Publications of year 1966
Books and proceedings
  1. S. Beer. Decision and control; the meaning of operational research and management cybernetics. J. Wiley, New York, 1966.
    author = {S. Beer},
    title = {Decision and control; the meaning of operational research and management cybernetics},
    publisher = {J. Wiley, New York},
    year = {1966} 

  2. R. Moore. Interval Analysis. Prentice-Hall, 1966.
    author = {R. Moore},
    title = {Interval Analysis},
    publisher = {Prentice-Hall},
    year = {1966},

  3. B.L.R Smith. The Rand Corporation: case study of a non-profit Advising Corporation. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1966.
    author = {{B.L.R} Smith},
    title = {The Rand Corporation: case study of a non-profit Advising Corporation},
    publisher = {Harvard University Press, Cambridge},
    year = {1966} 

Articles in journal or book's chapters
  1. M. Auberger and B. Roy. Arrivée à un bac d'un trafic composite. Gestion, pp 66-75, février 1966.
    author={M. Auberger and B. Roy},
    title={Arriv\'ee \`a un bac d'un trafic composite},

  2. P. Bertier, R. Forte, J. Mothes, and B. Roy. Où va la Recherche Opérationnelle ?. Revue METRA, 5(4):515-526, décembre 1966.
    author={P. Bertier and R. Forte and J. Mothes and B. Roy},
    title={O\`u va la Recherche Op\'erationnelle ?},
    journal={Revue METRA},

  3. R.M. Chisholm and E. Sosa. Intrinsic Preferability and the problem of supererogation. Synthese, 16:321--331, 1966.
    author = {R.M. Chisholm and E. Sosa},
    title = {Intrinsic Preferability and the problem of supererogation},
    journal = {Synthese},
    volume = {16},
    year = {1966},
    pages = {321--331} 

  4. R.M. Chisholm and E. Sosa. On the logic of Intrinsically Better. American Philosophical Quarterly, 3:244--249, 1966.
    author = {R.M. Chisholm and E. Sosa},
    title = {On the logic of Intrinsically Better},
    journal ={American Philosophical Quarterly},
    volume = {3},
    year = {1966},
    pages = {244--249} 

  5. R.M. Chisholm and E. Sosa. On the logic of Intrinsically Better. American Philosophical Quarterly, 3:244--249, 1966.
    author = {{R.M}. Chisholm and E. Sosa},
    title = {On the logic of Intrinsically Better},
    journal = {American Philosophical Quarterly},
    volume = {3},
    year = {1966},
    pages = {244--249} 

  6. R.M. Chisholm and E. Sosa. Intrinsic Preferability and the problem of supererogation. Synthese, 16:321--331, 1966.
    author = {{R.M}. Chisholm and E. Sosa},
    title = {Intrinsic Preferability and the problem of supererogation},
    journal = {Synthese},
    volume = {16},
    year = {1966},
    pages = {321--331} 

  7. B. Hansson. Fundamental Axioms for Preference Relations. Synthese, 18:423--442, 1966.
    author = {B. Hansson},
    title = {Fundamental Axioms for Preference Relations},
    journal = {Synthese},
    volume = {18},
    year = {1966},
    pages = {423--442} 

  8. B. Hansson. Choice Structures and Preference Relations. Synthese, 18:443--458, 1966.
    author = {B. Hansson},
    title = {Choice Structures and Preference Relations},
    journal = {Synthese},
    volume = {18},
    year = {1966},
    pages = {443--458} 

  9. B. Hansson. Foundamental Axioms for Preference Relations. Synthese, 18:423--442, 1966.
    author = {B. Hansson},
    title = {Foundamental Axioms for Preference Relations},
    journal = {Synthese},
    volume = {18},
    year = {1966},
    pages = {423--442} 

  10. B. Hansson. Choice Structures and Preference Relations. Synthese, 18:443--458, 1966.
    author = {B. Hansson},
    title = {Choice Structures and Preference Relations},
    journal = {Synthese},
    volume = {18},
    year = {1966},
    pages = {443--458} 

  11. H.C. Joksch. Constraints, objectives, efficient solutions and suboptimization in mathematical programming. Z. fur die gesamte Staatswissenschaft, 122(1):5-13, 1966.
    author = {H.C. Joksch},
    title = {Constraints, objectives, efficient solutions and suboptimization in mathematical programming},
    journal = {Z. fur die gesamte Staatswissenschaft},
    volume = {122},
    pages = {5-13},
    year = {1966},

  12. B. Roy. Mathématiques et décision. Université Mathématique Entreprise, pp 10-13, mai 1966.
    author={B. Roy},
    title={Math\'ematiques et d\'ecision},
    journal={Universit\'e Math\'ematique Entreprise},

  13. B. Roy and M. Dibon. L'ordonnancement par la méthode des potentiels - Le programme CONCORD. Automatisme, (2):1-11, février 1966.
    author={B. Roy and M. Dibon},
    title={L'ordonnancement par la m\'ethode des potentiels - Le programme CONCORD},

  14. B. Roy. Chemins de longueur extrémale. Gestion et Recherche Opérationnelle, pp 322-335, mai 1966.
    Note: Numéro Spécial.
    author={B. Roy},
    title={Chemins de longueur extr\'emale},
    journal={Gestion et Recherche Op\'erationnelle},
    note={Num\'ero Sp\'ecial} 

  15. B. Roy. Prise en compte des contraintes disjonctives dans les méthodes de chemin critique. Revue Française de Recherche Opérationnelle, (38):69-84, 1966.
    author={B. Roy},
    title={Prise en compte des contraintes disjonctives dans les m\'ethodes de chemin critique},
    journal={Revue Fran\c{c}aise de Recherche Op\'erationnelle},

Internal reports
  1. R. Benayoun, B. Roy, and B. Sussman. ELECTRE: une méthode pour guider le choix en présence des points de vue multiples. Technical report, SEMA-METRA International, Direction Scientifique, 1966.
    Note: Note de travail 49.
    author = {R. Benayoun and B. Roy and B. Sussman},
    title = {{ELECTRE}: une m\'ethode pour guider le choix en pr\'esence des points de vue multiples},
    note = {Note de travail 49},
    institution = {SEMA-METRA International, Direction Scientifique},
    year = {1966} 



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This MCDA bibliography is updated by Vincent Mousseau.
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