Publications of year 1969
Books and proceedings
  1. J.K. Friend and W.N. Jessop. Local Government and Strategic Choice. Tavistock Publications, London, 1969.
    author = {{J.K}. Friend and {W.N}. Jessop},
    title = {Local Government and Strategic Choice},
    publisher = {Tavistock Publications, London},
    year = {1969} 

  2. O.L. Mangasarian. Nonlinear Programming. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1969.
    AUTHOR="Mangasarian, O.L.",
    TITLE="Nonlinear Programming",
    ADDRESS="New York",

  3. N. Rescher. Introduction to Value Theory. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1969.
    author = {N. Rescher},
    title = {Introduction to Value Theory},
    publisher = {Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs},
    year = {1969} 

  4. B. Roy. Algèbre moderne et théorie des graphes orientées vers les sciences économiques et sociales. Tome 1 : Notions et résultats fondamentaux. Dunod, Paris, 1969.
    Note: 518 pages.
    author={B. Roy},
    title={Alg\`ebre moderne et th\'eorie des graphes orient\'ees vers les sciences \'economiques et sociales. Tome 1 : Notions et r\'esultats fondamentaux},
    publisher={Dunod, Paris},
    note={518 pages} 

  5. H.A. Simon. The science of the artificial. MIT Press, Camridge, 1969.
    author = {{H.A}. Simon},
    title = {The science of the artificial},
    publisher = {MIT Press, Camridge},
    year = {1969} 

Articles in journal or book's chapters
  1. R.D. Luce and A.A.J. Marley. Extensive measurement when concatenation is restricted. In S. Morgenbessser, P. Suppes, and M.G. White, editors,Philosophy, Science and Method: Essays in Honor of Ernest Nagel, pages 235--249. St. Martin's Press, New York, 1969.
    author = {Luce, R.D. and Marley, A.A.J.},
    title = {Extensive measurement when concatenation is restricted},
    editor = {Morgenbessser, S. and Suppes, P. and White, M.G.},
    year = 1969,
    booktitle = {Philosophy, Science and Method: {E}ssays in Honor of {Ernest} {Nagel}},
    pages = {235--249},
    publisher = {St.\ Martin's Press},
    address ={New York},

  2. J. McCarthy and P.J. Hayes. Some philosophical problems from the standpoint of Artificial Intelligence. In D. Michie, editor,Machine Intelligence, vol. 4, pages 463--502. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 1969.
    author = {J. McCarthy and {P.J}. Hayes},
    title = {Some philosophical problems from the standpoint of Artificial Intelligence},
    editor = {D. Michie},
    booktitle = {Machine Intelligence, vol. 4},
    publisher = {Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh},
    pages = {463--502},
    year = {1969} 

  3. B. Roy. A propos de l'agrégation d'ordres complets: Quelques considérations théoriques et pratiques. In La Décision, 2: Agrégation et Dynamique des Ordres de Préférence (Actes Colloq. Internat., Aix-en-Provence, 1967), pages 225-239. Éditions du Centre Nat. Recherche Sci., Paris, 1969.
    @incollection {MR40:6979,
    AUTHOR = {Roy, B.},
    TITLE = {A propos de l'agr\'egation d'ordres complets: {Q}uelques consid\'erations th\'eoriques et pratiques},
    BOOKTITLE = {La D\'ecision, 2: Agr\'egation et Dynamique des Ordres de Pr\'ef\'erence (Actes Colloq. Internat., Aix-en-Provence, 1967)},
    PAGES = {225-239},
    PUBLISHER = {\'Editions du Centre Nat. Recherche Sci., Paris},
    YEAR = {1969} 

  4. R.M. Adelson and J.M. Norman. Operational Research and Decision Making. Operational Research Quarterly, 20:399-413, 1969.
    author = {{R.M.} Adelson and {J.M.} Norman},
    title = {Operational Research and Decision Making},
    journal = {Operational Research Quarterly},
    volume = {20},
    pages = {399-413},
    year = {1969} 

  5. J. Antoine and B. Roy. Les techniques préparatoires de la décision - Intérêt et limites. Revue PROJET, (33):269-278, 1969.
    author={J. Antoine and B. Roy},
    title={Les techniques pr\'eparatoires de la d\'ecision - Int\'er\^et et limites},
    journal={Revue PROJET},

  6. R. Benayoun and J. Tergny. Critères multiples en programmation mathématique, une solution dans le cas linéaire. RIRO, 5(2):31-56, 1969.
    AUTHOR="Benayoun, R. and Tergny, J.",
    TITLE="Crit\`eres multiples en programmation math\'ematique, une solution dans le cas lin\'eaire",

  7. J.D. Croston and G. Gregory. A critique of ``Operational Research and Decision Making by Adelson and Norman. Operational Research Quarterly, 20:215-220, 1969.
    author = {{J.D.} Croston and G. Gregory},
    title = {A critique of ``Operational Research and Decision Making by Adelson and Norman},
    journal = {Operational Research Quarterly},
    volume = {20},
    pages = {215-220},
    year = {1969} 

  8. J.A Gougen. The logic of inexact concepts. Synthese, 19:325--373, 1969.
    author = {{J.A} Gougen},
    title = {The logic of inexact concepts},
    journal = {Synthese},
    volume = {19},
    pages = {325--373},
    year = {1969} 

  9. J. Hadar and W.R. Russell. Rules for ordering uncertain prospects. American Economic Review, 59:25--34, 1969.
    author="Hadar, J. and Russell, W.R.",
    title="Rules for ordering uncertain prospects",
    journal="American Economic Review",

  10. C.C. Huang, D. Kira, and I. Vertinsky. Stochastic Dominance Rules for Multiattribute Utility Functios. Review of Economic Studies, 41:611-616, 1969.
    author = {C.C. Huang and D. Kira and I. Vertinsky},
    title = {Stochastic Dominance Rules for Multiattribute Utility Functios},
    journal = {Review of Economic Studies},
    year = {1969},
    volume = {41},
    pages = {611-616} 

  11. W. Lichtenstein, P. Slovic, and D. Zink. Effect of instruction in expected value on optimality of gambling decisions. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 79:236--240, 1969.
    author = {W. Lichtenstein and P. Slovic and D. Zink},
    title = {Effect of instruction in expected value on optimality of gambling decisions},
    journal = {Journal of Experimental Psychology},
    volume = {79},
    pages = {236--240},
    year = {1969} 

  12. B. Roy. Graphe partiel s-connexe extremum. Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl., 14(9):1355-1368, 1969.
    author={B. Roy},
    title={Graphe partiel s-connexe extremum},
    journal={Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl.},

  13. B. Roy. Les techniques préparatoires de la décision - Intérêt et limites. RIRO, 5(1):61-90, 1969.
    author={B. Roy},
    title={Les techniques pr\'eparatoires de la d\'ecision - Int\'er\^et et limites},

  14. B. Roy. Procédures d'exploration par séparation et évaluation (P.S.E.P. et P.S.E.S.). Rev. Francaise Informat. Recherche Opérationnelle, 3(Ser. V-1):61-90, 1969.
    @article {MR40:3893,
    AUTHOR = {Roy, B.},
    TITLE = {Proc\'edures d'exploration par s\'eparation et \'evaluation ({P}.{S}.{E}.{P}. et {P}.{S}.{E}.{S}.)},
    JOURNAL = {Rev. Francaise Informat. Recherche Op\'erationnelle},
    VOLUME = {3},
    YEAR = {1969},
    NUMBER = {Ser. V-1},
    PAGES = {61-90},

  15. L.P Schrenk. Aiding the decision maker - a decision process model. Ergonomics, 12:543--557, 1969.
    author = {{L.P} Schrenk},
    title = {Aiding the decision maker - a decision process model},
    journal = {Ergonomics},
    volume = {12},
    pages = {543--557},
    year = {1969} 

  16. A. Tversky. Intransitivity of preferences. Psychological Review, 76:31--48, 1969.
    author = {A. Tversky},
    title = {Intransitivity of preferences},
    journal = {Psychological Review},
    volume = {76},
    year = {1969},
    pages = {31--48} 

  17. A. Tversky. Intransitivity of preferences. Psychological Review, 76:31--48, 1969.
    author = {Tversky, A.},
    year = 1969,
    title = {Intransitivity of preferences},
    journal = {Psychological Review},
    volume = 76,
    pages = {31--48} 

Internal reports
  1. H. Raiffa. Preferences for Multi-attributed Consequences. Technical report, RM-5868-DOT, The RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, California, 1969.
    author = {H. Raiffa},
    title = {Preferences for Multi-attributed Consequences},
    institution = {RM-5868-DOT, The RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, California},
    year = {1969},



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This MCDA bibliography is updated by Vincent Mousseau.
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