Curriculum vitae

Chevaleyre Yann

Professeurs des universités
Bureau : P 629
Site web personnel


Depuis 2017, Professeur en Informatique au LAMSADE, à l'université Paris-Dauphine PSL
De 2009 à 2017, Professeur en Informatique à l'Université Paris-Nord et Directeur de l'équipe "sciences des données" au laboratoire LIPN
En 2009, Thèse d'habilitation à l'université Paris-Dauphine
De 2002 à 2009, Maître de conférences au LAMSADE, Université Paris-Dauphine
De 1998 à 2001, Doctorat à l'université  Pierre et Marie Curie, sous la direction de Jean-Daniel Zucker

Dernières publications


Pinot R., Meunier L., Yger F., Gouy-Pailler C., Chevaleyre Y., Atif J. (2022), On the robustness of randomized classifiers to adversarial examples, Machine Learning, vol. 111, n°9, p. 3425–3457

Prifti E., Chevaleyre Y., Hanczar B., Belda E., Danchin A., Clément K. (2020), Interpretable and accurate prediction models for metagenomics data, GigaScience, vol. 9, n°3

Beynier A., Chevaleyre Y., Gourvès L., Harutyunyan A., Lesca J., Maudet N., Wilczynski A. (2019), Local envy-freeness in house allocation problems, Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, vol. 33, n°5, p. 591–627

Chevaleyre Y., Lang J., Maudet N., Monnot J., Xia L. (2012), New candidates welcome! Possible winners with respect to the addition of new candidates, Mathematical Social Sciences, vol. 64, n°1, p. 74-88

Chevaleyre Y., Endriss U., Maudet N. (2010), Simple Negotiation Schemes for Agents with Simple Preferences: Sufficiency, Necessity and Maximality, Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, vol. 20, n°2, p. 234-259

Chevaleyre Y., Endriss U., Lang J., Uckelman J. (2009), Representing Utility Functions via Weighted Goals, Mathematical Logic Quarterly, vol. 55, n°4, p. 341-361

Chevaleyre Y., Endriss U., Estivie S., Maudet N. (2008), Multiagent resource allocation in k-additive domains: preference representation and complexity, Annals of Operations Research, vol. 163, n°1, p. 49-62

Chevaleyre Y., Dunne P. (2008), The complexity of deciding reachability properties of distributed negotiation schemes, Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 396, n°1-3, p. 113-144

Chevaleyre Y., Endriss U., Lang J., Maudet N. (2008), Preference Handling in Combinatorial Domains: From AI to Social Choice, The AI Magazine, vol. 24, n°4

Chevaleyre Y., Dunne P., Endriss U., Lang J., Lemaître M., Maudet N., Padget J., Phelps S., Rodríguez-Aguilar J., Sousa P. (2006), Issues in Multiagent Resource Allocation, Informatica, vol. 30, n°3, p. 3-31

Chapitres d'ouvrage

Chevaleyre Y., Koriche F., Lang J., Mengin J., Zanuttini B. (2010), Learning Ordinal Preferences on Multiattribute Domains: the Case of CP-Nets, in Hüllermeier, Eyke, Preference Learning, Berlin: Springer, p. 454

Chevaleyre Y., Endriss U., Maudet N. (2008), Restricted Classes of Utility Functions for Simple Negotiation Schemes: Sufficiency, Necessity and Maximality, in Paschos, Vangelis, Combinatorial Optimization and Theoretical Computer Science: Interfaces and Perspectives: 30th anniversary of the LAMSADE, Hoboken NJ: Wiley, p. 515

Chevaleyre Y. (2008), The Patrolling Problem: Theoretical and Experimental Results, in Paschos, Vangelis, Combinatorial optimization and theoretical computer science: interfaces and perspectives: 30th anniversary of the LAMSADE, Hoboken NJ: Wiley, p. 515

Communications avec actes

Verine A., Pydi M., Negrevergne B., Chevaleyre Y. (2024), Optimal Budgeted Rejection Sampling for Generative Models, in Sanjoy Dasgupta, Stephan Mandt, Yingzhen Li, Proceedings of Machine Learning Research (PMLR), 3367-3375 p.

Le Bronnec F., VERINE A., Negrevergne B., Chevaleyre Y., Allauzen A. (2024), Exploring Precision and Recall to assess the quality and diversity of LLMs, in Lun-Wei Ku, Andre Martins, Vivek Srikumar, Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers), ACL Anthology, 11418-11441 p.

Gnecco Heredia L., Pydi M., Meunier L., Negrevergne B., Chevaleyre Y. (2023), On the Role of Randomization in Adversarially Robust Classification, in A. Oh , T. Neumann, A. Globerson, K. Saenko, M. Hardt, S. Levine, Neural Information Processing Systems Foundation, Inc.

Yamane I., Chevaleyre Y., Ishida T., Yger F. (2023), Mediated Uncoupled Learning and Validation with Bregman Divergences: Loss Family with Maximal Generality, in Francisco Ruiz ; Jennifer Dy ; Jan-Willem van de Meent, Proceedings of Machine Learning Research (PMLR)

Verine A., Negrevergne B., Pydi M., Chevaleyre Y. (2023), Precision-Recall Divergence Optimization for Generative Modeling with GANs and Normalizing Flows, in A. Oh ; T. Naumann ; A. Globerson ; K. Saenko ; M. Hardt ; S. Levine, Neural Information Processing Systems Foundation, Inc.

Duburcq A., Schramm F., Boéris G., Bredeche N., Chevaleyre Y. (2022), Reactive Stepping for Humanoid Robots using Reinforcement Learning: Application to Standing Push Recovery on the Exoskeleton Atalante, in , Piscataway, NJ, IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 9302-9309 p.

Rizk G., Colin I., Thomas A., Laraki R., Chevaleyre Y. (2022), An alpha-No-Regret Algorithm For Graphical Bilinear Bandits, in S. Koyejo ; S. Mohamed ; A. Agarwal ; D. Belgrave ; K. Cho ; A. Oh, Neural Information Processing Systems Foundation, Inc.

Meunier L., Ettedgui R., Pinot R., Chevaleyre Y., Atif J. (2022), Towards Consistency in Adversarial Classification, in S. Koyejo ; S. Mohamed ; A. Agarwal ; D. Belgrave ; K. Cho ; A. Oh, Neural Information Processing Systems Foundation, Inc.

Rizk G., Thomas A., Colin I., Laraki R., Chevaleyre Y. (2021), Best Arm Identification in Graphical Bilinear Bandits, in , 139:9010-9019 p.

Meunier L., Legheraba I., Chevaleyre Y., Teytaud O. (2021), Asymptotic convergence rates for averaging strategies, in Finck, Steffen, New York, NY, ACM - Association for Computing Machinery, 1-11 p.

Meunier L., Chevaleyre Y., Rapin J., Royer C., Teytaud O. (2020), On Averaging the Best Samples in Evolutionary Computation, in Thomas Bäck, Mike Preuss, André Deutz, Berlin Heidelberg, Springer, 661-674 p.

Clertant M., Sokolovska N., Chevaleyre Y., Hanczar B. (2019), Interpretable Cascade Classifiers with Abstention, in Kamalika Chaudhuri, Masashi Sugiyama, 22nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS 2019), IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 89:2312-2320 p.

Beynier A., Chevaleyre Y., Gourvès L., Lesca J., Maudet N., Wilczynski A. (2018), Local Envy-Freeness in House Allocation Problems, in Mehdi Dastani, Gita Sukthankar, Elisabeth André, Sven Koenig, 17th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS'18), IFAAMAS, 292-300 p.

Sokolovska N., Chevaleyre Y., Zucker J-D. (2018), A Provable Algorithm for Learning Interpretable Scoring Systems, in Amos Storkey ; Fernando Perez-Cruz, elsevier, Proceedings of Machine Learning Research (PMLR), 566-574 p.

Araújo A., Negrevergne B., Chevaleyre Y., Atif J. (2018), Training Compact Deep Learning Models for Video Classification Using Circulant Matrices, in Leal-Taixé Laura; Roth Stefan, Computer Vision – ECCV 2018 Workshops Munich, Germany, September 8-14, 2018, Proceedings, Part IV, Berlin Heidelberg, Springer, 271-286 p.

Chevaleyre Y., Lang J., Maudet N., Monnot J. (2011), Compilation and communication protocols for voting rules with a dynamic set of candidates, in Apt, Krzysztof R., TARK 2011, New York, ACM, 270 p.

Chevaleyre Y., Lang J., Maudet N., Monnot J. (2010), Possible winners when new candidates are added : the case of scoring rules, in American Association for Artificial Intelligence, Proceedings of the Twenty-fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the Twenty-second Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Menlo Park, AAAI Press, 762-767 p.

Booth R., Chevaleyre Y., Lang J., Mengin J., Sombattheera C. (2010), Learning conditionally lexicographic preference relations, in Wooldridge, Michael, ECAI 2010 19th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence 16–20 August 2010, Lisbon, Portugal - proceedings, Lisbonne, IOS Press, 269-274 p.

Chevaleyre Y., Machado Pamponet A., Zucker J-D. (2009), Experiments with Adaptive Transfer Rate in Reinforcement Learning, in Richards, Debbie, Pacific Rim Knowledge Acquisition Workshop, PKAW 2008, Hanoi, Springer, 1-11 p.

Chevaleyre Y., Lang J., Maudet N., Ravilly-Abadie G. (2009), Compiling the Votes of a Subelectorate, in , IJCAI-09, 21st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Pasadena, AAAI Press / IJCAI, 97-102 p.

Chevaleyre Y., Endriss U., Maudet N. (2008), Trajectories of Goods in Distributed Allocation, in Parsons, Simon, 7th International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2008), Estoril, Portugal, May 12-16, 2008, Volume 2, Estoril, IFAAMAS, 1111-1118 p.

Bredeche N., Chevaleyre Y. (2008), The Robot Swarm Re-localization Problem, in , International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, Bangkok, IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2214 p.

Chevaleyre Y., Maudet N. (2007), Règles Naturelles Optimales pour l'Argumentation, in , Annales du LAMSADE n°8, Paris, Université Paris-Dauphine, 416 p.

Chevaleyre Y., Estivie S., Endriss U., Maudet N. (2007), Reaching Envy-Free States in Distributed Negotiation Settings, in Veloso, Manuela, IJCAI 2007, Proceedings of the 20th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Hyderabad, India, January 6-12, 2007, Hyderabad, AAAI Press, 1239-1244 p.

Chevaleyre Y., Endriss U., Lang J., Maudet N. (2007), A Short Introduction to Computational Social Choice, in Van Leeuwen, Jan, SOFSEM 2007: Theory and Practice of Computer Science. 33nd Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science, Harrachov, Czech Republic, January 20-26, 2007, Proceedings, Harrachov, Springer, 937 p.

Chevaleyre Y., Endriss U., Maudet N. (2007), Allocating Goods on a Graph to Eliminate Envy, in Howe, Adele, Proceedings of the 22nd Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Vancouver, AAAI Press, 700–705 p.

Chevaleyre Y., Endriss U., Lang J. (2006), Expressive Power of Weighted Propositional Formulas for Cardinal Preference Modelling, in Welty, Christopher, Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference (KR-06), Lake Windermere, AAAI Press, 145-152 p.

Chevaleyre Y., Endriss U., Maudet N. (2006), Tractable Negotiation in Tree-structured Domains, in Wellman, Michael P., 5th International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS-2006), Hakodate, Association Française de Marketing, 362–369 p.

Chevaleyre Y., Endriss U., Estivie S., Maudet N. (2006), How Equitable is Rational Negotiation?, in Wellman, Michael P., Proceedings of the 5th International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2006), Hakodate, Japan, May 8-12, 2006, Hakodate, Association Française de Marketing, 866-873 p.

Chevaleyre Y., Machado A., Zucker J-D. (2006), Une approche multi-agent adaptative pour la simulation de schémas tactiques, in Ritschard, Gilbert, Extraction et gestion des connaissances (EGC'2006), Actes des sixièmes journées Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances, Lille, France, 17-20 janvier 2006, Paris, Cépaduès Editions, 143-148 p.

Chevaleyre Y., Endriss U., Maudet N. (2005), Protocols for Tractable Resource Allocation with k-additive Utilities, in Mouaddib, Abdel-Illah, MFI'05 Modèles formels de l'interaction, Caen, Cépaduès Editions, 260 p.

Chevaleyre Y., Endriss U., Maudet N. (2005), On maximal classes of utility functions for efficient one-to-one negotiation, in Saffiotti, Alessandro, IJCAI-05, Proceedings of the Nineteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, July 30-August 5, 2005., Edimbourg, Professional Book Center, 941-946 p.

Chevaleyre Y., Endriss U., Lang J., Maudet N. (2005), Negotiating over small bundles of resources, in Wooldridge, Michael, 4th International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2005), July 25-29, 2005, Utrecht, The Netherlands, Utrecht, ACM, 296-302 p.

Chevaleyre Y., Endriss U., Estivie S., Maudet N. (2005), Welfare Engineering in Practice: On the Variety of Multiagent Resource Allocation Problems, in Zambonelli, Franco, Engineering Societies in the Agents World V 5th International Workshop, ESAW 2004, Toulouse, France, October 20-22, 2004. Revised Selected and Invited Papers, Toulouse, Springer, 349 p.

Chevaleyre Y., Endriss U., Estivie S., Maudet N. (2004), Multiagent Resource Allocation with K -additive Utility Functions, in Tsoukiàs, Alexis, DIMACS –LAMSADE Workshop on Computer Science and Decision Theory, Paris, Université Paris-Dauphine, 83-100 p.

Communications sans actes

Verine A., Negrevergne B., Rossi F., Chevaleyre Y. (2022), On the expressivity of bi-Lipschitz normalizing flows, ACML 2022 - 14th Asian Conference on Machine Learning, Hyderabad, Inde

Araújo A., Negrevergne B., Chevaleyre Y., Atif J. (2021), On Lipschitz Regularization of Convolutional Layers using Toeplitz Matrix Theory, 35th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, vancouver, Canada

Belahcene K., Sokolovska N., Chevaleyre Y., Zucker J-D. (2020), Learning Interpretable Models using Soft Integrity Constraints, 12th Asian Conference on Machine Learning (ACML 2020), Bangkok, ThaÏlande

Pinot R., Ettedgui R., Rizk G., Chevaleyre Y., Atif J. (2020), Randomization matters How to defend against strong adversarial attacks, Thirty-seventh International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2020), Vienna, Autriche

Nguyen T., Prifti E., Chevaleyre Y., Sokolovska N., Zucker J-D. (2018), Disease Classification in Metagenomics with 2D Embeddings and Deep Learning, La Conférence sur l'Apprentissage automatique (CAp), Rouen, France

Thanh Hai N., Chevaleyre Y., Prifti E., Sokolovska N., Zucker J-D. (2017), Deep Learning for Metagenomic Data: using 2D Embeddings and Convolutional Neural Networks, NIPS 2017 Workshop on Machine Learning for Health, Long Beach, CA, États-Unis

Cazenave T., Chevaleyre Y., Marceau G., Maudet N. (2010), Troc Combinatoire à Monte-Carlo, ROADEF 2010, Toulouse, France

Booth R., Chevaleyre Y., Lang J., Mengin J., Sombattheera C. (2009), Learning various classes of models of lexicographic orderings, Preference Learning (PL-09) ECML/PKDD-09 Workshop, Bled, SlovÉnie

Chevaleyre Y., Endriss U., Estivie S., Maudet N. (2005), Sur le caractère égalitaire de l'allocation de ressources distribuées, Journées Francophones sur les Systèmes Multi-Agents (JFSMA 2005), Calais, France

Prépublications / Cahiers de recherche

Abgaryan H., Chevaleyre Y., Harutyunyan A., Le T-N. (2022), House allocation with randomly generated preference lists, Cahiers du LAMSADE, 16 p.

Meunier L., Scetbon M., Pinot R., Atif J., Chevaleyre Y. (2021), Mixed Nash Equilibria in the Adversarial Examples Game, Paris, Preprint Lamsade

Araújo A., Negrevergne B., Chevaleyre Y., Atif J. (2019), On the Expressive Power of Deep Fully Circulant Neural Networks, Paris, Preprint Lamsade

Chevaleyre Y., Dunne P. (2005), Negotiating can be as hard as Planning: deciding reachability properties of distributed negotiation schemes, Liverpool, ULCS Technical Reports, 45 p.

Chevaleyre Y. (2005), Le problème multi-agents de la patrouille, Paris, Annales du LAMSADE, 121-144 p.

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