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Remzi Sanver est né en 1970 à Istanbul. Après avoir terminé le Lycée de Galatasaray, il a été diplômé de l’Université du Bosphore avec un diplôme d'ingénieur en 1993; en 1998, il a terminé son doctorat dans le département d'économie du même université. Sanver, qui est devenu professeur en 2006, a effectué des recherches scientifiques sur l’application des mathématiques aux sciences sociales, ce qui a conduit à la publication de plus de 80 articles scientifiques qui ont reçu environ 1500 citations. Sanver est également membre de comité de rédaction du plusieurs revues scientifiques internationales, notamment Mathematical Social Sciences, Social Choice and Welfare, Theory and Decision. Remzi Sanver a travaillé comme membre du corps professoral de l’Université d’Istanbul Bilgi entre 1998 et 2015. Il a été président du même université de 2011 à 2015. Depuis 2015, il travaille comme directeur de recherche au CNRS. Il parle anglais, français et espagnol.
Cailloux O., Hervouin M., Ozkes A., Sanver M. (2024), Classification aggregation without unanimity, Mathematical Social Sciences, vol. 128, p. 6-9
Ozkes A., Sanver M. (2023), Uniform Random Dictatorship: A characterization without strategy-proofness, Economics Letters, vol. 227, p. 111127
Sanver R. (2022), Well-designed incentive schemes: introduction to the special issue in honor of Semih Koray, Review of Economic Design, vol. 26, p. 247–254
Cailloux O., Napolitano B., Sanver R. (2022), Compromising as an equal loss principle, Review of Economic Design
Bouyssou D., Sanver M. (2022), Simple but powerful models of stereotype formation, Revue économique, vol. 73, n°6, p. 1055-1068
Keskin U., Sanver R., Tosunlu H. (2022), Monotonicity violations under plurality with a runoff: the case of French presidential elections, Social Choice and Welfare, vol. 59, n°2, p. 305-303
Kruger J., Sanver R. (2021), The relationship between Arrow’s and Wilson’s theorems on restricted domains, Mathematical Social Sciences, vol. 114, p. 95-97
Keskin U., Sanver R., Tosunlu H. (2021), Recovering non-monotonicity problems of voting rules, Social Choice and Welfare, vol. 56, n°1, p. 125–141
Ozkes A., Sanver R. (2021), Anonymous, neutral, and resolute social choice revisited, Social Choice and Welfare, vol. 57, n°1, p. 97–113
Nunez M., Sanver R. (2021), On the subgame perfect implementability of voting rules, Social Choice and Welfare, vol. 56, p. 421–441
Laslier J-F., Nunez M., Sanver R. (2021), A solution to the two-person implementation problem, Journal of Economic Theory, vol. 194, p. 105261
Kruger J., Sanver R. (2021), An Arrovian impossibility in combining ranking and evaluation, Social Choice and Welfare, vol. 57, n°3, p. 535–555
Laffond G., Laine J., Sanver M. (2020), Metrizable preferences over preferences, Social Choice and Welfare, vol. 55, n°1, p. 177-191
Horan S., Osborne M., Sanver R. (2019), Positively responsive collective choice rules and majority rule: A generalization of May’s theorem to many alternatives,, International Economic Review, vol. 60, n°4, p. 1489-1504
Merlin V., Ozkal Sanver I., Sanver R. (2019), Compromise rules revisited, Group Decision and Negotiation, vol. 28, n°1, p. 63-78
Sanver R., Kruger J. (2018), Which dictatorial domains are superdictatorial? A complete characterization for the Gibbard-Satterthwaite impossibility, Mathematical Social Sciences, vol. 94, p. 32-34
Sanver R., Kruger J. (2018), Restricting the domain allows for weaker independence, Social Choice and Welfare, vol. 51, n°3, p. 563-575
Sanver R. (2018), Implementing Pareto optimal and individually rational outcomes by veto, Group Decision and Negotiation, vol. 27, n°2, p. 223-233
Nunez M., Sanver R. (2017), Revisiting the connection between the no-show paradox and monotonicity, Mathematical Social Sciences, n°special issue
Sanver R. (2017), Nash implementing social choice rules with restricted ranges, Review of Economic Design, vol. 21, n°1, p. 65-72
Erdamar B., Sanver R., Sato S. (2017), Evaluationwise strategy-proofness, Games and Economic Behavior, vol. 106, p. 227-238
Ozkes A., Sanver R. (2017), Absolute qualified majoritarianism: how does the threshold matter?, Economics Letters, vol. 153, p. 20-22
Laine J., Ozkes A., Sanver R. (2016), Hyper-stable social welfare functions, Social Choice and Welfare, vol. 46, n°1, p. 157-182
Laslier J-F., Moulin H., Sanver R., Zwicker W. (2019), The Future of Economic Design : the continuing development of a field as envisioned by its researchers Springer, 539 p.
Delemazure T., Lang J., Laslier J-F., Sanver M. (2022), Approval with Runoff, in Luc De Raedt, International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization (IJCAI), 230-236 p.
Hervouin M., Cailloux O., Sanver M., Ozkes A. (2023), Classification Aggregation without Unanimity, ArXiv
Ozkes A., Sanver M. (2023), Axiomatization of plurality refinements, Paris, Preprint Lamsade, 1-14 p.
Keskin U., Sanver R., Tosunlu H. (2021), Monotonicity Violations under Plurality with a RunOff : The Case of French Presidential Elections, Paris, Preprint Lamsade
Ozkes A., Sanver R. (2017), Procedural versus Opportunity-Wise Equal Treatment of Alternatives: Neutrality Revisited, Paris, Preprint Lamsade