Call for Papers
Fault Tolerance (FT) and Transaction processing (TP) have been successfully used in database applications and distributed computing systems from decades. FT is the ability of an application to properly continue in the event of a failure and the basic principle of TP is to provide applications with concurrent, reliable and efficient access to shared data sources. Classical fault tolerance and transaction processing have been well understood and highly researched through the design and development of numerous models, protocols, frameworks, prototype tools and commercial systems.
The current widespread technological advancements in computer systems, software applications, communication networks, and mobile devices provide new platforms such as Web 2.0/3.0, service-oriented architecture, data services, cloud services, Internet of Things, and mobile and pervasive computing. These new platforms create new challenges for fault tolerance and transaction processing. These challenges are to deal with environments wherein computing devices and services are context-aware, adaptive and responsive to the user’s needs and the execution environment. Further, without regard to time and location they allow users to move between geographical areas and acquire a variety of services using handheld devices and wireless networks. In addition, current software services such cloud generally process large volume of data and require longer processing time thus becoming more vulnerable to failures. These new systems and platforms demand new ways of managing fault tolerance and transactions.
The aim of this symposium is to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners in order to present the current research work on the advances in transaction processing. The main topics to be addressed include (but not limited to):
- Advanced transaction models and protocols
- Transaction models for NoSQL data
- Failure and recovery techniques
- Testing of transactions and fault tolerant schemes
- Performance and efficiency of fault tolerant
- High performance transaction processing
- New correctness criteria and properties of transactions
- Transactional web services and SOA
- Cloud service provisioning using transactional applications
- Context-aware transaction processing
- Transaction processing and fault tolerance in I-o-T
- Mobile and pervasive transactions
- Transactional memory
- Reliable service management
- Fault-tolerant models for cloud services
- Recovery mechanisms for web services
- Fault-tolerant execution of web services
- Fault-tolerant transaction processing for big data
With the support of: