Jobs, traineeship, theses proposals

PhD thesis proposals 2025

(See the instructions to apply at the bottom of the page)

Available thesis topics :

- Possibilities in classification aggregation

- Leveraging Machine Learning Models for Business Process Management

- Algorithmic and Structural Properties of box-TDI Polytope

- Optimisation de l’Apprentissage Fédéré en Présence de Données Hétérogènes et Déséquilibrées

- Box-perfect graphs

- Construction d’indicateurs composites transparents et robustes pour l’Aide à la Décision Multicritère

- Can we agree to disagree?

- Fine-Grained Questions in Structural Parameterized Complexity and Approximation

- Problématiques liées à l’affectation des étudiants à des universités


Procedure 2025

Call for applications for doctoral contracts in LAMSADE (Computer Science research center) 2024-2025

To apply, here are the steps to follow by a candidat :

1/ Find a subject from the list above, contact the thesis supervisor and obtain his/her agreement.

2/ Collect the following documents before creating a profile in the ADUM space (see step 4) : 
- Cover letter from the candidate, 
- Recommendation letter from thesis supervisor,
- CV of the candidate,
- 1st year  and 2nd year of masters transcripts (for student currently in 2nd year of masters, please provide available transcripts),
- Doctoral contract form available on ADUM (see step 4),
- Complete application form for admission to 1st year thesis (available after creating your ADUM account).

3/ If your application is accepted by the thesis director, you will be asked to make an interview with a committee. Interviews will take place at the beginning of May 2025 to rank the applications, which will be examined by the Doctoral School Council on June 10, 2025. Please note that all documents mentionned above will be consulted by the audition committe members. 

4/ Concurrently to steps 1 to 3, applicant need to pre-register online via the ADUM platform and submit a specific application for the LAMSADE doctoral contract to the doctoral school by following the instructions and the following link: 
