: +331 44 05 44 18
: P407
Je suis maître de conférence au Lamsade, à l'Université Paris Dauphine.
Je suis un membre actif de l'équipe MILES et mon domaine de recherche est à l'intersection de plusieurs disciplines de l'Intelligence artificielle comme l'apprentissage automatique et la programmation par contraintes. Dans ce contexte, je m'intéresse aux liens qui peuvent exister entre l'optimisation combinatoire et l'apprentissage profond. (Je suis le coordinateur du projet ANR DELCO sur ce sujet.) J'ai également étudié plusieurs autres problèmes tels que la conception de réseaux de neurones robustes aux attaques adversariales, ou à l'utilisation des matrices structurées à l'intérieur de réseaux de neurones.
Enfin, je suis co-directeur du Master IASD, (AI Systems and Data Science) avec Tristan Cazenave.
Verine A., Pydi M., Negrevergne B., Chevaleyre Y. (2024), Optimal Budgeted Rejection Sampling for Generative Models, in Sanjoy Dasgupta, Stephan Mandt, Yingzhen Li, Proceedings of Machine Learning Research (PMLR), 3367-3375 p.
Le Bronnec F., VERINE A., Negrevergne B., Chevaleyre Y., Allauzen A. (2024), Exploring Precision and Recall to assess the quality and diversity of LLMs, in Lun-Wei Ku, Andre Martins, Vivek Srikumar, Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers), ACL Anthology, 11418-11441 p.
Verine A., Negrevergne B., Pydi M., Chevaleyre Y. (2023), Precision-Recall Divergence Optimization for Generative Modeling with GANs and Normalizing Flows, in A. Oh ; T. Naumann ; A. Globerson ; K. Saenko ; M. Hardt ; S. Levine, Neural Information Processing Systems Foundation, Inc.
Gnecco Heredia L., Pydi M., Meunier L., Negrevergne B., Chevaleyre Y. (2023), On the Role of Randomization in Adversarially Robust Classification, in A. Oh , T. Neumann, A. Globerson, K. Saenko, M. Hardt, S. Levine, Neural Information Processing Systems Foundation, Inc.
Doux B., Negrevergne B., Cazenave T. (2022), Deep Reinforcement Learning for Morpion Solitaire, in Cameron Browne ; Akihiro Kishimoto ; Jonathan Schaeffer, Berlin Heidelberg, Springer International Publishing, 14-26 p.
Araujo A., Meunier L., Pinot R., Negrevergne B. (2020), Advocating for Multiple Defense Strategies against Adversarial Examples, in Irena Koprinska, Michael Kamp, Annalisa Appice, Berlin Heidelberg, Springer International Publishing
Araújo A., Negrevergne B., Chevaleyre Y., Atif J. (2018), Training Compact Deep Learning Models for Video Classification Using Circulant Matrices, in Leal-Taixé Laura; Roth Stefan, Computer Vision – ECCV 2018 Workshops Munich, Germany, September 8-14, 2018, Proceedings, Part IV, Berlin Heidelberg, Springer, 271-286 p.
Lecoutre A., Negrevergne B., Yger F. (2017), Recognizing Art Style Automatically in painting with deep learning, in Yung-Kyun Noh, Min-Ling Zhang, Proceedings of the 9th Asian Conference on Machine Learning (ACML 2017), IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 327-342 p.
Negrevergne B., Cazenave T. (2017), Distributed Nested Rollout Policy for Same Game, in Tristan Cazenave, Mark H.M. Winands, Abdallah Saffidine, Computer Games, 6th Workshop, CGW 2017, Springer, 108-120 p.
Samet A., Guyet T., Negrevergne B. (2017), Mining rare sequential patterns with ASP, in N. Lachiche, C. Vrain, 27th International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming (ILP 2017), Orléans, Centre International Universitaire pour la Recherche
Verine A., Negrevergne B., Rossi F., Chevaleyre Y. (2022), On the expressivity of bi-Lipschitz normalizing flows, ACML 2022 - 14th Asian Conference on Machine Learning, Hyderabad, Inde
Araújo A., Negrevergne B., Chevaleyre Y., Atif J. (2021), On Lipschitz Regularization of Convolutional Layers using Toeplitz Matrix Theory, 35th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, vancouver, Canada
Boria N., Negrevergne B., Yger F. (2020), Fréchet Mean Computation in Graph Space through Projected Block Gradient Descent, 28th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning (ESANN 2020), Bruges, France
Araújo A., Negrevergne B., Chevaleyre Y., Atif J. (2019), On the Expressive Power of Deep Fully Circulant Neural Networks, Paris, Preprint Lamsade