Clément W. Royer
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Travaux soumis pour publication
A characterization of positive spanning sets with ties to strongly connected digraphs
D. Cornaz, S. Kerleau et
C. W. Royer.
Rapport technique arXiv:2411.08994, novembre 2024.
Revisiting theoretical guarantees of direct-search methods
K. J. Dzahini, F. Rinaldi,
C. W. Royer et D. Zeffiro.
Rapport technique arXiv:2403.05322, mars 2024.
Articles de revues internationales
Riemannian trust-region methods for strict saddle functions with complexity guarantees
F. Goyens et
C. W. Royer.
Accepté dans
Mathematical Programming, octobre 2024.
Expected decrease for derivative-free algorithms using random subspaces
W. Hare, L. Roberts et
C. W. Royer.
Mathematics of Computation, 94:277-304, 2025.
Complexity analysis of regularization methods for implicitly constrained least squares
A. Onwunta et
C. W. Royer.
Journal of Scientific Computing, 101:54, 2024.
Full-low evaluation methods for bound and linearly constrained derivative-free optimization
C. W. Royer, O. Sohab et L. N. Vicente.
Computational Optimization and Applications, 89:279-315, 2024.
Using orthogonally structured positive bases for constructing positive k-spanning sets with cosine measure guarantees
W. Hare, G. Jarry-Bolduc, S. Kerleau et
C. W. Royer.
Linear Algebra and its Applications, 680:183-207, 2024.
Direct search based on probabilistic descent in reduced spaces
L. Roberts et
C. W. Royer.
SIAM Journal on Optimization, 33(4):3057-3082, 2023.
Detecting negative eigenvalues of exact and approximate Hessian matrices in optimization
W. Hare et
C. W. Royer.
Optimization Letters, 17:1739-1756, 2023.
A nonlinear conjugate gradient method with complexity guarantees and its application to nonconvex regression
R. Chan--Renous-Legoubin et
C. W. Royer.
EURO Journal on Computational Optimization, 10:100044, 2022.
A subsampling line-search method with second-order results
E. Bergou, Y. Diouane, V. Kunc, V. Kungurstev et
C. W. Royer,
INFORMS Journal on Optimization, 4(4):403-425, 2022.
A stochastic Levenberg-Marquardt method using random models
with complexity results
E. Bergou, Y. Diouane, V. Kungurstev et
C. W. Royer,
SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification, 10(1):507-536, 2022.
A nonmonotone matrix-free algorithm for nonlinear equality-constrained least-squares problems
E. Bergou, Y. Diouane, V. Kungurstev et
C. W. Royer,
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing,
43(5):S743-S766, 2021.
Trust-region Newton-CG with strong second-order complexity guarantees for nonconvex optimization
F. E. Curtis, D. P. Robinson,
C. W. Royer et S. J. Wright,
SIAM Journal on Optimization, 31(1):518-544, 2021.
A Newton-CG algorithm with complexity guarantees for smooth
unconstrained optimization
C. W. Royer, M. O'Neill et S. J. Wright,
Mathematical Programming, 180:451-488, 2020.
decoupled first/second-order steps technique for nonconvex nonlinear
unconstrained optimization with improved complexity bounds
S. Gratton,
C. W. Royer et L. N. Vicente,
Mathematical Programming, 179(1):195-222, 2020.
Direct search based on probabilistic feasible descent for bound and linearly constrained problems
S. Gratton,
C. W. Royer, L. N. Vicente et Z. Zhang,
Computational Optimization and Applications, 72(3):525-559, 2019.
(Prix du meilleur papier COAP en 2019.)
Complexity analysis of second-order line-search algorithms for smooth nonconvex optimization
C. W. Royer et S. J. Wright,
SIAM Journal on Optimization, 28(2):1448-1477, 2018.
Complexity and global rates of trust-region methods based on probabilistic models
S. Gratton,
C. W. Royer, L. N. Vicente et Z. Zhang,
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 38(3):1579-1597, 2018.
A second-order globally convergent direct-search method and its worst-case complexity
S. Gratton,
C. W. Royer et L. N. Vicente,
Optimization, 65(6):1105-1128, 2016.
Direct search based on probabilistic descent
S. Gratton,
C. W. Royer, L. N. Vicente et Z. Zhang,
SIAM Journal on Optimization, 25(3):1515-1541, 2015.
Actes de conférences
On averaging the best samples in evolutionary computation
L. Meunier, Y. Chevaleyre, J. Rapin,
C. W. Royer and O. Teytaud.
Parallel Problem Solving from Nature - PPSN XVI, 661-674, Springer, 2020.
On the injectivity and nonfocal domains of the ellipsoid of revolution
J.-B. Caillau et C. W. Royer,
Geometric Control Theory and Sub-Riemannian Geometry, 73-86, Springer, 2014.
Actes de la conférence INDAM en contrôle géométrique et géométrie sous-riemannienne, Mai 2012.
Thèse de doctorat
d'optimisation sans dérivées à caractère probabiliste ou déterministe :
analyse de complexité et importance en pratique.
C.W. Royer, Université de Toulouse, novembre 2016.
Transparents de soutenance.
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Liste de mes collaborateurs de recherche (par ordre chronologique inversé)
Denis Cornaz,
Damiano Zeffiro,
Francesco Rinaldi,
Kwassi Joseph Dzahini,
Florentin Goyens,
Oumaima Sohab,
Akwum Onwunta,
Sébastien Kerleau,
Gabriel Jarry-Bolduc,
Warren Hare,
Lindon Roberts,
Rémi Chan--Renous-Legoubin,
Olivier Teytaud,
Jérémy Rapin,
Yann Chevaleyre,
Laurent Meunier,
Vladimir Kunc,
Daniel P. Robinson,
Frank E. Curtis,
Vyacheslav Kungurstev,
Youssef Diouane,
El Houcine Bergou,
Michael O'Neill,
Stephen J. Wright,
Zaikun Zhang,
Luís Nunes Vicente,
Serge Gratton,
Jean-Baptiste Caillau.
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