Curriculum vitae

Merad Myriam

Directeur de recherche CNRS
Tel : 0144054445
Bureau : B209


Myriam Mérad is a CNRS researcher at LAMSADE. She has been a sustainable development project manager at INERIS and led a study and research team on societal risk management and the consideration of human and organizational factors. She is a member of the Scientific and Technical Council (CST) of CEMAGREF. She co-leads working groups on decision support, urbanization control, consultation and mediation at the Institute for Risk Management (IMdR), the French Association of Environmental Engineers and Technicians (AFITE) and the European Safety and Reliability Data Association (ESREDA).

Dernières publications


Meinard Y., Barreteau O., Boschet C., Daniell K., Ferrand N., Girard S., Guillaume J., Hassenforder E., Lord M., Merad M., Nabavi E., Petitjean C., Pluchinotta I., Rouchier J., Tsoukias A., Zaraté P. (2021), What is policy analytics? An exploration of 5 years of environmental management applications, Environmental Management, vol. 67, n°5, p. 886-900

Dechy N., Llory M., Marcel F., Merad M., Tsoukiàs A. (2014), Towards an analytics and an ethics of expertise: Learning from decision aiding experiences in public risk assessment and risk management, EURO Journal on Decision Processes, vol. 2, n°1-2, p. 63-90


Merad M., Trump B. (2020), Expertise under scrutiny - 21st century decision making for environmental health and safety Springer, 168 p.

Communications avec actes

François M., Arduin P-E., Merad M. (2023), Classification of Decision Support Systems for Cybersecurity, in , MCI, Atlanta (Ga.), AIS - Association for information systems

Tannous S., Merad M., Hayes J. (2022), Major accidents and risk prevention policies in the chemical and petrochemical industry in France: Paving the way towards an assessment framework, in Maria Chiara Leva, Edoardo Patelli, Luca Podofillini, Simon Wilson, elsevier, Singapore, Research publishing, 136-143 p.

François M., Arduin P-E., Merad M. (2021), Artificial Intelligence & Cybersecurity: A Preliminary Study of Automated Pentesting with Offensive Artificial Intelligence, in Saad, Inès ; Rosenthal-Sabroux, Camille ; Gargouri, Faiez ; Arduin, Pierre-Emmanuel, Information and Knowledge Systems. Digital Technologies, Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making, Springer International Publishing, 131-138 p.

Communications sans actes

Tannous S., Merad M. (2022), Have the risk policy shifts related to Seveso Upper Tier establishments in France led to an improvement in risk prevention? A focus on three risk prevention tools, 32ème Congrès Lambda Mu de l’IMdR, Paris, France

Zugasti T., Merad M., Arnaud‑fassetta G. (2022), Que pouvons-nous apprendre de la catastrophe de Saint-Martin-Vésubie ? Une approche historico-systémique, Lambda Mu 23 : Innovations et maîtrise des risques pour un avenir durable, Paris Saclay, France

Anca R., Merad M. (2022), Responsible AI communication: How do European officials share their concerns?, Lambda Mu 23, Palaiseau, France

Merad M., Doursout T., Vidal Allard A., Boyer P., Metivier J., Navarro É., Billarand Y. (2020), Expertise multidisciplinaire et multicritère pour accompagner la modélisation de la dispersion de radionucléides dans les cours d'eau, Congrès Lambda Mu 22 « Les risques au cœur des transitions » (e-congrès) - 22e Congrès de Maîtrise des Risques et de Sûreté de Fonctionnement, Institut pour la Maîtrise des Risques, Le Havre, France

Merad M., Billarand Y., Salat E., Chanton O., Dublineau I., Pascucci-Cahen L. (2020), Une approche multi-experts, multi-acteurs et multicritères : exercice d’application à la gestion soutenable des déchets radioactifs de très faible activité (TFA), Congrès Lambda Mu 22 « Les risques au cœur des transitions » (e-congrès) - 22e Congrès de Maîtrise des Risques et de Sûreté de Fonctionnement, Institut pour la Maîtrise des Risques, Le Havre (e-congrès), France

Prépublications / Cahiers de recherche

Debray B., Tsoukiàs A., Merad M., Mazri C. (2012), Participative design of participation structures: a general approach and some risk management case studies, Paris, Cahiers du LAMSADE, 33 p.

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