Publications of year 1964 |
Books and proceedings |
@book{Coombs64, author = {{C.H}. Coombs}, title = {A theory of data}, publisher = {J. Wiley, New York}, year = {1964} }
@book{Etzioni64, author = {A. Etzioni}, title = {Modern organizations}, publisher = {Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs}, year = {1964} }
@book{Festinger64, author = {L. Festinger}, title = {Conflict, decision and dissonance}, publisher = {Stanford University Press, Stanford}, year = {1964} }
@book{Mendelson64, author = {E. Mendelson}, title = {Introduction to Mathematical Logic}, publisher = {Van Nostrand, Princeton}, year = {1964} }
@book{Mendelson64, author = {E. Mendelson}, title = {Introduction to Mathematical Logic}, publisher = {Van Nostrand, Princeton}, year = {1964} }
@BOOK{roy-book64, author={B. Roy}, title={Les probl\`emes d'ordonnancement - Applications et m\'ethodes}, publisher={Dunod, Paris}, year={1964} }
Articles in journal or book's chapters |
@incollection{Shepard64, author = {{R.N}. Shepard}, title = {On subjectively optimum selection among multiattribute alternatives}, booktitle = {Human judgement and optimality}, editor = {{M.W} Shelly and {G.L} Bryan}, publisher = {J. Wiley, New York}, pages = {257--281}, year = {1964} }
@article {MR33:3766, AUTHOR = {Bertier, P. and Roy, B.}, TITLE = {Proc\'edure de r\'esolution pour une classe de probl\`emes pouvant avoir un caract\`ere combinatoire}, JOURNAL = {Cahiers CERO}, VOLUME = {6}, YEAR = {1964}, PAGES = {202-208} }
@ARTICLE{PBBR64, author={P. Bertier and B. Roy}, title={Les possibilit\'es d'application de la Recherche Op\'erationnelle \`a la publicit\'e}, journal={Gestion}, year={1964}, month={novembre}, number={3}, pages={619-626} }
@Article{Debreu64, author = {Debreu, G.}, title = {Continuity Properties of {P}aretian Utility}, journal = {International Economic Review}, year = {1964}, volume = {5}, number = {3}, pages = {285--293}, month = {September}, }
@article{hak64, author={Hakimi, S.L.}, title={Optimum Locations of Switching Centers and the Absolute Centers and Medians of a Graph}, journal={Operations Research}, year=1964, volume=12, pages={450-459} }
@ARTICLE{Krantz64CM, author = {Krantz, D.H.}, year = 1964, title = {Conjoint measurement: {T}he {L}uce-{T}ukey axiomatization and some extensions}, journal = {Journal of Mathematical Psychology}, volume = 1, pages = {248--277} }
@ARTICLE{LuceTukey64CM, author = {Luce, R.D. and Tukey, J.W.}, year = 1964, title = {Simultaneous conjoint measurement: {A} new type of fundamental measurement}, journal = {Journal of Mathematical Psychology}, volume = 1, pages = {1--27} }
@ARTICLE{LuceTukey64, author = {Luce, {R.D.} and Tukey, J. W. }, title = {Simultaneous conjoint measurement: A new type of foundamental measurement}, journal = {Journal of Mathematical Psychology}, year = {1964}, volume = {1}, pages = {1-27} }
@ARTICLE{Mitten64, author = {L.G. Mitten}, title = {Composition principles for the synthesis of optimal multi-stage processes}, journal = {Operations Research}, year = {1964}, volume = {12}, }
@article{Pratt1964, author={Pratt, J.W.}, year=1964, title={Risk aversion in the small and in the large}, journal={Econometrica}, volume=32, pages={122-136} }
@ARTICLE{BR64b, author={B. Roy}, title={Algunos aspectos teoricos de los problemas de programmacion}, journal={Revue METRA}, year={1964}, volume={4}, number={2}, pages={269-279} }
@ARTICLE{BR64a, author={B. Roy}, title={De la th\'eorie des graphes et de ses applications en Recherche Op\'erationnelle}, journal={Gestion et Recherche Op\'erationnelle}, year={1964}, note={Num\'ero Sp\'ecial}, pages={319-341} }
@ARTICLE{BRJDR64, author={B. Roy and J {de Rosinski}}, title={Un exemple d'\'etude d'ordonnancement r\'ealis\'ee par la SEMA : Le calcul du planning journalier de la rotation du coffrage-tunnel Tracoba}, journal={Annales de l'Institut Technique du B\^atiment et des Travaux Publics}, year={1964}, month={f\'evrier}, number={194}, pages={1-6} }
@ARTICLE{BRSV64, author={B. Roy and S. Viggiani}, title={I problemi di programmazione scientifica}, journal={Revue METRA}, year={1964}, volume={3}, number={3}, pages={293-304} }
@ARTICLE{Scott64JMP, author = {Scott, D.}, year = 1964, title = {Measurement structures and linear inequalities}, journal = {Journal of Mathematical Psychology}, volume = 1, pages = {233--247} }
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