LAMSADE in brief

The LAMSADE is a historical research centre, established in 1974 as a joint laboratory of University Paris Dauphine - PSL and the CNRS. The initial research subjects were Operations Research and Decision Aiding, to which have been added in the subsequent years further subjects such as Decision-oriented Computer Science, Decision Theory and Artificial Intelligence. Today the LAMSADE conducts research around the design, the use and the validation of decision aiding formal models. Our research starts at the very beginning of a decision process (what is a decision problem?), continues with the problems of extracting, learning and modelling data, values, preferences, with the design of systems (which could be endowed with a certain autonomy or intelligence), takes care of the hard algorithmic challenges related to the resolution of such problems, and ends with validating and inserting decision recommendations within real organisational contexts. The LAMSADE is known for having created an original approach in Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis, for a unique approach in algorithmics and optimisation and for being at the origin of the Algorithmic Decision Theory field, areas of which we are proud to be among the international leaders.

The research conducted within LAMSADE applies to many and various areas going from transportation problems to scheduling, from assessing calls for tenders or the comfort in train carriages to the assessment of social acceptability of new technologies, from telecommunication networks to geographical information systems.

The centre is organised  along ten scientific projects and  three groups  :

Group 1 :  Decision Aiding

Group 2 : Optimization, Structure & Algorithms

Group 3 : Data Science

Jérôme LANG Director