "Condorcet, {Marie Jean Antoine Nicolas de Caritat, marquis de}",
title = "Essai sur l'application de l'analyse {\`a} la probabilit{\'e} des d{\'e}cisions
rendues {\`a} la pluralit{\'e} des voix",
publisher = "Imprimerie Royale",
year = "1785",
address = "Paris",

author = "de Borda, Jean-Charles",
year = "1781",
title = "M{\'e}moire sur les {\'e}lections au scrutin",
note = "Translated by Alfred de Grazia as ``Mathematical derivation of an
election system'', \emph{Isis}, Vol. \textbf{44}, pp. 42--51",
publisher = "Comptes Rendus de l'Acad{\'e}mie des Sciences",
address = "Paris",


should give you the right references. See also the following pdf file.